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XE : Xpress Engine

웹디자인 강의

Flash Flash ActionScript 추가

2007.11.08 18:26


 2강. 단원, 절, 페이지

렉토라에 플래시액션스크립트 추가


Go to Next Page: (Note: "invButton" is the button instance)
function gotoNextPage(event:MouseEvent):void
     var url:String = "javascript:trivNextPage()";
     var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
     navigateToURL(request,"_self") ;

Go to Previous Page: (Note: "invButton" is the button instance)
function gotoPreviousPage(event:MouseEvent):void
     var url:String = "javascript:trivPrevPage()";
     var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
     navigateToURL(request,"_self") ;
invButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,gotoPreviousPage );

Writing/Editing a variable from Flash to Lectora.


(Or whatever you want written to the variable...)

Showing/Hiding an image/object from Flash to Lectora.
getURL("javascript: OBJECTHTMLNAME.actionShow();");

(Or whatever you want the action to be "show, hide, etc"...)