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SFTP 적용하기
2014.02.24 21:43
참;;; 어렵네요
아래 방법으로 해결했습니다 결국에는 php.ini에 ssh2라는 extension이 추가되어야 하네요
ssh2 extension을 쓰기위해서 libssh2가 필요한 거구요
요거대로 그대로 따라하시면 됩니다
출처 : http://www.php.net/manual/en/ssh2.installation.php CentOS 6.2 64bit Installation Steps: 1. download the libssh2 package from http://libssh2.org, command as following: tar vxzf libssh2-1.4.2.tar.gz cd libssh2-1.4.2 ./configure make make install 2. download the php-ssh2 package from http://pecl.php.net/package/ssh2: tar vxzf ssh2-0.11.3 cd ssh2-0.11.3 phpize ./configure --with-ssh2 make make install and the ssh2.so file will copy into /usr/lib64/php/modules check it. 3. modify the php.ini vi /etc/php.ini add the "extension=ssh2.so" to the extension part of php.ini 4. check the environment of php, use phpinfo(); 5. enjoy |