
Xe 설치가....

2007.08.26 00:07


....안되고 있습니다.


에서 들어가서 라이센스 예스하면 에러 뜹니다.

dreamhost에 문의 했더니
(참고로 777 707 757 다 해봤습니다.)
Hmm well the error.log file
(/home/zubaragi/logs/gvcus.dreamhosters.com/http/error.log) is saying

[Fri Aug 24 07:06:42 2007] [error] [client] <b>Security
Alert!</b> The PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly., referer:

[Fri Aug 24 07:06:42 2007] [error] [client] , referer:

[Fri Aug 24 07:06:42 2007] [error] [client] <p>This PHP CGI
binary was compiled with force-cgi-redirect enabled.  This, referer:

[Fri Aug 24 07:06:42 2007] [error] [client] means that a
page will only be served up if the REDIRECT_STATUS CGI variable is,
referer: http://www.gvcus.dreamhosters.com/zbxe/index.php

[Fri Aug 24 07:06:42 2007] [error] [client] set, e.g. via
an Apache Action directive.</p>, referer:

[Fri Aug 24 07:06:42 2007] [error] [client] <p>For more
information as to <i>why</i> this behaviour exists, see the <a
href="http://php.net/security.cgi-bin">manual page for CGI security</a>.</p>,
referer: http://www.gvcus.dreamhosters.com/zbxe/index.php

[Fri Aug 24 07:06:42 2007] [error] [client] <p>For more
information about changing this behaviour or re-enabling this webserver,,
referer:  http://www.gvcus.dreamhosters.com/zbxe/index.php

[Fri Aug 24 07:06:42 2007] [error] [client] consult the
installation file that came with this distribution, or visit , referer:

[Fri Aug 24 07:06:42 2007] [error] [client ] <a
href="http://php.net/install.windows">the manual page</a>.</p>, referer:

It appears this may not be compatible with our system. You may be able to
install your own PHP version and modify those settings.
http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Installing_PHP5 I tried to find more info on
this program but was unable to find english instructions. If you have any
more questions then please let me know.
이럽니다...로그 파일에서 요런식으로 나온다고 합니다.
대체 뭐가 문제인지..모르겠네요..
그러더니 저보고 php혼자서 깔아서 해보라고 하네요.
php 사용 보니깐, 또 어지간히 열공 들어가야 하는 것 같아서..아무런 지식도 없고, 답답해서 이렇게 글을 올립니다.
벌써..1주일째..이러지도 저러지도...php mysql ssh putty 뭐... 받을 수 있는 자료는 다 받았는데,
앞이 캄캄하네요...
고수님들 도와주셔요...

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