

2002.04.27 11:12


   이런 질문 드려도 되런지 모르겟지만 감을 잡지 못 하겠어서 이곳에 질문 드립니다.

베로텔에 가입했는데.

sales@verotel.com (Verotel Sales)  

Dear wafs,

Thank you for your application! Please review this entire
e-mail carefully to activate your website and start accepting
credit cards, online checks and/or phone billing!

There are a number of steps you need to complete in order
to start accepting payments.

1. To use the Verotel Billing Services you must have a
content website which is up and running on the Internet.
If your site is not yet finished, please finish this up
first before installing the software or contacting us.

2. You have successfully applied for a Verotel account.
We identify you, the Verotel customer, with a Verotel
ID and Secret. We identify your website with a unique
website number.

With the login information below, you -must- access the
Verotel Control Center at:


Your 16-Digit Verotel ID: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
Your Secret: dneetseg
Your WebSite Number: NNNNN

We have assigned you a PIN code for additional security.
You must use this code to edit your company information
or banking information in the Verotel Control Center.
We recommend that you update your PIN code regularly.

3. Every Verotel Customer has a status. This status
identifies what you can do with Verotel Billing Services.

Your current status NEW login to Verotel
You must upgrade to PRE-AUTHORIZED to start processing
Your must upgrade to AUTHORIZED to receive payments

4. The CGI-BIN directory on your website is important!

You need to use the Verotel Remote User Manager,
a script which uses a CGI-bin directory on your server.

This type of setup requires that you have CGI capability
on your website.

If you have a CGI-bin directory, please continue with
step 5.

5. Determine what type of payments you want to accept.

Verotel can provide credit card, check and 1-900 billing. Either
one, two or all three services can be used with one Verotel
account. Verotel will process Credit card and Check transactions
up to US dollars.

With Verotel's 1-900 billing system you have 23 transaction amount
choices. These are the only amounts available and you must select
an amount from this list in the Control Center (Extension management).

The transaction amounts you can choose are:

$ 8.95 / $ 9.95 / $ 10.00 / $ 10.95 / $ 11.95 / $ 12.95 /
$ 13.95 $ 14.95 / $ 15.00 / $ 15.95 / $ 17.95 / $ 19.95 /
$ 20.00 / $ 21.95 $ 23.95 / $ 25.00 / $ 25.95 / $ 27.95 /
$ 29.95 / $ 30.00 / $ 32.95 $ 34.95 and $ 35.00

6. Install the VEROTELRUM Script.

Now you have determined what kind of payments you
want to accept, you can start installing the VEROTELRUM
script. Please see the SETUP documentation in the
Control Center for details.


If you do not know how to install the software, fill out an
Installation Request in the Control Center under SETUP/REQUESTS.

7. Make a pre-order page which includes hidden HTML tags.

This will allow Verotel to connect your website to ours.
This is an important but easy component of your setup with
Verotel. The pre-order page lists the payment options for your
customers, and the different subscription lengths available.?
In the Control Center, go to SETUP.?Under CONTROLS go to

-HTML generator pre-order page-

Here you can input the prices for your content, and the
length of the memberships. The generator will automatically
generate html which you need to copy and paste into the JOIN
page of your website. The generator will also generate
a submit button which will transport the new customer to a
Verotel Payment Page which will process the transaction.

For more information on the HTML syntax and how to write your
YOUR SITE TO VEROTEL in the Control Center (SETUP).

8. Send in the Verotel Agreement:

When Verotel receives your signed contract by fax or mail,
your status will change to -AUTHORIZED-. You will then start
receiving payments!

9. Start promoting your site and sell!

If you have any questions, please call: +1 (415) 543-1300
or e-mail support@verotel.com

Thank you for becoming a Verotel Customer, we look forward
to serving you!

Verotel Support

Some email programs convert the HTML directly to HTML output,
please use the View Source option to view the HTML source code



Please select one of the subscriptions


<FORM action="https://visa.verza.com/cgi-bin/make_preorderpage.verza"

<input type=hidden name=verza_id value="NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN">

<input type=hidden name=verza_website value="NNNNN">

<input type=hidden name=verza_ordersequence value="1">

<input type=hidden name=verza_countryselection value="1">

<input type=hidden name=verza_territory value="0">

<input type=hidden name=verza_language_territory value="0">

<input type=hidden name=verza_custom value="no">

<input type=hidden name=verza_background value="#000000">

<input type=hidden name=verza_foreground value="#FFFFFF">

<input type=hidden name=verza_category value="7">

<input type=hidden name=verza_content value="yes">

<input type=radio checked name=verza_trans value="card:12.50:yes:1:12">This
is subscription for 1 month, smart recurring, 12 months(US$ 12.50)<BR>

<input type=radio name=verza_trans value="card:25.00:yes:2:12">This
is a subscription for 2 months, smart recurring, 12 months (US$ 25.00)<P>


<input type=submit value="CONTINUE">



와같은 메일이와서 html부분을 작성해서 실행했더니 에러페이지가 뜨더라구요.
어떻게 해야할지 ?

Please select one of the subscriptions

<FORM action="https://visa.verza.com/cgi-bin/make_preorderpage.verza" method=post>
<input type=hidden name=verza_id value="NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN">
<input type=hidden name=verza_website value="NNNNN">
<input type=hidden name=verza_ordersequence value="1">
<input type=hidden name=verza_countryselection value="1">
<input type=hidden name=verza_territory value="0">
<input type=hidden name=verza_language_territory value="0">
<input type=hidden name=verza_custom value="no">
<input type=hidden name=verza_background value="#000000">
<input type=hidden name=verza_foreground value="#FFFFFF">
<input type=hidden name=verza_category value="7">
<input type=hidden name=verza_content value="yes">
<input type=radio checked name=verza_trans value="card:12.50:yes:1:12">This is subscription for 1 month, smart recurring, 12 months(US$ 12.50)<BR>
<input type=radio name=verza_trans value="card:25.00:yes:2:12">This is a subscription for 2 months, smart recurring, 12 months (US$ 25.00)

<input type=submit value="CONTINUE">


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