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function namosw_goto_byselect(sel, targetstr)
  var index = sel.selectedIndex;
  if (sel.options[index].value != ''+ '+ ') {
     if (targetstr == 'blank') {
       window.open(sel.options[index].value, 'win1');
     } else {
       var frameobj;
       if (targetstr == '') targetstr = 'self';
       if ((frameobj = eval(targetstr)) != null)
         frameobj.location = sel.options[index].value;

// -->

<table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td colspan="3"><img src="../images/main_img32.gif" width="152" height="11"></td>
    <td width="2" height="37"><img src="../images/main_img33.gif" width="2" height="79"></td>
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          <td height="23"><img src="../images/main_img9.gif" width="99" height="17"></td>
          <td height="32"><img src="../images/main_img12.gif" width="105" height="20"></td>
          <td align="center">
            <select name="select2"  OnChange="namosw_goto_byselect(this, 'self')">
              <option selected>--Quick Service--</option>
              <option value="../company/company.asp">회사소개</option>
              <option value="../tech/info_list.asp">기술정보</option>
              <option value="../common_sense.asp">자동차상식</option>
              <option value="../uboard/uboard.asp?id=community01">커뮤니티</option>
                          <option value="http://remote.autoit.co.kr">원격교육</option>
              <option value="../uboard/uboard.asp?id=jaka01">자가정비</option>
    <td width="2" align="right" valign="top"><img src="../images/main_img35.gif" width="2" height="79"></td>
    <td colspan="3"><img src="../images/main_img36.gif" width="152" height="3"></td>


위 파일 중 원격교육만 새창으루 뛰울려면 어떻게 해야져 ㅠ_ㅠ

제가 자바초보라... ㅠ_ㅠ

쪼매 알려 주세여... ㅠ_ㅠ

부탁합니다... (T_T) (__)
글쓴이 제목 최종 글
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