
제가 활용하려고 하는 소스입니다..
그런데, 이 소스는 주메뉴가 3개라서.. 저의 홈페이지에 적용을 시킬려고 하니 소스변경이 필수인데..
그 부분을 잘 모르겠습니다..

단순하게 3으로 변경된 부분을 수정하고 메뉴추가하면 될줄 알았더니 안되네요..(컴맹의 한계.. -.-;;)

다음 소스 보시고 조언 좀 해주셨으면 합니다..

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// These scripts were originally found on cooltype.com.
// Modified 01/01/1999 by Tobias Ratschiller for linuxapps.com
// Modified 03/12/2001 by hgkim

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  function expandAll(){return}

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function initIt(){
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function expandIE(el) {
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  // Modified Tobias Ratschiller 01-01-99:
  // event.srcElement obviously only works when clicking directly
  // on the image. Changed that to use the images's ID instead (so
  // you've to provide a valid ID!).

  //whichIm = event.srcElement;
  whichIm = eval(el+"Img");

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function expandNS(el) {
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function showAll() {
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function expandAll(isBot) {
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  // TR-02-01-99: Don't need that
  // document.images["imEx"].src = newSrc;
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with (document) {
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onload = initIt;

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<div ID="el1Child" CLASS="child" style='line-height:100%'>
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 ├ <a class="s_item" HREF="./bank/class.php3?dist=ibiz">i-biz info</a><br>
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