
php는 세션아이디가 자동생성인가요?

그렇다면 하이퍼링크 클릭시 이 아이디 값이 안넘어가게 하는 방법인 몬지 갈쳐 주세요

--;  세션아이디 땜에 터지기 일보직전입니다

제발 갈쳐 주세요..

소스에서 잘못된건가요? 제로보드 링크할때 세션아이디 까지 그냥 넘어가서 게시판을 못찾네요...

      <META content="text/html; charset=euc-kr" http-equiv="Content-Type">
        $_zb_url = "http://www.shinebell.net/bbs/";
    $_zb_path = "/home/user1/shinebell/html/bbs/";
        include $_zb_path."outlogin.php";
        <? session_destroy(); ?>


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window.onerror=new Function("hideAll(); return true")
// Function Menu()                                                        //
rightX = 0;
var lastMenu=null;
function Menu()
        this.bgColor     = "#CCCCCC";
        this.subbgColor     = "#e8e8e8";
        this.addItem    = addItem;
        this.showMenu   = showMenu;
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        this.addSubItem = addSubItem;
        this.subMenuPaneBorder = 1;
        this.subMenuPaneWidth = 130;  //***부메뉴의 폭을 조정합니다.
   var lastMenu=null;
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// menubar TABLE
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//function addItem(idItem, text, hint, location, altLocation)
function addItem(idItem, text, hint)
        var Lookup = "<!-- ITEM "+idItem+" -->";
        if (HTMLstr.indexOf(Lookup) != -1)
                alert(idParent + " already exist");
        var MENUitem = "";
        MENUitem += "n<!-- ITEM "+idItem+" -->n";

                //** 여기서 주 메뉴의 폭과 높이 배경 이미지를 바꾸어 줍니다.
        MENUitem += "<td align='center' height='22' width='100' background='' >";
        if (ie)        MENUitem += "<div id='"+idItem+"' style='position:relative;'>";
        MENUitem += "<a ";
        if (hint != null) MENUitem += "title='"+hint+"' ";
        //if (altLocation != null)
        //        MENUitem += "href='"+altLocation+"' ";
        //        MENUitem += "href='.' ";
        MENUitem += "onmouseover="displaySubMenu('"+idItem+"')" ";
        MENUitem += ">";
        MENUitem += text;
        MENUitem += "</a>";
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function addSubItem(idParent, text, hint, loc)
        var MENUitem = "";

        Lookup = "<!-- ITEM "+idParent+" -->";
        if (HTMLstr.indexOf(Lookup) == -1)
                alert(idParent + " not found");

        Lookup = "<!-- NEXT ITEM OF SUB MENU "+ idParent +" -->";
        if (HTMLstr.indexOf(Lookup) == -1) {
                if (n){}
                if (ie) {
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// submenu border color
                        MENUitem += "<table border='0'  bgcolor='#e8e8e8' cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>n";
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                        MENUitem += "<!-- NEXT ITEM OF SUB MENU "+ idParent +" -->n";
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                        MENUitem += "n";
                MENUitem += "<!-- SUB_MENU -->n";
                HTMLstr = HTMLstr.replace("<!-- SUB_MENU -->n", MENUitem);
        Lookup = "<!-- NEXT ITEM OF SUB MENU "+ idParent +" -->n";
        MENUitem = "<td><a href='"+loc+"'>"+text+"</a>   <br>n";
        MENUitem += Lookup;
        HTMLstr = HTMLstr.replace(Lookup, MENUitem);

function showMenu()

// Private declaration
function displaySubMenu(idMainMenu)
        var menu;
        var submenu;

        if (n){}
        else if (ie) {
                menu = eval(idMainMenu);
                submenu = eval(idMainMenu+"submenu.style");
                submenu.left = calculateSumOffset(menu, 'offsetLeft');
                submenu.top  = calculateSumOffset(menu, 'offsetTop') + 15;

          //***아래의 50(단위 픽셀)를 조정해 주면 부메뉴의 높이를 조정할 수 있습니다.
                submenu.visibility = fShow;

                if (lastMenu != null && lastMenu != submenu) hideAll();

                leftX  = document.all[idMainMenu+"submenu"].style.posLeft;
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                rightY = leftY;
        lastMenu = submenu;

function hideAll()
        if (lastMenu != null) {
                lastMenu.visibility = fHide;
                lastMenu.left = 0;

function calculateSumOffset(idItem, offsetName)
        var totalOffset = 0;
        var item = eval('idItem');
                totalOffset += eval('item.'+offsetName);
                item = eval('item.offsetParent');
        } while (item != null);
        return totalOffset;

function updateIt(e)
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                if (x > rightX || x < leftX) hideAll();
                else if (y > rightY) hideAll();
if (document.all)


<SCRIPT language=javascript>
function makeTopmenu() {
// AddItem(id, text, hint, location, alternativeLocation);
// AddSubItem(idParent, text, hint, location);
// 주메뉴를 클릭하면 이동되는 페이지의 주소도 여기서 수정해 주어야 합니다.

        menu = new Menu();
   //주메뉴 시작
        addItem("study","STUDY","프로그래밍 언어.",null,null);
        addItem("board","BOARD","사진과 글..",null,null);
        addItem("familly","FAMILY","우리 가족",null,null);

        if (ie) {
        //부메뉴 시작
        addSubItem("study","JAVA","사이트 새소식/공지 게시판","http://shinebell.net/bbs/zboard.php?id=family_bullet");
        addSubItem("study","CSS","CD 제작에 대한 의견게시판","http://shinebell.net/bbs/zboard.php?id=family_bullet");
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<TABLE align="center" valign="top" border=0>

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        <? print_outlogin("default", 1, 10) ?>
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   꽁    질문입니다....  
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