
ByKlein_chromeless 크롬리스 -_-; 받아서 쓰는데요

이 크롬리스는 -_- 창이 상항 위로 뜨더라구요...

홈페이지 구조상 팝업창을 쓰는데 크롬리스 창이 항상 위로 떠서요
다른 작은 하위 창들이 뒤로 밀려서 안보이네요 -_ㅜ

웹창을 항상위로 하는소스가 있나요!? 아니면 크롬리스를 항상위로 뜨지 않게 할 수 있을지?...

답변 좀 부탁 드립니다...
(아래는 크롬리스 JS파일 소스 예요)

//                                                            //
//           BYKLEIN CHROMELESS WINDOW OBJECT 1.0             //
//             FOR MICROSOFT IEXPLORER 5.5 & UP               //
//                                                            //
//   (c) Copyright 2002. Mariano Klein || www.byklein.com     //
//         Distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL         //
//                                                            //
//    Thanks to Gabriel Suchowolski || www.microbians.com     //

ChromelessWindow = function ()
        this.URL = null;
        this.title = null;
        this.titleFont = null;
        this.titleSize = 0;
        this.titleColor = null;
        this.titlebarImage = null;
        this.titlebarHeight = 0;
        this.scrollbars = null;
        this.w = 0;
        this.h = 0;
        this.centered = null;
        this.xPos = 0;
        this.yPos = 0;
        this.borderColor = null;
        this.borderSize = 0;
        this.closeBottom = null;
        this.minimizeBottom = null;
        this.chromelessCompatible = navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4 ? true:false;
        this.titlebarContent = null;
        this.chromelessWW = null;

ChromelessWindow.prototype.openChromeless = function()

ChromelessWindow.prototype.closeChromeless = function()

ChromelessWindow.prototype.setURL = function(newURL)
        this.URL = newURL;

ChromelessWindow.prototype.moveTo = function()
        this.xPos = arguments[0];
        this.yPos = arguments[1];
                this.chromelessWW.execScript('var cx='+this.xPos+';');
                this.chromelessWW.execScript('var cy='+this.yPos+';');

ChromelessWindow.prototype.resizeTo = function()
        this.w = arguments[0];
        this.h = arguments[1];
        this.cH = (this.h-this.titlebarHeight)-this.borderSize;
        this.cW = this.w -(this.borderSize*2);
                this.chromelessWW.execScript('var cw='+this.w+';');
                this.chromelessWW.execScript('var ch='+this.h+';');

ChromelessWindow.prototype.runCode = function()
                var tempX = this.w;
                var tempY = this.h;
                this.xPos = (screen.availWidth/2)-(tempX/2);
                this.yPos = (screen.availHeight/2)-(tempY/2);
        if (this.chromelessCompatible)
                this.chromelessWW = window.open("about:blank","","top=5000,left=5000,width=100,height=100,scrollbars="+this.scrollbars);
                this.chromelessWW = window.open(this.URL, "chromelessWindow", "top="+this.yPos+",left="+this.xPos+",width="+this.w+",height="+this.h+",toolbar=0,scrollbars="+this.scrollbars+",resizable=0");
        this.cH = (this.h-this.titlebarHeight)-this.borderSize;
        this.cW = this.w -(this.borderSize*2);
        this.c = "<object type='text/html' border='0' style='position:absolute;z-index:2;top:"+this.titlebarHeight+"px;left:"+this.borderSize+"px;width:"+this.cW+"px;height:"+this.cH+"px;' data='"+this.URL+"' id='canvas'></object>";

                this.tb = false;
                this.titlebarContent="<img id='menu' unselectable='on' src='"+this.titlebarImage+"' style='position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px;z-index:2'>";
                this.tb = true;
        this.menu = "
                <div id='Title' unselectable='on' style='font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;position:absolute;top:5px;left:"+this.borderSize+"px;width:70%;height:15px;cursor:default;font-family:"+this.titleFont+";font-size:"+this.titleSize+";color:"+this.titleColor+";z-index:3'>"+this.title+"</div>
                <img id='closeBottom' unselectable='on' src='"+this.closeBottom+"' width='16' height='10' style='position:absolute; top:5px; right:"+(this.borderSize)+"px;z-index:3'>
                <img id='minimizeBottom' unselectable='on' src='"+this.minimizeBottom+"' width='16' height='10'+ '+ ' style='position:absolute; top:5px; right:"+(this.borderSize+20)+"px;z-index:3'>
                <div id='fondo' unselectable='on' style='position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; width:100%; height:100%; background-color:"+this.borderColor+";z-index:1'></div>";

        if (this.chromelessCompatible)
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('<META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no">');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('BODY{border:0px !important}');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('<script>'+ ');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var c=window.createPopup();');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var b=c.document.body;');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln("var ox=oy=ix=iy=0;");
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln("var allContent =""+this.menu+this.c+"";");
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('b.innerHTML=allContent;'+ ');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var cx='+this.xPos+';');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var cy='+this.yPos+';');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var cw='+this.w+';');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var ch='+this.h+';');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('function showChromeless(){');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var mm=false;');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var cmove=b.all("fondo");');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var allb=b.all("allborders");');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var cmove2=(b.all("menu"))?b.all("menu"):"";');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var ctitle=b.all("Title");');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var cclose=b.all("closeBottom");');
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                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var ox=oy=ix=iy=0;');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('var m=0;');
                this.chromelessWW.document.writeln('document.body.onclick=function(){ if (m) { focus();cx=ix+event.screenX-ox;cy=iy+event.screenY-oy;c.show(cx,cy,cw,ch) }else { ix=cx; iy=cy; ox=event.screenX; oy=event.screenY } };');
                this.chromelessWW.document.title = this.title;
                this.chromelessWW.document.title = this.title;
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