
윈도우 형식 메뉴입니다.
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폴더클릭시 +가 -로 변하면서 아래로 서브메뉴가 윈도우 형식으로 출력됩니다.
여기서 제가 하고뿐질문은 노프레임시 새로고침을 해버리면 다시 폴더만 나와서 게시판은 그대로 있는데 메뉴만 제자리로 돌아가 사용자가 불편하것 같아 새로고침을 해도 사용자가 클릭해서 열었던 서브메뉴를 고정시키고 싶습니다.
고수님들 수고스럽더라도 다시 한번 공부한다치고 알려주십시오.
밝은 인터넷문화를 위해서~
아래는 소스입니다.


document.onmouseover = mOver ;
document.onmouseout = mOut ;

function mOver() {
        var eSrc = window.event.srcElement ;
        if (eSrc.className == "item") {
                window.event.srcElement.className = "highlight";

function mOut() {
        var eSrc = window.event.srcElement ;
        if (eSrc.className == "highlight") {
                window.event.srcElement.className = "item";

var bV=parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
NS4=(document.layers) ? true : false;
ver4 = (NS4 || IE4) ? true : false;

isExpanded = false;

function getIndex($1) {
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                if (whichEl.id == $1) {
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        return ind;

function arrange() {
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function FolderInit(){
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        firstInd = getIndex(firstEl);
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function FolderExpand($1,$2) {
        if (!ver4) return;
        if (IE4) { ExpandIE($1,$2) }
        else { ExpandNS($1,$2) }

function ExpandIE($1,$2) {
        Expanda = eval($1 + "a");
        ExpandChild = eval($1 + "Child");
        if ($2 != "top") {
                ExpandTree = eval($1 + "Tree");
                ExpandFolder = eval($1 + "Folder");
        if (ExpandChild.style.display == "none") {
                ExpandChild.style.display = "block";
                if ($2 != "top") {
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                        ExpandFolder.src = "./menu1/images/openfoldericon.gif";        
                else { mTree.src = "./menu1/images/topopen.gif"; }
        else {
                ExpandChild.style.display = "none";
                if ($2 != "top") {
                        if ($2 == "last") { ExpandTree.src = "./menu1/images/Lplus.gif"; }
                        else { ExpandTree.src = "./menu1/images/Tplus.gif"; }
                        ExpandFolder.src = "./menu1/images/foldericon.gif";
                else { mTree.src = "./menu1/images/top.gif"; }
function ExpandNS($1,$2) {
        ExpandChild = eval("document." + $1 + "Child")
        if ($2 != "top") {
                ExpandTree = eval("document." + $1 + "Parent.document." + $1 + "Tree")
                ExpandFolder = eval("document." + $1 + "Parent.document." + $1 + "Folder")
        if (ExpandChild.visibility == "hide") {
                ExpandChild.visibility = "show";
                if ($2 != "top") {
                               if ($2 == "last") { ExpandTree.src = "./menu1/images/Lminus.gif"; }
                        else { ExpandTree.src = "./menu1/images/Tminus.gif"; }
                        ExpandFolder.src = "./menu1/images/openfoldericon.gif";        
                else { mTree.src = "./menu1/images/topopen.gif"; }
        else {
                ExpandChild.visibility = "hide";
                if ($2 != "top") {
                               if ($2 == "last") { ExpandTree.src = "./menu1/images/Lplus.gif"; }
                        else { ExpandTree.src = "./menu1/images/Tplus.gif"; }
                        ExpandFolder.src = "./menu1/images/foldericon.gif";        
                else { mTree.src = "./menu1/images/top.gif"; }

function showAll() {
        for (i=firstInd; i<document.layers.length; i++) {
                whichEl = document.layers[i];
                whichEl.visibility = "show";

with (document) {
        write("<STYLE TYPE='text/css'>");
        if (NS4) {
                write(".parent { color: black; font-size:9pt; line-height:0pt; color:black; text-decoration:none; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; position:absolute; visibility:hidden }");
                write(".child { text-decoration:none; font-size:9pt; line-height:15pt; position:absolute }");
                write(".item { color: black; text-decoration:none }");
                write(".highlight { color: blue; text-decoration:none }");
        else {
                write(".parent { font: 12px/13px; Times; text-decoration: none; color: black }");
                write(".child { font:12px/13px Times; display:none }");
                write(".item { color: black; text-decoration:none; cursor: hand }");
                write(".highlight { color: blue; text-decoration:none }");
                write(".icon { margin-right: 5 }")

onload = FolderInit;


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=euc-kr">
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글쓴이 제목 최종 글
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