
UebiMiau is a GPL'ed software developed by

- Aldoir Ventura - aldoir@users.sourceforge.net
- http://uebimiau.sourceforge.net

Fell free to contact, send donations or anything to me :-)
São Paulo - Brasil

#1 - Yes/On/True
#0 - No/Off/False
# do not remove or change this


$themes         = Array();
$languages         = Array();

# _ Please attention _:
# The temporary files will be stored on this folder
# For security reasons, do not use web-shared folders

# ** The Web Server needs write-permission on this folder

# * Unix/Linux users use.
# /tmp/uebimiau
# * Win32 users
# c:/winnt/temp/uebimiau

# NEVER use backslashes (). Always use forward slashes (/),
# for all operating systems, INCLUDING Windows

$temporary_directory = "./database/";

# Your local SMTP Server (alias or IP) such as "smtp.yourdomain.com"
# eg. "server1;server2;server3"   -> specify main and backup server

$smtp_server = "mail.toasys.com";  #YOU NEED CHANGE IT !!

# Protocol and port
# Choose "imap" as protocol to use the Internet Mail Access Protocol,
# or "pop3" to use the Post Office Protocol.
# The default ports are:
# pop3 -> 110
# imap -> 143
# The imap is more fast, but all functions of UebiMiau works with POP3

$mail_protocol         = "pop3";
$mail_port                = 110;

# The TIME ZONE of server, format (+|-)HHMM (H=hours, M=minutes), eg. +0100
$server_time_zone = "-0000";

# The maximum size for stored files
# In order to keep you system fast, use values better than 5MB
# If you need disable it, set the value to 0 or leave it blank
$quota_limit = 500000;  //  in KB, eg. 4096 Kb = 4MB

# Use SMTP password (AUTH LOGIN type)
$use_password_for_smtp        = no;

# Redirect new users to the preferences page at first login
$check_first_login                = yes;

# Enable visualization of HTML messages
# *This option afect only incoming messages, the  HTML editor
# for new messages (compose page) is automatically activated
# when the client's browser support it (IE5 or higher)

$allow_html                         = yes;

# FILTER javascript (and others scripts) from incoming messages
$allow_scripts                        = no;

# Turn this option to 'yes'+ '+ ' if you want allow users send messages using
# they 'Reply to'+ ' preference's option as your 'From' header, otherwise
# the From field will be the email wich the users log in
$allow_modified_from        = yes;

# Server type:
# allowed values:

# "DETECT" -------->        Guess the pop3 server. If you are running UM
#                                         in a domain "www.company.com", the script will
#                                        use "PREFIX.company.com" as your server. you
#                                        can set the "PREFIX" in the var $mail_detect_prefix.
#                                        Also, the var $mail_detect_remove can be set
#                                        to "www.", then the script get rid the "www" and
#                                        put the prefix, eg. pop3.company.com.br

#"ONE-FOR-EACH" -->        Each domain have your own mail server.
#                                        The script will load the list of domains/servers from
#                                        var $mail_servers.

#"ONE-FOR-ALL" --->        If you use this option, your users must supply the
#                                        full email address as username. You can set the mail
#                                        server in the var $default_mail_server


# Note. You can supply the LOGIN_TYPE according to your MAIL SERVER.
# Eg. If your mail server requires usernames in user@domain.com, you must
# specify the LOGIN_TYPE as "%user%@%domain%". You can combine it according to
# your server. eg.

# %user%
# %user%@%domain%
# %user%.%domain%


$mail_server_type         = "ONE-FOR-EACH";


$mail_detect_remove         = "www.";
$mail_detect_prefix         = "mail.";
$mail_detect_login_type = "%user%@%domain%";

# Each domain have your own mail server

$mail_servers[] = Array(
        "domain" => "toasys.com",
        "server" => "localhost",
        "login_type" => "%user%"

$mail_servers[] = Array(
        "domain" => "your-2nd-domain.com",
        "server" => "mail.your-2nd-domain.com",
        "login_type" => "%user%@%domain%"

$mail_servers[] = Array(
        "domain" => "your-Nth-domain.com",
        "server" => "mail.Nth-domain.com",
        "login_type" => "%user%@%domain%"

# the default mail server for all domains

$default_mail_server         = "mail.YOUR-UNIQUE-SERVER.com.br";
$one_for_all_login_type        = "%user%@%domain%";

# Language & themes settings


# Support for SendMail (DEFAULT DISABLED (using SMTP))
# Only for *nix Systems (NOT Win32)
$use_sendmail     = no;
$path_to_sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";

# In some POP3 servers, if you send a "RETR" command, your
# message will be automatically deleted :(
# This option prevents this inconvenience

$mail_use_top = yes;

# Name and Version, it's used in many places, like as
# "X-Mailer" field, footer

$appversion = "2.7.2";
$appname = "Seoul Toa System Webmail";

# Add a "footer" to sent mails

$footer = "

Message sent using $appname $appversion

# Enable debug :)
# no - disabled
# 1 or yes -> enabled with full results
# 2 -> enable with servers communications only
# ********************************************************/
$enable_debug = no;

# Block external images.
# If an HTML message have external images, it will be
# blocked. This feature prevent spam tracking

$block_external_images = no;

# Session timeout for inactivity

$idle_timeout = 10; //minutes

# Order setting

$default_sortby = "date";
$default_sortorder = "DESC";

# Default preferences...

$default_preferences = Array(
        "send_to_trash_default"         => yes,                # send deleted messages to trash
        "st_only_ready_default"         => yes,                # only read messages, otherwise, delete it
        "save_to_sent_default"                => yes,                # send sent messages to sent
        "empty_trash_default"                => yes,                # empty trash on logout
        "sortby_default"                        => "date",        # alowed: "attach","subject","fromname","date","size"
        "sortorder_default"                        => "DESC",        # alowed: "ASC","DESC"
        "rpp_default"                                => 20,                # records per page (messages), alowed: 10,20,30,40,50,100,200
        "add_signature_default"                => no,                # add the signature by default
        "signature_default"                        => "",                # a default signature for all users, use text only, with multiple lines if needed
        "timezone_default"                        => "+0000",        # timezone, format (+|-)HHMM (H=hours, M=minutes)
        "display_images_deafult"        => yes,                # automatically show attached images in the body of message
        "editor_mode_default"                => "html",        # use "html" or "text" to set default editor. "html" will be used only in IE5+ browsers
        "refresh_time_default"                => 10                # after this time, the message list will be refreshed, in minutes

위의 config파일에서 어느부분을 수정해서 올려야지 쓸수있나요?
아시는분 답변좀 꼭부탁드리겠습니다.
글쓴이 제목 최종 글
XE 공지 글 쓰기,삭제 운영방식 변경 공지 [16] 2019.03.05 by 남기남
김한성 iframe 관련->이소스를어디에붙여야되는지요? [3] 2007.08.10
현호찬 게시판 문의  
권율성 -_-; 모전사이트 운영하는데요 현황도에서..  
nzeo사랑 처음 만들어본 노프레임 테이블 입니다. 고수님 봐주실래요^^? [3] 2007.08.10
박우선 아이프레임을 리사이즈 시키고 싶어요  
이승철 플래시 액션스크립트 아시는분 모두 클릭!  
ⓢⓢⓞⓞ asp 회원가입부분... [1] 2007.08.10
최병도 웹페이지가 안보여요(외국 호스팅업체) [3] 2007.08.10
김나리 php로 방명록을 만드는중인데요 ㅠ_ㅠ [2] 2007.08.10
김윤희 플레쉬로는 불가능하다???? [1] 2007.08.10
carrot 웹메일 소스(uebimiau-2_7_2) 한글화소수중에 config파일 수정해야 하는데 어디를 수정해서 써야하나요?  
김연욱 흠..외부접속문제?인가..좋은답변 부탁드림니다. [1] 2007.08.10
박종근 원하는 위치에서 부드럽게 아래위로 스크롤 되는 배너에서의 위치조절방법은? [1] 2007.08.10
cometwith 작업을 마쳤으나 페이지에 오류가 있습니다. [2] 2007.08.10
유세하 새창띄우기가 안됩니다.  
위피 가로스크롤은 없앴는데, 여백과 크기는 영아니네요 ㅠ.ㅠ;; 도와주세요 고수님들 제발 ㅠ.ㅠ [1] 2007.08.10
Plus가좋다 한미르만화책 소스 해석좀 해주세요  
전상규 로그인 질문입니다. [7] 2007.08.10
채은희 아이프레임에 관하여... [1] 2007.08.10
피너츠 메뉴 위치로 움직이는 박스메뉴..(자세한 내용 안에 ``;) [2] 2007.08.10