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다른데는 다 먹히는데 제로보드는 안돼요~(급!!!)
2005.09.27 11:33
9월30일 학교 공개강의때 보일 자료인데
다른 게시판에는 다 먹히는데
제로보드 게시판에는 되었다가 안되었다가 합니다.
불안해서 어떻게 해야할지 모르겟네요~
다른데서 되는거면 작성시 오류는 없는것 같은데요..
정말 급하거든요..꼭 해결해주세요~
아래건 그중에 하나입니다..
<embed src=http://www.helpjacqui.com/videoclips/zero_0100_3m.mpg autostart=false controller=true>
Listen carefully and fill in the blanks.
My name is Jacqueline Saburido.
This is a picture of me before I was hit by <input name=student1 size="13">, <input type=button value="확인" onClick="javascript:if(student1.value == 'a drunk driver') alert ('Good Job!'); else alert('That's not correct. Try Agin!');"> before the car got to fire, before two of my friends <input name=student2 size="7">, <input type=button value="확인" onClick="javascript:if(student2.value == 'died') alert ('Good Job!'); else alert('That's not correct. Try Agin!');">, before I need more than forty <input name=student3 size="10">, <input type=button value="확인" onClick="javascript:if(student3.value == 'operations') alert ('Good Job!'); else alert('That's not correct. Try Agin!');"> This is me when my life was just like anyone else <input name=student4 size="12">.<input type=button value="확인" onClick="javascript:if(student4.value == 'in college') alert ('Good Job!'); else alert('That's not correct. Try Agin!');">
This is me after being hit by a drunk driver. Don't drink and drive ever.
이거 말고도 다른것도 다그래요...ㅠㅠ
다른 게시판에는 다 먹히는데
제로보드 게시판에는 되었다가 안되었다가 합니다.
불안해서 어떻게 해야할지 모르겟네요~
다른데서 되는거면 작성시 오류는 없는것 같은데요..
정말 급하거든요..꼭 해결해주세요~
아래건 그중에 하나입니다..
<embed src=http://www.helpjacqui.com/videoclips/zero_0100_3m.mpg autostart=false controller=true>
Listen carefully and fill in the blanks.
My name is Jacqueline Saburido.
This is a picture of me before I was hit by <input name=student1 size="13">, <input type=button value="확인" onClick="javascript:if(student1.value == 'a drunk driver') alert ('Good Job!'); else alert('That's not correct. Try Agin!');"> before the car got to fire, before two of my friends <input name=student2 size="7">, <input type=button value="확인" onClick="javascript:if(student2.value == 'died') alert ('Good Job!'); else alert('That's not correct. Try Agin!');">, before I need more than forty <input name=student3 size="10">, <input type=button value="확인" onClick="javascript:if(student3.value == 'operations') alert ('Good Job!'); else alert('That's not correct. Try Agin!');"> This is me when my life was just like anyone else <input name=student4 size="12">.<input type=button value="확인" onClick="javascript:if(student4.value == 'in college') alert ('Good Job!'); else alert('That's not correct. Try Agin!');">
This is me after being hit by a drunk driver. Don't drink and drive ever.
이거 말고도 다른것도 다그래요...ㅠㅠ