
http://opain.nayana.com크롬리스 윈도우 2.0버전으로 공부중인데요.....

윈도우 창이 뜨면 테두리에 선이 가 있어요. 아래 그림처럼요....

js화일 올립니다.

어느 부분을 수정해야 하나요?

<!-- js화일

//                                                            //
//           BYKLEIN CHROMELESS WINDOW OBJECT 2.0             //
//             FOR MICROSOFT IEXPLORER 5.5 & UP               //
//                                                            //
//   (c) Copyright 2003. Mariano Klein || www.byklein.com     //
//         Distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL         //
//                                                            //
//    Thanks to Gabriel Suchowolski || www.microbians.com     //

ChromelessWindow = function ()
        var a = ChromelessWindow.arguments;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////PRIVATE PROPERTIES
        var URL = a[0];
        var title = a[1];
        var titlebarImage = a[2];
        var titlebarHeight = a[3];
        var titleFont = a[4];
        var titleSize = a[5];
        var titleColor = a[6];
        var scrollbars = a[7];
        var w = a[8]+(a[14]*2);
        var h = a[9]+a[14]+a[3];
        var centered = a[10];
        var xPos = a[11];
        var yPos = a[12];
        var borderColor = a[13];
        var borderSize = a[14];
        var minimizeButton = a[15];
        var closeButton = a[16];
        this.author = "Mariano Klein";
        this.version = "ByKlein Chromeless Windows 2.0";
        var win = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Windows"))?true:false;
        var ie= (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")?true:false;
        var v = navigator.appVersion;
        var v55 = v.indexOf("MSIE 5.5")?true:false;
        var v60 = v.indexOf("MSIE 6.0")?true:false;
        var chromelessCompatible = null;
        var titlebarContent = null;
        var chromelessWW = null;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////PUBLIC METHODS
        openChromeless = function(){if(chromelessWW==null || chromelessWW.closed){openParent();setChrome();moveChromeless();setParentSource();}else{chromelessWW.execScript("showChromeless()");}}
        closeChromeless = function(){if(chromelessWW && !chromelessWW.closed)chromelessWW.close();chromelessWW=null}
        minimizeChromeless = function(){if(chromelessWW && !chromelessWW.closed)chromelessWW.execScript("minimizeChromeless()")}
        setURL = function(){URL = arguments[0];if(chromelessWW && !chromelessWW.closed){chromelessWW.execScript("b.all.canvas.URL='"+URL+"'");chromelessWW.execScript("showChromeless()");}}
        moveChromeless= function()
                if (arguments.length == 0)
                        if (centered)
                                var tempX = w;
                                var tempY = h;
                                xPos = (screen.availWidth/2)-(tempX/2);
                                yPos = (screen.availHeight/2)-(tempY/2);        
                else if(arguments[0]=="center")
                        var tempX = w;
                        var tempY = h;
                        xPos = (screen.availWidth/2)-(tempX/2);
                        yPos = (screen.availHeight/2)-(tempY/2);
                        xPos = arguments[0];
                        yPos = arguments[1];
                if((chromelessWW)&&(arguments.length != 0))
                                chromelessWW.execScript('var cx='+xPos+';');
                                chromelessWW.execScript('var cy='+yPos+';');
        resizeChromeless = function()
                w = arguments[0];
                h = arguments[1];
                cH = (h-titlebarHeight)-borderSize;
                cW = w -(borderSize*2);
                        chromelessWW.execScript('var cw='+w+';');
                        chromelessWW.execScript('var ch='+h+';');
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////PRIVATE METHODS
        openParent = function()
                chromelessCompatible = win && ie && (v55 || v60);
                var sc = (scrollbars)?"yes":"no";
                if (chromelessCompatible)
                        chromelessWW = window.open("about:blank","","top=5000,left=5000,width=100,height=100,scrollbars="+sc);
                        chromelessWW = window.open(URL, "chromelessWindow","top="+yPos+",left="+xPos+",width="+w+",height="+(h-20)+",scrollbars="+sc+",resizable=0");
                        chromelessWW.document.title = title;
        setChrome = function()
                var cH = (h-titlebarHeight)-borderSize;
                var cW = w -(borderSize*2);
                this.c = "<object style='position:absolute;z-index:2;top:"+titlebarHeight+"px;left:"+borderSize+"px;width:"+cW+"px;height:"+cH+"px;' data='"+URL+"' id='canvas'></object>";
                        tb = false;
                        tb = true;
                menu = "

        setParentSource = function()
                        parentSource = '
                        <META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no">n
                        var idsi = setInterval(objControl,50);n
                        function objControl(){objContent = b.all("canvas").object;if(objContent!=null){setUpContent();}};n
                        tempOpener = opener;n
                        opener = self;n
                        var c=window.createPopup();n
                        var b=c.document.body;n
                        var ox=oy=ix=iy=0;n
                        var allContent ="<html><head></head><body>'+menu+c+'</html>";n
                        var cx='+xPos+';n
                        var cy='+yPos+';n
                        var cw='+w+';n
                        var ch='+h+';n
                        window.showChromeless = function(){n
                        var mm=false;n
                        var cmove=b.all("fondo");n
                        var cmove2=(b.all("menu"))?b.all("menu"):"";n
                        var ctitle=b.all("Title");n
                        var cclose=b.all("closeButton");n
                        var cminimize=b.all("minimizeButton");n
                        self.resizeChromeless = function(){w = arguments[0];h = arguments[1];cH = (h-'+titlebarHeight+')-'+borderSize+';cW = w -('+borderSize+'*2);cw=w;ch=h;b.all.canvas.style.width=cW;b.all.canvas.style.height=cH;b.all.closeButton.style.right='+borderSize+';b.all.minimizeButton.style.right='+(borderSize+20)+';showChromeless();focus()}n
                        self.moveChromeless = function(){if(arguments[0]=="center"){var tempX = '+w+';var tempY = '+h+';xPos = (screen.availWidth/2)-(tempX/2);yPos = (screen.availHeight/2)-(tempY/2);}else{xPos = arguments[0];yPos = arguments[1];}cx=xPos;cy=yPos;showChromeless();focus()};n
                        self.setURL = function(){b.all.canvas.URL=arguments[0];showChromeless()};n
                        self.closeChromeless = function(){opener=self;self.close()};n
                        self.dragChromeless = function(){m = (arguments[0])?1:0};n
                        function setUpContent(){n
                        objContent.parentWindow.resizeChromeless = self.resizeChromeless;n
                        objContent.parentWindow.moveChromeless = self.moveChromeless;n
                        objContent.parentWindow.setURL = self.setURL;n
                        objContent.parentWindow.closeChromeless = self.closeChromeless;n
                        objContent.parentWindow.dragChromeless = self.dragChromeless;n
                        var m=ox=oy=ix=iy=0;n
                        document.body.onclick=function(){if (m){ focus();cx=ix+event.screenX-ox;cy=iy+event.screenY-oy;c.show(cx,cy,cw,ch) }else {ix=cx; iy=cy; ox=event.screenX; oy=event.screenY } };n
                        chromelessWW.document.title = title;
        //     PUBLIC METHODS    ///
        this.openChromeless = openChromeless;
        this.closeChromeless = closeChromeless;
        this.minimizeChromeless = minimizeChromeless;
        this.setURL = setURL;
        this.resizeChromeless = resizeChromeless;
        this.moveChromeless = moveChromeless;



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