
function RecordingsList(id) {
  if (arguments.length > 0)

RecordingsList.prototype.init = function(id) {
  this.id = id;

  this.idElt = document.getElementById(id);
  if (this.idElt == undefined)   return;

  this.idStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.idElt, null);

  this.listElt = this.idElt.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];
  this.listItemElt = this.listElt.getElementsByTagName("li");
  this.listLength = this.listItemElt.length;

  this.listItemStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.listItemElt[0], null);
  this.listItemHeight = parseInt(this.listItemStyle.height)
  + parseInt(this.listItemStyle.paddingTop)
  + parseInt(this.listItemStyle.paddingBottom)
  + parseInt(this.listItemStyle.borderTopWidth)
  + parseInt(this.listItemStyle.borderBottomWidth)
  + parseInt(this.listItemStyle.marginTop)
  + parseInt(this.listItemStyle.marginBottom);


  // Nav left and nav right should do nothing for any list item.
  for (var li = 0; li < this.listLength; li++) {
    this.listItemElt[li].style.navLeft = "#" + this.listItemElt[li].id;
    this.listItemElt[li].style.navRight = "#" + this.listItemElt[li].id;

  // Down from bottom goes to top, and vice versa
//  this.listItemElt[0].style.navUp = "#" + this.listItemElt[this.listLength - 1].id;
//  this.listItemElt[this.listLength - 1].style.navDown = "#" + this.listItemElt[0].id;

  this.scroller = new VerticalScroller(this.listElt);

  // Make sure the first list item is under the highlight and has focus.
//  document.getElementById("corvette").focus();

// The highlight is styled and positioned by CSS.
// We just add the appropriate element to the document.
// NB it'+ '+ 's added to the document, NOT into the div.
// This is to ensure it isn't affected by any styles set for
// the div itself.
RecordingsList.prototype.addHighlight = function() {
  var highlight = document.createElement("div");
  highlight.className = "highlight";

  // We'll need to know where it's actually positioned, relative
  // to the top of the list, so that we can move list items into
  // the appropriate position.
  this.highlightDelta =
    parseInt(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(highlight, null).top)
    - parseInt(this.idStyle.top);

// Same applies to the two faders.
RecordingsList.prototype.addFaders = function() {
  var topFader = document.createElement("div");
  var botFader = document.createElement("div");

  topFader.className = "fade top";
  botFader.className = "fade bottom";


// Create an array of Image objects, holding video previews.
// Add an img element to the document with the appropriate id.
// These are then tied together in the showVideo method.
// A more exotic example might create an img element for each image
// and animate between the images.
RecordingsList.prototype.addVideoPreviews = function() {
  this.vidPreview = new Array();

  for (var li = 0; li < this.listLength; li++) {
    var id = this.listItemElt[li].id;
    var imgPath = "images/show-" + id + ".png";

    this.vidPreview[id] = document.createElement("img");
    this.vidPreview[id].id = "vidPreview-"+id;
    this.vidPreview[id].src = imgPath;
    this.vidPreview[id].className = "vidPreview";

// When a list item receives focus, it is moved into the highlight area.
RecordingsList.prototype.addFocusHandlers = function() {
  var me = this;
  for (var li = 0; li < this.listLength; li++) {
    this.listItemElt[li].itemDelta = li * this.listItemHeight; // handy
      function(e) { me.highlightElt(e.target) }, false);

    // Show and hide the video preview appropriately.
      function(e) { me.showVideo(e.target) }, false);
      function(e) { me.hideVideo(e.target) }, false);

// Move the list so that elt sits inside the highlight area.
RecordingsList.prototype.highlightElt = function(elt) {
  this.scroller.scrollTo(this.highlightDelta - elt.itemDelta);

// Show the video preview for this recording.
RecordingsList.prototype.showVideo = function(elt) {
  this.vidPreview[elt.id].style.display = "block";


// Hide the video preview for this recording.
RecordingsList.prototype.hideVideo = function(elt) {
  this.vidPreview[elt.id].style.display = "none";

// A VerticalScroller object scrolls an element up or down smoothly.
// Instantiate it with an element, and call the scrollTo method
// to scroll that element to a new position.
function VerticalScroller(elt) {
  if (arguments.length > 0)

VerticalScroller.prototype.init = function(elt) {
  this.elt = elt;

  // How far the list is moved up or down from its top=0 position.
  // Initially, the style sheet determines this. We store locally
  // to avoid calling getComputedStyle repeatedly.
  this.currentDelta = parseInt(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.elt, null).top);
  // Holds a timeout handle so we can cancel scrolling when we need to.
  this.scrollHandle = null;


VerticalScroller.prototype.scrollTo = function(targetDelta) {
  if (this.scrollHandle)   clearTimeout(this.scrollHandle);

  var diff = targetDelta - this.currentDelta;
  this.scrollAnim(diff, 8); // magic move factor

// To get a move-past-target-and-spring-back effect we note that
// 8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1+0-1-2-3 = 30
// So decrementing a moveFactor from 8 to -3, and moving
// moveFactor/30 of the total distance each time, eventually gets
// us there. We could just scroll a fixed amount each time, of course,
// but this looks prettier.
VerticalScroller.prototype.scrollAnim = function(diff, moveFactor) {
  var me = this;

  this.currentDelta += (moveFactor * diff) / 30;
  this.elt.style.top = this.currentDelta + "px";
  if (moveFactor != -3)
    this.scrollHandle = setTimeout(function() { me.scrollAnim(diff, moveFactor - 1) }, 35);

// Initialise the page
function initPage() {
  var stateList = new RecordingsList("rec-list");

  if (top.loadListener) top.loadListener.hasLoaded();

function play1()
    var form = document.DATA;
    form.action = ""; // +"?"+now.getSeconds();

window.onload = initPage;


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