
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Easy Tabs 1.2 - presented by Kollermedia.at</title>

<style type="text/css">
body {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:11px;}
/*Example for a Menu Style*/
.menu {background-color:#ececec; color:#272727; border-bottom:1px solid #d7d7d7; height:23px;width:200px;}
.menu ul {margin:0px; padding:0px; list-style:none; text-align:center;}
.menu li {display:inline; line-height:23px;}
.menu li a {color:#000000; text-decoration:none; padding:4px 5px 6px 5px;  border-left:1px solid #ececec; border-right:1px solid #ececec;}
.menu li a.tabactive {border-left:1px solid #d7d7d7; border-right:1px solid #d7d7d7; background-color:#CCCCCC; font-weight:bold;  position:relative;}
#tabcontent1,#tabcontent2,#tabcontent3,#tabcontent4 {border:1px solid #ececec; width:198px; text-align:center;padding:6px 0px; font-size:12px; margin-bottom:5px;}

<script type="text/javascript">
EASY TABS 1.2 Produced and Copyright by Koller Juergen
www.kollermedia.at | www.austria-media.at
Need Help? http:/www.kollermedia.at/archive/2007/07/10/easy-tabs-12-now-with-autochange
You can use this Script for private and commercial Projects, but just leave the two credit lines, thank you.

//Set the id names of your tablink (without a number at the end)
var tablink_idname = new Array("tablink")
//Set the id name of your tabcontentarea (without a number at the end)
var tabcontent_idname = new Array("tabcontent")
//Set the number of your tabs
var tabcount = new Array("4")
//Set the Tab wich should load at start (In this Example:Tab 2 visible on load)
var loadtabs = new Array("2") 
//Set the Number of the Menu which should autochange (if you dont't want to have a change menu set it to 0)
var autochangemenu = 1;
//the speed in seconds when the tabs should change
var changespeed = 2;
//should the autochange stop if the user hover over a tab from the autochangemenu? 0=no 1=yes
var stoponhover = 0;

/*Swich EasyTabs Functions - no need to edit something here*/
function easytabs(menunr, active) {if (menunr == autochangemenu){currenttab=active;}if ((menunr == autochangemenu)&&(stoponhover==1)) {stop_autochange()} else if ((menunr == autochangemenu)&&(stoponhover==0))  {counter=0;}menunr = menunr-1;for (i=1; i <= tabcount[menunr]; i++){document.getElementById(tablink_idname[menunr]+i).className='tab'+i;document.getElementById(tabcontent_idname[menunr]+i).style.display = 'none';}document.getElementById(tablink_idname[menunr]+active).className='tab'+active+' tabactive';document.getElementById(tabcontent_idname[menunr]+active).style.display = 'block';}var timer; counter=0; var totaltabs=tabcount[autochangemenu-1];var currenttab=loadtabs[autochangemenu-1];function start_autochange(){counter=counter+1;timer=setTimeout("start_autochange()",1000);if (counter == changespeed+1) {currenttab++;if (currenttab>totaltabs) {currenttab=1}easytabs(autochangemenu,currenttab);restart_autochange();}}function restart_autochange(){clearTimeout(timer);counter=0;start_autochange();}function stop_autochange(){clearTimeout(timer);counter=0;}

var menucount=loadtabs.length; var a = 0; var b = 1; do {easytabs(b, loadtabs[a]);  a++; b++;}while (b<=menucount);
if (autochangemenu!=0){start_autochange();}

<h2>Easy Tabs 1.2 - Example with 1 changing Menu</h2>

<!--Start of the Tabmenu1 -->
<div class="menu">
<li><a href="#" onmouseover="easytabs('1', '1');" onfocus="easytabs('1', '1');" onclick="return false;"  title="" id="tablink1">Tab 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#" onmouseover="easytabs('1', '2');" onfocus="easytabs('1', '2');" onclick="return false;"  title="" id="tablink2">Tab 2 </a></li>
<li><a href="#" onmouseover="easytabs('1', '3');" onfocus="easytabs('1', '3');" onclick="return false;"  title="" id="tablink3">Tab 3 </a></li>
<li><a href="#" onmouseover="easytabs('1', '4');" onfocus="easytabs('1', '4');" onclick="return false;"  title="" id="tablink4">Tab 4 </a>
<!--End of the Tabmenu1 -->

<!--Start Tabcontent 1 -->
<div id="tabcontent1"><img width="100%" height="100" src="http://remixworld.mireene.com/zbxe/common/tpl/images/widget_bg.jpg" class="zbxe_widget_output" style="clear:both;" widget="newest_document" body="" skin="default" colorset="normal" widget_cache="0" title="" order_target="list_order" order_type="desc" list_count="" duration_new="" subject_cut_size="" mid_list="notice" widget_sequence="5993" /></div>
<!--End Tabcontent 1-->

<!--Start Tabcontent 2-->
<div id="tabcontent2">Tabcontent 2</div>
<!--End Tabcontent 2 -->

<!--Start Tabcontent 3-->
<div id="tabcontent3">Tabcontent 3</div>
<!--End Tabcontent 3-->

<!--Start Tabcontent 4-->
<div id="tabcontent4">Tabcontent 4</div>
<!--End Tabcontent 4-->

<a href="#" onmousedown="javascript:stop_autochange(); return false;">Stop the Change</a> | <a href="#" onmousedown="javascript:restart_autochange(); return false;">Restart (if stopped)</a>
<div style="background-color:#efefef; margin-top:25px; padding:8px;">
<strong>Settings setted for this menu:</strong><br/>
<strong>loadtabs = 2</strong> (load tab 2 on start)<br/>
<strong>autochangemenu = 1 </strong>(set the first menu to autochange modus (in this example there is only one menu so i have to set it to 1 or to 0 if i dont want a autochangemenu)<br/>
<strong>changespeed = 2 </strong>(change every 2 seconds)<br/>
<strong>stoponhover = 0 </strong>(don't stop the autochange on hover)</div>

전체소스중에서 아래부분만 변경해서 추출할라고해보았는데 초록색이미지만 나오고 않되네여 

<!--Start Tabcontent 1 -->
<div id="tabcontent1"><img width="100%" height="100" src="****.com***.common/tpl/images/widget_bg.jpg" class="zbxe_widget_output" style="clear:both;" widget="newest_document" body="" skin="default" colorset="normal" widget_cache="0" title="" order_target="list_order" order_type="desc" list_count="" duration_new="" subject_cut_size="" mid_list="notice" widget_sequence="5993" /></div>
<!--End Tabcontent 1-->

<!--Start Tabcontent 2-->

어떤부분이문제인가여 드림위버로도 최근문서 위젯부분을추출할라고 초록색이미지만보이던데... 제가 php 쪽은 잘몰라서....

php 고수님들의 속시원한 답변기다림니다~

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