
000webhost 에러화면..

2008.12.28 10:05


Website Under Review

You see this page, because the system administrator of 000webhost.com is currently checking this website for malicious content. This redirect will be removed once we will finish manually checking all files on this account. As far we check over 100 websites, it can take about 2-4 hours to complete. If you are the owner of this website, you will get email confirmation once it'+ '+ 's done. If you are a visitor - please come back later.

www.000webhost.com is a free web hosting provider and all free hosting providers suffer from abusers. Around 5% of users signup here just to start hacking or phishing website or make other damage. So, in order to survive, we must monitor what our users are hosting.

We are sorry for any inconveniences, but checking all content manually, it is the only way to provide you with the most secure and reliable service. If you have found any illegal website on our network, you can report it here.

제가 만들어논 게시판으로 가려하면 자꾸 게시판은 안나오고 이화면만 나오네요

이 화면은 오 ㅐ뜨는건가요?....

미치겠습니다 아주 . ..

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