자바 스크립트 질문이요ㅜㅜ
2009.01.03 18:01
홈페이지 대문에 자바스크립트로 이미지 슬라이딩을 시키고 싶은데 어떻게 해야할지 모르곘네요..ㅠㅠ
<script type='text/javascript'>
size_mode:'image', //Enter "carousel" or "image". Affects the width and height parameters below.
width:157, //Enter width of image or entire carousel, depending on above value
height:140, //Enter height of image or entire carousel, depending on above value
sides:6, //# of sides of the carousel. What's shown = sides/2. Even integer with sides/2< total images is best
steps:23, //# of animation steps. More = smoother, but more CPU intensive
speed:5, //Speed of slideshow. Larger = faster.
direction:'left', //Direction of slideshow. Enter "top", "bottom", "left", or "right"
image_border_width:0, //이미지 테두리 두께
image_border_color:'#000000' //이미지 테두리 색상
이걸 어떻게 넣어야하나요???