

2009.01.20 00:12


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Dynamic Drive: CSS Liquid Layout #2.1- (Fixed-Fluid)</title>
<style type="text/css">

line-height: 1.5em;

b{font-size: 110%;}
em{color: red;}

background: #EAEAEA;
height: 90px; /*Height of top section*/

#topsection h1{
margin: 0;
padding-top: 15px;

float: left;
width: 100%;

margin-left: 200px; /*Set left margin to LeftColumnWidth*/

float: left;
width: 200px; /*Width of left column*/
margin-left: -100%;
background: #C8FC98;

clear: left;
width: 100%;
background: black;
color: #FFF;
text-align: center;
padding: 2px 0;

#footer a{
color: #FFFF80;

margin: 10px; /*Margins for inner DIV inside each column (to provide padding)*/
margin-top: 0;


<script type="text/javascript">
/*** Temporary text filler function. Remove when deploying template. ***/
var gibberish=["This is just some filler text", "Welcome to Dynamic Drive CSS Library",
  "Demo content nothing to read here"]
function filltext(words){
for (var i=0; i<words; i++)
document.write(gibberish[Math.floor(Math.random()*3)]+" ")

<div id="maincontainer">

 <div id="topsection">
  <div class="innertube"><h1>CSS Liquid Layout #2.1- (Fixed-Fluid)</h1></div>

 <div id="contentwrapper">
  <div id="contentcolumn">
  <div class="innertube"><b>Content Column: <em>Fluid</em></b> <script type="text/javascript">filltext(45)</script></div>

 <div id="leftcolumn">
  <div class="innertube"><b>Left Column: <em>200px</em></b> <script type="text/javascript">filltext(15)</script></div>


 <div id="footer"><a href="http://www.dynamicdrive.com/style/">Dynamic Drive CSS Library</a></div>


이 css파일을 보면  #leftcolumn에 보면 margin-left:100% 라는 코드가 있는데
이것은 마진을 어떻게 띠우라는 말인가여?
통 먼 말인지 모르것네여..

글쓴이 제목 최종 글
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김경훈229 5410 업데이트 후 권한 해제되는 문제 발생 [8] 2009.01.20 by 백성찬
Nee 백지 현상..갑갑합니다 ㅠㅠ [9] 2009.01.20 by 지연아빠
박노열 레이아웃 중 검색부분 색갈변경에 대한 질문입니다. [9] file 2009.01.20 by 박노열
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안녕요 외부링크 막는 방법 알려주세요 ㅠ.ㅠ [2] 2009.01.20 by "오상준"
김경준 margin-left:100%  
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aeolus 큐브리드(7.3.0) + XE(1.1.4) 설치시 관리자 로그인 에러  
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