
파일이 아예 읽혀지지 않네요

2009.03.11 21:45


제가 쓰고 있는 계정은 1free인데 다음과 같은 제한이 있더군요.

fopen wrappers / curl are disabled (causing RSS feeds to fail unless Java driven aka feedburner.com , etc ) 
SMTP Email is disabled
IMAP Email is disabled
Safe Mode is OFF
Some .htaccess directives are not supported.

.htaccess files must be CHMOD 644 

그리고 아래는 1free에서 사용금지된 명령어들입니다.

The following PHP functions are disabled :

exec,system,passthru,shell_exec,escapeshellarg,esc apeshellcmd,proc_close,proc_open,ini_alter,dl,pope n,curl_exec,popen,pcntl_exec,socket_accept,socket_ bind,socket_clear_error,socket_close,socket_connec t,socket_create_listen,socket_create_pair,socket_c reate,socket_get_option,socket_getpeername,socket_ getsockname,socket_last_error,socket_listen,socket _read,socket_recv,socket_recvfrom,socket_select,so cket_send,socket_sendto,socket_set_block,socket_se t_nonblock,socket_set_option,socket_shutdown,socke t_strerror,socket_write,stream_socket_client,strea m_socket_server,fsockopen,pfsockopen,stream_set_ti meout,chown,getrusage,get_current_user,set_time_li mit,getmyuid,getmypid,dl,leak,listen,chgrp,link,sy mlink,dlopen,proc_nice,proc_get_stats,proc_termina te,shell_exec,sh2_exec,posix_getpwuid,posix_getgrg id,posix_kill,ini_restore,mkfifo,dbmopen,dbase_ope n,filepro,filepro_rowcount,posix_mkfifo,putenv,sle ep

혹시 이런 금지어들때문에 안되는건지 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.

그럼 좋은 하루 되십시요.
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