
지금 제 사이트가 또 차단되어 버렸네요.

웹호스팅을 쓰고 있는데 제 사이트때문에 서버부하가 생겨 계속 웹호스팅 업체에서 차단시키고 있습니다.

| Id   | User       | Host      | db         | Command | Time | State          | Info                                                                                                 |
| 4415 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Sleep   |    1 |                | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 4427 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Query   |    1 | Opening tables | select * from `xe_documents` as documents   where (document_srl = 137537)                            |
| 4429 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Sleep   |    1 |                | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 4568 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Sleep   |    1 |                | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 4806 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Sleep   |    1 |                | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 4900 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Query   |    1 | closing tables | select * from `xe_univ_mozip` as univ_mozip   where (univ_srl = 126250)                              |
| 4922 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Sleep   |    1 |                | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 4964 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Query   |    1 | Opening tables | select count(*) as count from `xe_comments` as comments,`xe_comments_list` as comments_list   where  |
| 4976 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Query   |    1 | Opening tables | select * from `xe_documents` as documents   where (document_srl = 135196)                            |
| 4986 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Query   |    1 | Opening tables | select * from `xe_documents` as documents   where (document_srl = 135196)                            |
| 4990 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Query   |    1 | Opening tables | select * from `xe_documents` as documents   where (document_srl = 135196)                            |
| 4994 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Query   |    1 | Opening tables | select * from `xe_documents` as documents   where (document_srl = 135196)                            |
| 5004 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Query   |    1 | closing tables | select count(*) as `count` from `xe_documents` as documents   where (module_srl = 294 and list_order |
| 5006 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Query   |    1 | Opening tables | select count(*) as count from `xe_comments` as comments,`xe_comments_list` as comments_list   where  |
| 5008 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Query   |    1 | Opening tables | select * from `xe_documents` as documents   where (document_srl = 135196)                            |
| 5011 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Query   |    2 | Sending data   | select count(*) as count from `xe_comments` as comments,`xe_comments_list` as comments_list   where  |
| 5026 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Sleep   |    1 |                | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 5033 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Sleep   |    1 |                | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 5034 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Sleep   |    1 |                | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 5036 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Sleep   |    1 |                | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 5050 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Sleep   |    3 |                | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 5059 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Sleep   |    1 |                | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 5087 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Query   |    1 | Opening tables | select modules.site_srl as `site_srl`,modules.mid as `mid`,documents.* from `xe_modules` as modules, |
| 5092 | lunardream | localhost | lunardream | Query   |    1 | Opening tables | select * from `xe_documents` as documents   where (document_srl = 157603)                            |

현재 고객님께서 사용하시는 서버의 mysql부하가 다른 고객분들에게서도

발생하고 있어 운영이 불안정합니다. 이에 며칠간 지속적으로 부하를 발생시키는

계정에 대해 차단하고 있습니다. 로그를 보셨듯이 query time이 너무 높게 치솟아

데이타베이스가 해당 작업을 처리하지 못하고 있습니다. 일단 사이트는 지금 열어

놓았지만 동일한 증상이 발생되면 바로 차단조치 하는점 양해바랍니다.

위에 적혀있는 내용중 xe_univ_mozip`  같은 경우는zbxe 모듈입니다. 게시판 모듈을 약간 변형한건데... 머 아무쪼록 위의 내용만으로도 제 사이트에서 발생되는 어느정도 문제점을 알 수 있을까요?

글쓴이 제목 최종 글
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