css 관련질문입니다.
2009.05.17 22:47
<div class="bottom" style="width:838px; 0px 0px 1px;" align="left">
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<font color="#FFFFFF" face="tahoma" size="-2"><b><a href="http://www.wowmedikoreatour.com"> Home</a> | why wow medi korea | Precedure | Hospital | Tour | Contact Us </b></font><br><br><font color="#FFFFFF" face="tahoma" size="-2"><b>ⓒ 2009 All rights reserved,WOW MEDI KOREA TOUR .</b>
<br>The innovator in Korea medical tourism , specializing in medical and health tourism, providing cost-effective medical care abroad for patients and agencies,<br>while maintaining the high standards of treatment.</font>
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.bottom .copy a:link {color=#ffffff;text-decoration:none};
.bottom .copy a:active {color=#ffffff};
.bottom .copy a:visited {color=#ffffff;text-decoration:none};
.bottom .copy a:hover {color=#ffffff;text-decoration:underline};
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