
황당하게도 설치하고 얼마 있다가 점점 사이트가 느려지는 현상이 있었는데요.

얼마전에 다음과 같은 메세지가 오면서 사이트 접속 자체를 막아버렸네요.

무엇이 문제인지 고수님들의 답변을 부탁드리겠습니다.

설치 잘못 인가요?


The status of your ticket (1204979) has been changed from Open to Waiting by Alex G.

This update was added:
Dear HoSik,
Thank you for contacting our technical support team. According to ticket: 1202817. The exact problem with your account is detailed below:
kcbacalgary.com - has a lot of quires to /classess/* files those caused high load on the server.
Let us clarify that the cause of problem could be made by search bots that scan that directory.
  To block all bots from accessing a specific folder, you should create a robots.txt file with the following content:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /folder/
Unfortunately, until this issue is resolved your account will have to remain disabled. Please let us know you intend to do so and we can give you limited access to your account to get this fixed.  
Kind regards,
Technical support
Alex Golovko

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