웹마스터 팁

제로보드 뉴스게시판 하구 연동을 할려 했더니 무지 어렵네요...
방법아시거나 다른 좋은 소스 있으신면..같이좀..ㅎㅎ
아래 소스는 해당 뉴스가 한줄씩 위로 올라가서 잠시 멈추고 더시 위로 올라갑니다.
"var pause = 1300;" 이값(1.3초)에 따라 올라가서 멈추는 시간을 설정 할 수 있구요,,


<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="blue" vlink="purple" alink="red">
<table border=0 valign=bottom>
<td><IMG SRC="blank.gif"
        NAME="holdspace" ID="holdspace"
        WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="20"
        STYLE="visibility:hidden; position:relative;">

<Script Language="Javascript">
// bannerconfig.js

var NS4 = (document.layers) ? true : false;
var IE4 = (document.all) ? true : false;

var interval = 20;
var increment = 1;
var pause = 1300;
var bannerColor = "ffffff";
var leftPadding = 2;
var topPadding = 1;

var bannerLeft = (NS4) ? document.images.holdspace.x :
var bannerTop = (NS4) ? document.images.holdspace.y :
var bannerWidth = (NS4) ? document.images.holdspace.width :
var bannerHeight = (NS4) ? document.images.holdspace.height :

var ar = new Array(
  '<center><tt><font color="#23238e" size=2><b>2001년6월21일</B> : </font><a href="http://korea.internet.com/channel/content.asp?kid=13&nid=14579" target="_new"><font color="#23238e" size=2>돋보기로 이미지 확대해서 보기</center>',
  '<center><tt><font color="#23238e" size=2><b>2001년6월21일</b> : </font><a href="http://korea.internet.com/channel/content.asp?kid=13&nid=14580" target="_new"><font color="#23238e" size=2>예쁜 손목 시계</center>',
  '<center><tt><font color="#23238e" size=2><b>2001년6월21일</B> : </font><a href="http://korea.internet.com/channel/content.asp?kid=13&nid=14581" target="_new"><font color="#23238e" size=2>바탕 화면에 눈 내리는 효과 스크립트</center>',
  '<center><tt><font color="#23238e" size=2><b>2001년6월20일</B> : </font><a href="http://korea.internet.com/channel/content.asp?kid=13&nid=14503" target="_new"><font color="#23238e" size=2>마우스를 따라 다니는 텍스트 문자열</center>',
  '<center><tt><font color="#23238e" size=2><b>2001년6월20일</B> : </font><a href="http://korea.internet.com/channel/content.asp?kid=13&nid=14502" target="_new"><font color="#23238e" size=2>배경 이미지 고정시키는 스크립트</center>',
  '<center><tt><font color="#23238e" size=2><b>2001년6월20일</B> : </font><a href="http://korea.internet.com/channel/content.asp?kid=13&nid=14501" target="_new"><font color="#23238e" size=2>한글이 들어간 문자열 길이 구하기</center>',
  '<center><tt><font color="#23238e" size=2><b>2001년6월19일</B> : </font><a href="http://korea.internet.com/channel/content.asp?kid=13&nid=14482" target="_new"><font color="#23238e" size=2>슬라이딩 효과를 가미한 메뉴</center>',
  '<center><tt><font color="#23238e" size=2><b>2001년6월18일</B> : </font><a href="http://korea.internet.com/channel/content.asp?kid=13&nid=14428" target="_new"><font color="#23238e" size=2>배경색에 페이딩 효과를 주는 스크립트</center>',
  '<center><tt><font color="#23238e" size=2><b>2001년6월14일</B> : </font><a href="http://korea.internet.com/channel/content.asp?kid=13&nid=14354" target="_new"><font color="#23238e" size=2>간단한 DHTML 뉴스 틱커</center>',
  '<center><tt><font color="#23238e" size=2><b>2001년6월14일</B> : </font><a href="http://korea.internet.com/channel/content.asp?kid=13&nid=14353" target="_new"><font color="#23238e" size=2>CSS 효과를 직접 테스트 하기</center>',
  '<center><tt><font color="#23238e" size=2><b>2001년6월22일</B> : </font><a href="http://korea.internet.com/channel/list.asp?cid=189&zid=12" target="_new"><font color="#23238e" size=2>자바스크립트 소스/예제 보기</center>'

// banner.js

onload = startBanner;

function showMessage(n, show) {
  var whichEl = (NS4) ? eval("message" + n) :
                        eval("message" + n + ".style");
  whichEl.visibility = (show) ? ((NS4) ? "show" : "visible") :
                                ((NS4) ? "hide" : "hidden");

function nextMessage() {
  var fromInd = current;
  current = (fromInd == ar.length - 1) ? 0 : fromInd + 1;
  scrollBanner(fromInd, current);

function moveUp() {
  if (NS4) {
    fromEl.top -= increment;
    if (toEl.top - increment <= toElTarget) {
      toEl.top = toElTarget;
      fromEl.visibility = "hide";
      timeoutID = setTimeout("nextMessage()", pause);
    } else {
      toEl.top -= increment;
  } else {
    fromEl.pixelTop -= increment;
    if (toEl.pixelTop - increment <= toElTarget) {
      toEl.pixelTop = toElTarget;
      fromEl.visibility = "hidden";
      timeoutID = setTimeout("nextMessage()", pause);
    } else {
      toEl.pixelTop -= increment;

function scrollBanner(from, to) {
  if (NS4) {
    fromEl = eval("message" + from);
    toEl = eval("message" + to);
    toEl.top = fromEl.top + bannerHeight;
    toElTarget = fromEl.top;
  } else {
    fromEl = eval("message" + from + ".style");
    toEl = eval("message" + to + ".style");
    toEl.pixelTop = fromEl.pixelTop + bannerHeight;
    toElTarget = fromEl.pixelTop;
  showMessage(to, true); // show the upcoming message
  intervalID = setInterval("moveUp()", interval);

function makeIE() {
  // assign the necessary code to a variable
  var text = '<DIV ID="banner" STYLE="position:absolute">';
  for (var i = ar.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    text += '<DIV ID="message' + i +
            '" STYLE="position:absolute"></DIV>';
  text += '</DIV>';

  // insert the code before the end of the document
  document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", text);

  // define the main element's properties
  with (banner.style) {
    width = bannerWidth;
    height = bannerHeight;
    clip = "rect(0 " + bannerWidth + " " + bannerHeight + " 0)";
    backgroundColor = bannerColor;
    pixelLeft = bannerLeft;
    pixelTop = bannerTop;

  // define the child elements' properties
  for (i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
    with (eval("message" + i + ".style")) {
      visibility = "hidden";
      pixelLeft = leftPadding;
      pixelTop = topPadding;
      width = bannerWidth - leftPadding;
      backgroundColor = bannerColor;

function makeNS() {
  // create the main element
  banner = new Layer(bannerWidth);

  // define the main element's properties
  with (banner) {
    clip.right = bannerWidth;
    clip.bottom = bannerHeight;
    document.bgColor = bannerColor;
    left = bannerLeft;
    top = bannerTop;
    visibility = "show";

  // define the child elements' properties
  for (var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
    // create a child element
    eval("message" + i + " = " +
         "new Layer(bannerWidth - leftPadding, banner)");
    with(eval("message" + i)) {
      visibility = "hide";
      left = leftPadding;
      top = topPadding;
      document.bgColor = bannerColor;

function fillBanner() {
  var whichEl;
  if (NS4) {
    for (var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
      whichEl = eval("message" + i);
  } else {
    for (var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
      whichEl = eval("message" + i);
      whichEl.innerHTML = ar[i];

function startBanner() {
  if (NS4)
  showMessage(0, true);
  current = 0;
  timeoutID = setTimeout("nextMessage()", pause);
// done hiding -->

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