웹마스터 팁

미리보기 : http://www.blueb.co.kr/bbs.php?table=JS_01&query=view&uid=214&p=1

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    <img class=img onclick="O[0].clic();" src="http://www.blueb.co.kr/SRC/javascript/image3/newborn.jpg" title="explain" alt="They explained a little about what they were doing.">
    <img class=img onclick="O[1].clic();" src="http://www.blueb.co.kr/SRC/javascript/image3/majesty.jpg" title="strain" alt="I hoped I wouldn´t crack under the strain.">
    <img class=img onclick="O[2].clic();" src="http://www.blueb.co.kr/SRC/javascript/image/img02.jpg" title="retain" alt="Clearly they were ready to do almost anything to retain their position.">
    <img class=img onclick="O[3].clic();" src="http://www.blueb.co.kr/SRC/javascript/image3/gazebo2k3.jpg" title="mundane" alt="I observed the face of power at its most mundane.">
    <img class=img onclick="O[4].clic();" src="http://www.blueb.co.kr/SRC/javascript/image3/pyre.jpg" title="inhumane" alt="But they couldn´t hide the very worst of their inhumane undertakings from the people.">
    <img class=img onclick="O[5].clic();" src="http://www.blueb.co.kr/SRC/javascript/image3/singularity.jpg" title="disdain" alt="They showed their utter, complete disdain for justice.">
    <img class=img onclick="O[6].clic();" src="http://www.blueb.co.kr/SRC/javascript/image3/spellcraft.jpg" title="never again" alt="Never more. Never again.">
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