웹마스터 팁
PHP5 RC2 Released.
2004.04.27 21:17
PHP 5가 RC 2 버젼을 내 놓았네요. 아래는 http://www.php.net의 원문 내용입니다.
RSS리더를 이용하시는 분들은 http://www.php.net/news.rss 주소를 RSS 리더에 등록하시면 PHP에 대한 정보에 대한 접근성이 향상되겠네요.
PHP 5 Release Candidate 2 Released!
[25-Apr-2004] The second Release Candidate of PHP 5 is now available! This mostly bug fix release improves PHP 5's stability and irons out some of the remaining issues before PHP 5 can be deemed release quality. Note that it is still not recommended for mission-critical use but people are encouraged to start playing with it and report any problems.
Key changes since Release Candidate 1 include:
The Zend Engine I compatibility mode (zend.ze1_compatibility_mode) has been re-implemented to more accurately support PHP 4's object auto-clone behavior.
All object-oriented extensions except for MySQLi have moved to studlyCaps. This includes SQLite, SOAP, Reflection API, Ming and others.
Implementing an interfaces and/or abstract method with the wrong prototype is now a fatal error. For backwards compatibility, re-implementing regular methods with the wrong prototype will only result in an E_STRICT warning.
Features as described in the Release Candidate 1 release announcement
And lots more...
For changes since Release Candidate 1, please consult the ChangeLog.
RSS리더를 이용하시는 분들은 http://www.php.net/news.rss 주소를 RSS 리더에 등록하시면 PHP에 대한 정보에 대한 접근성이 향상되겠네요.
PHP 5 Release Candidate 2 Released!
[25-Apr-2004] The second Release Candidate of PHP 5 is now available! This mostly bug fix release improves PHP 5's stability and irons out some of the remaining issues before PHP 5 can be deemed release quality. Note that it is still not recommended for mission-critical use but people are encouraged to start playing with it and report any problems.
Key changes since Release Candidate 1 include:
The Zend Engine I compatibility mode (zend.ze1_compatibility_mode) has been re-implemented to more accurately support PHP 4's object auto-clone behavior.
All object-oriented extensions except for MySQLi have moved to studlyCaps. This includes SQLite, SOAP, Reflection API, Ming and others.
Implementing an interfaces and/or abstract method with the wrong prototype is now a fatal error. For backwards compatibility, re-implementing regular methods with the wrong prototype will only result in an E_STRICT warning.
Features as described in the Release Candidate 1 release announcement
And lots more...
For changes since Release Candidate 1, please consult the ChangeLog.
댓글 4
2004.04.27 23:27
또 공지사항 카데고리에 올리셨네요; -
2004.04.28 00:03
이분이 공지사항이라는 의미를 모르시는듯 하네요 'ㅡ'a.
공지사항 카테고리를, 이런 원문 공지하는 것으로 알고계시는게 아닌가 하는// -
2004.04.28 14:24
알맞는 카테고리가 없어서 실수했네요. -
2004.04.28 13:22
아하..그런 오해의 소지가 있군요 :D
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