웹마스터 팁

센드메일 에라타..

2003.04.01 16:23


지금 시간부로 레드햇 에라타에 떴군요.

아주 요즘은 에라타 홍수인듯. certcc에서는 어제 날짜로 발표되었습니다.

센드메일 사용하시는 분들은 패치 하세요.

덕분에 레드햇 9도 업데이트가 되는군요..  -.-;

--- 내용 --
Red Hat Network has determined that the following advisory is applicable to
one or more of the systems you have registered:

Complete information about this errata can be found at the following location:

Security Advisory - RHSA-2003:120-07
Updated sendmail packages fix vulnerability

Updated Sendmail packages are available to fix a vulnerability that
allows local and possibly remote attackers to gain root privileges.

Sendmail is a widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA) which is included
in all Red Hat Linux distributions.

There is a vulnerability in Sendmail versions prior to and including
8.12.8. The address parser performs insufficient bounds checking in certain
conditions due to a char to int conversion, making it possible for an
attacker to take control of the application.  Although no exploit currently
exists, this issue is probably locally exploitable and may also be remotely

All users are advised to update to these erratum packages containing a
backported patch which corrects these vulnerabilities.

Red Hat would like to thank Michal Zalewski for finding and reporting this

Taking Action
You may address the issues outlined in this advisory in two ways:

     - select your server name by clicking on its name from the list
       available at the following location, and then schedule an
       errata update for it:

     - run the Update Agent on each affected server.

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