웹마스터 팁

apache-1.3.28 release

2003.09.19 06:37


http://apache.kr.net/dist/apache_1.3.28.tar.gz조금 늦은감이 있지만,

apache-1.3.x 버전대를 사용하시는 분중에, 대부분 apache-1.3.27 버전을 사용하실 것 같아,
참고 삼아 올립니다. :-)

아파치의 새로운 버전이 release되었습니다.

기존 1.3.27버전의 다음과 같은 내용이 fix되었다고 합니다.

- Make sure the accept mutex is released before calling child exit hooks and cleanups.

- Fix mod_rewrite's handling of absolute URIs. The escaping routines now work scheme dependent and the query string will only be appended if supported by the particular scheme.

- Prevent obscenely large values of precision in ap_vformatter from clobbering a buffer.

- Update timeout algorithm in free_proc_chain. If a subprocess did not exit immediately, the thread would sleep for 3 seconds before checking the subprocess exit status again. In a very common case when the subprocess was an HTTP server CGI script, the CGI script actually exited a fraction of a second into the 3 second sleep, which effectively limited the server to serving one CGI request every 3 seconds across a persistent connection.