제작 의뢰

XE 공식사이트에 개설된 제작의뢰/제작지원 게시판을 통한 거래시 피해나 분쟁이 발생했을 경우, XE 운영팀은 관여를 하지 않으며 모든 책임은 거래 당사자들에게 있습니다.

거래시 [피해/분쟁 예방] 좋은 거래를 위한 제작/의뢰 가이드를 숙지하여 의뢰자와 제작자 모두가 분쟁 없이 좋은 결과물을 얻을 수 있기를 바랍니다.

# User@Host: bbulsori[bbulsori] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 7.670148  Lock_time: 1.519027 Rows_sent: 5  Rows_examined: 2890
SET timestamp=1295355282;
select modules.site_srl as `site_srl`,modules.mid as `mid`,documents.* from `xe_modules` as modules,`xe_documents` as documents   where (documents.module_srl in (12139,12140,1004,12141,12142) and modules.module
_srl = documents.module_srl) order by documents.list_order asc limit 5;
# Time: 110118 21:54:43
# User@Host: bbulsori[bbulsori] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 7.775343  Lock_time: 1.524465 Rows_sent: 5  Rows_examined: 2890
SET timestamp=1295355283;
select modules.site_srl as `site_srl`,modules.mid as `mid`,documents.* from `xe_modules` as modules,`xe_documents` as documents   where (documents.module_srl in (12139,12140,1004,12141,12142) and modules.module
_srl = documents.module_srl) order by documents.list_order asc limit 5;
# User@Ho! st: bbulsori[bbulsori] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 7.661413  Lock_time: 1.394974 Rows_sent: 5  Rows_examined: 2890
SET timestamp=1295355283;
select modules.site_srl as `site_srl`,modules.mid as `mid`,documents.* from `xe_modules` as modules,`xe_documents` as documents   where (documents.module_srl in (12139,12140,1004,12141,12142) and modules.module
_srl = documents.module_srl) order by documents.list_order asc limit 5;
# Time: 110118 21:54:44
# User@Host: bbulsori[bbulsori] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 9.158039  Lock_time: 1.863302 Rows_sent: 5  Rows_examined: 2890
SET timestamp=1295355284;
select modules.site_srl as `site_srl`,modules.mid as `mid`,documents.* from `xe_modules` as modules,`xe_documents` as documents   where (documents.module_srl in (12139,12140,1004,12141,12142) and modules.module
_srl = documents.module_srl) order by documents.list_order asc limit 5;
# Time: 110118 21:54! :45
# User@Host: bbulsori[bbulsori] @ localhost []
#! Query_t ime: 10.193045  Lock_time: 1.694183 Rows_sent: 5  Rows_examined: 2890
SET timestamp=1295355285;
select modules.site_srl as `site_srl`,modules.mid as `mid`,documents.* from `xe_modules` as modules,`xe_documents` as documents   where (documents.module_srl in (12139,12140,1004,12141,12142) and modules.module
_srl = documents.module_srl) order by documents.list_order asc limit 5;
# Time: 110118 21:54:47
# User@Host: bbulsori[bbulsori] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 6.631137  Lock_time: 0.000051 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 0
SET timestamp=1295355287;
update `xe_counter_status` as counter_status set `pageview` = pageview+1  where (regdate = 20110118);
# User@Host: bbulsori[bbulsori] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 12.200232  Lock_time: 1.289961 Rows_sent: 5  Rows_examined: 2890
SET timestamp=1295355287;
select modules.site_srl as `site_srl`,modules.mid as `mid`,documents.* from `xe_modu! les` as modules,`xe_documents` as documents   where (documents.module_srl in (12139,12140,1004,12141,12142) and modules.module
_srl = documents.module_srl) order by documents.list_order asc limit 5;
# Time: 110118 21:54:53
# User@Host: bbulsori[bbulsori] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 3.329191  Lock_time: 0.230304 Rows_sent: 5  Rows_examined: 2890
SET timestamp=1295355293;
select modules.site_srl as `site_srl`,modules.mid as `mid`,documents.* from `xe_modules` as modules,`xe_documents` as documents   where (documents.module_srl in (12139,12140,1004,12141,12142) and modules.module
_srl = documents.module_srl) order by documents.list_order asc limit 5;
# User@Host: bbulsori[bbulsori] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 3.117900  Lock_time: 0.000098 Rows_sent: 5  Rows_examined: 2890
SET timestamp=1295355293;
select modules.site_srl as `site_srl`,modules.mid as `mid`,documents.* from `xe_modules` as mod! ules,`xe_documents` as documents   where (documents.modul! e_srl in (12139,12140,1004,12141,12142) and modules.module
_srl = documents.module_srl) order by documents.list_order asc limit 5;
# User@Host: bbulsori[bbulsori] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 3.475760  Lock_time: 0.000069 Rows_sent: 5  Rows_examined: 2890
SET timestamp=1295355293;
select modules.site_srl as `site_srl`,modules.mid as `mid`,documents.* from `xe_modules` as modules,`xe_documents` as documents   where (documents.module_srl in (12139,12140,1004,12141,12142) and modules.module
_srl = documents.module_srl) order by documents.list_order asc limit 5;
# Time: 110118 21:57:36
# User@Host: bbulsori[bbulsori] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 3.010258  Lock_time: 0.000092 Rows_sent: 5  Rows_examined: 2890
SET timestamp=1295355456;
select modules.site_srl as `site_srl`,modules.mid as `mid`,documents.* from `xe_modules` as modules,`xe_documents` as documents   where (documents.module_srl in (12139,1214! 0,1004,12141,12142) and modules.module
_srl = documents.module_srl) order by documents.list_order asc limit 5;
# User@Host: dwu2009[dwu2009] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 4.727551  Lock_time: 0.000084 Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 87969
use dwu2009;
SET timestamp=1295355456;
select * from `xe_member_message` as member_message,`xe_member` as member   where (member_message.receiver_srl = 3182 and member_message.readed = ''N'' and member_message.sender_srl = member.member_srl) order by
member_message.list_order desc limit 0, 1;

제사이트가 이상하게 동접이좀만 발생해도 슬로우쿼리문제로 - - 

다른서버에 지장을주게되고..  사이트가 뻗거든요..

그래서 cafe24 쪽에서 이 소스를 수정하라는데...

전 소스에대한 개념도 잘모르고해서 의뢰한번 해봅니다.

가격이랑 연락처 댓글로 달아주시면 감사하겠습니다. 

제목 글쓴이 날짜
공지 피해 사례 공유 게시물 관련 안내 [2] XE 2017.07.29
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