page_full_width" class="col-xs-12" |cond="$__Context->page_full_width">
아 무엇이 문제일까요?
2011.02.08 01:04
http://www.xeweb.co.kr/xe/?mid=search&act=IS&search_target=title_content&is_keyword=11&cx=partner-pub-8278444203493355%3Ably7cgcmpo4&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=11&sa=%EA%B2%80%EC%83%89 Fatal error: Call to a member function setAct() on a non-object in /web/home/lamborghini/html/xe/classes/module/ModuleHandler.class.php on line 304
<?php /** * @class ModuleHandler * @author NHN (developers@xpressengine.com) * @brief Handling modules * * @remarks This class is to excute actions of modules. * Constructing an instance without any parameterconstructor, it finds the target module based on Context. * If there is no act on the found module, excute an action referencing action_forward. **/
class ModuleHandler extends Handler {
var $oModule = NULL; ///< Module Instance
var $module = NULL; ///< Module var $act = NULL; ///< action var $mid = NULL; ///< Module ID var $document_srl = NULL; ///< Document Number var $module_srl = NULL; ///< Module Number
var $module_info = NULL; ///< Module Info. Object
var $error = NULL; ///< an error code.
/** * @brief constructor * @remarks it prepares variables to use in moduleHandler **/ function ModuleHandler($module = '', $act = '', $mid = '', $document_srl = '', $module_srl = '') { // If XE has not installed yet, set module as install if(!Context::isInstalled()) { $this->module = 'install'; $this->act = Context::get('act'); return; }
// Set variables from request arguments if(!$module) $this->module = Context::get('module'); else $this->module = $module;
if(!$act) $this->act = Context::get('act'); else $this->act = $act;
if(!$mid) $this->mid = Context::get('mid'); else $this->mid = $mid;
if(!$document_srl) $this->document_srl = (int)Context::get('document_srl'); else $this->document_srl = (int)$document_srl;
if(!$module_srl) $this->module_srl = (int)Context::get('module_srl'); else $this->module_srl = (int)$module_srl;
$this->entry = Context::convertEncodingStr(Context::get('entry'));
// Validate variables to prevent XSS if($this->module && !preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\_\-]+)$/i",$this->module)) die(Context::getLang("msg_invalid_request")); if($this->mid && !preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\_\-]+)$/i",$this->mid)) die(Context::getLang("msg_invalid_request")); if($this->act && !preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\_\-]+)$/i",$this->act)) die(Context::getLang("msg_invalid_request"));
// execute addon (before module initialization) $called_position = 'before_module_init'; $oAddonController = &getController('addon'); $addon_file = $oAddonController->getCacheFilePath(Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()?"mobile":"pc"); @include($addon_file); }
/** * @brief Initialization. It finds the target module based on module, mid, document_srl, and prepares to execute an action * @return true: OK, false: redirected **/ function init() { $oModuleModel = &getModel('module'); $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
if(!$this->document_srl && $this->mid && $this->entry) { $oDocumentModel = &getModel('document'); $this->document_srl = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentSrlByAlias($this->mid, $this->entry); if($this->document_srl) Context::set('document_srl', $this->document_srl); }
// Get module's information based on document_srl, if it's specified if($this->document_srl && !$this->module) { $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByDocumentSrl($this->document_srl);
// If the document does not exist, remove document_srl if(!$module_info) { unset($this->document_srl); } else { // If it exists, compare mid based on the module information // if mids are not matching, set it as the document's mid if($this->mid != $module_info->mid) { $this->mid = $module_info->mid; Context::set('mid', $module_info->mid, true); } } // if requested module is different from one of the document, remove the module information retrieved based on the document number if($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) unset($module_info); }
// If module_info is not set yet, and there exists mid information, get module information based on the mid if(!$module_info && $this->mid) { $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByMid($this->mid, $site_module_info->site_srl); //if($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) unset($module_info); }
// redirect, if module_site_srl and site_srl are different if(!$this->module && !$module_info && $site_module_info->site_srl == 0 && $site_module_info->module_site_srl > 0) { $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($site_module_info->module_site_srl); header("location:".getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain,'mid',$site_module_info->mid)); return false; }
// If module_info is not set still, and $module does not exist, find the default module if(!$module_info && !$this->module) $module_info = $site_module_info;
if(!$module_info && !$this->module && $site_module_info->module_site_srl) $module_info = $site_module_info;
// redirect, if site_srl of module_info is different from one of site's module_info if($module_info && $module_info->site_srl != $site_module_info->site_srl && !isCrawler()) { // If the module is of virtual site if($module_info->site_srl) { $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($module_info->site_srl); $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid',Context::get('mid'),'document_srl',Context::get('document_srl'),'module_srl',Context::get('module_srl'),'entry',Context::get('entry')); // If it's called from a virtual site, though it's not a module of the virtual site } else { $db_info = Context::getDBInfo(); if(!$db_info->default_url) return Context::getLang('msg_default_url_is_not_defined'); else $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($db_info->default_url, 'mid',Context::get('mid'),'document_srl',Context::get('document_srl'),'module_srl',Context::get('module_srl'),'entry',Context::get('entry')); } header("location:".$redirect_url); return false; }
// If module info was set, retrieve variables from the module information if($module_info) { $this->module = $module_info->module; $this->mid = $module_info->mid; $this->module_info = $module_info; Context::setBrowserTitle($module_info->browser_title); $part_config= $oModuleModel->getModulePartConfig('layout',$module_info->layout_srl); Context::addHtmlHeader($part_config->header_script); }
// Set module and mid into module_info $this->module_info->module = $this->module; $this->module_info->mid = $this->mid;
// Still no module? it's an error if(!$this->module) $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists';
// If mid exists, set mid into context if($this->mid) Context::set('mid', $this->mid, true); // Call a trigger after moduleHandler init $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('moduleHandler.init', 'after', $this->module_info); if(!$output->toBool()) { $this->error = $output->getMessage(); return false; }
// Set current module info into context Context::set('current_module_info', $this->module_info);
return true; }
/** * @brief get a module instance and execute an action * @return executed module instance **/ function procModule() { // If error occurred while preparation, return a message instance if($this->error) { $type = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'mobile' : 'view'; $oMessageObject = &ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message',$type); $oMessageObject->setError(-1); $oMessageObject->setMessage($this->error); $oMessageObject->dispMessage(); return $oMessageObject; }
$oModuleModel = &getModel('module');
// Get action information with conf/action.xml $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($this->module);
// If not installed yet, modify act if($this->module=="install") { if(!$this->act || !$xml_info->action->{$this->act}) $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act; }
// if act exists, find type of the action, if not use default index act if(!$this->act) $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act;
// still no act means error if(!$this->act) { $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists'; return; }
// get type, kind $type = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->type; $kind = strpos(strtolower($this->act),'admin')!==false?'admin':''; if(!$kind && $this->module == 'admin') $kind = 'admin'; if($this->module_info->use_mobile != "Y") Mobile::setMobile(false);
// if(type == view, and case for using mobilephone) if($type == "view" && Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() && Context::isInstalled()) { $orig_type = "view"; $type = "mobile"; // create a module instance $oModule = &$this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind); if(!is_object($oModule) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) { $type = $orig_type; Mobile::setMobile(false); $oModule = &$this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind); } } else { // create a module instance $oModule = &$this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind); }
if(!is_object($oModule)) { $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists'; return; }
// If there is no such action in the module object if(!isset($xml_info->action->{$this->act}) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) { if(!Context::isInstalled()) { $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request'; return; }
$forward = null; // 1. Look for the module with action name if(preg_match('/^([a-z]+)([A-Z])([a-z0-9\_]+)(.*)$/', $this->act, $matches)) { $module = strtolower($matches[2].$matches[3]); $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($module); if($xml_info->action->{$this->act}) { $forward->module = $module; $forward->type = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->type; $forward->act = $this->act; } }
if(!$forward) { $forward = $oModuleModel->getActionForward($this->act); }
if($forward->module && $forward->type && $forward->act && $forward->act == $this->act) { $kind = strpos(strtolower($forward->act),'admin')!==false?'admin':''; $type = $forward->type; $tpl_path = $oModule->getTemplatePath(); $orig_module = $oModule;
if($type == "view" && Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()) { $orig_type = "view"; $type = "mobile"; // create a module instance $oModule = &$this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind); if(!is_object($oModule) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) { $type = $orig_type; Mobile::setMobile(false); $oModule = &$this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind); } } else { $oModule = &$this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind); } $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($forward->module); if($this->module == "admin" && $type == "view") { $oMemberModel = &getModel('member');
$logged_info = $oMemberModel->getLoggedInfo(); if($logged_info->is_admin=='Y') { $orig_module->loadSideBar(); $oModule->setLayoutPath("./modules/admin/tpl"); $oModule->setLayoutFile("layout.html"); } } } else if($xml_info->default_index_act && method_exists($oModule, $xml_info->default_index_act)) { $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act; } else { $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request'; return; } }
$this->module_info->module_type = $type; $oModule->setModuleInfo($this->module_info, $xml_info);
// execute the action, and if failed, set error if(!$oModule->proc()) $this->error = $oModule->getMessage();
return $oModule; }
/** * @brief display contents from executed module * @param[in] $oModule module instance * @return none **/ function displayContent($oModule = NULL) { // If the module is not set or not an object, set error if(!$oModule || !is_object($oModule)) { $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists'; }
// If connection to DB has a problem even though it's not install module, set error if($this->module != 'install' && $GLOBALS['__DB__'][Context::getDBType()]->is_connected == false) { $this->error = 'msg_dbconnect_failed'; }
// Call trigger after moduleHandler proc $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('moduleHandler.proc', 'after', $oModule); if(!$output->toBool()) $this->error = $output->getMessage();
// Use message view object, if HTML call if(!in_array(Context::getRequestMethod(),array('XMLRPC','JSON'))) { // If error occurred, handle it if($this->error) { // display content with message module instance $type = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'mobile' : 'view'+ '; $oMessageObject = &ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message',$type); $oMessageObject->setError(-1); $oMessageObject->setMessage($this->error); $oMessageObject->dispMessage();
// If module was called normally, change the templates of the module into ones of the message view module if($oModule) { $oModule->setTemplatePath($oMessageObject->getTemplatePath()); $oModule->setTemplateFile($oMessageObject->getTemplateFile());
// Otherwise, set message instance as the target module } else { $oModule = $oMessageObject; } }
// Check if layout_srl exists for the module if(Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()) { $layout_srl = $oModule->module_info->mlayout_srl; } else { $layout_srl = $oModule->module_info->layout_srl; }
if($layout_srl && !$oModule->getLayoutFile()) {
// If layout_srl exists, get information of the layout, and set the location of layout_path/ layout_file $oLayoutModel = &getModel('layout'); $layout_info = $oLayoutModel->getLayout($layout_srl); if($layout_info) {
// Input extra_vars into $layout_info if($layout_info->extra_var_count) {
foreach($layout_info->extra_var as $var_id => $val) { if($val->type == 'image') { if(preg_match('/^\.\/files\/attach\/images\/(.+)/i',$val->value)) $val->value = Context::getRequestUri().substr($val->value,2); } $layout_info->{$var_id} = $val->value; } } // Set menus into context if($layout_info->menu_count) { foreach($layout_info->menu as $menu_id => $menu) { if(file_exists($menu->php_file)) @include($menu->php_file); Context::set($menu_id, $menu); } }
// Set layout information into context Context::set('layout_info', $layout_info);
$oModule->setLayoutPath($layout_info->path); $oModule->setLayoutFile('layout');
// If layout was modified, use the modified version $edited_layout = $oLayoutModel->getUserLayoutHtml($layout_info->layout_srl); if(file_exists($edited_layout)) $oModule->setEditedLayoutFile($edited_layout); } } }
// Display contents $oDisplayHandler = new DisplayHandler(); $oDisplayHandler->printContent($oModule); }
/** * @brief returns module's path * @param[in] $module module name * @return path of the module **/ function getModulePath($module) { return sprintf('./modules/%s/', $module); }
/** * @brief It creates a module instance * @param[in] $module module name * @param[in] $type instance type, (e.g., view, controller, model) * @param[in] $kind admin or svc * @return module instance (if failed it returns null) * @remarks if there exists a module instance created before, returns it. **/ function &getModuleInstance($module, $type = 'view', $kind = '') {
$parent_module = $module; if(__DEBUG__==3) $start_time = getMicroTime();
$key = $module.'.'.($kind!='admin'?'':'+ 'admin').'.'.$type; if(is_array($GLOBALS['__MODULE_EXTEND__']) && array_key_exists($key, $GLOBALS['__MODULE_EXTEND__'])) { $module = $extend_module = $GLOBALS['__MODULE_EXTEND__'][$key]; }else{ unset($parent_module); }
$class_path = ModuleHandler::getModulePath($module); if(!is_dir(FileHandler::getRealPath($class_path))) return NULL;
// if there is no instance of the module in global variable, create a new one if(!$GLOBALS['_loaded_module'][$module][$type][$kind]) { // Get base class name and load the file contains it if(!class_exists($module)) { $high_class_file = sprintf('%s%s%s.class.php', _XE_PATH_,$class_path, $module); if(!file_exists($high_class_file)) return NULL; require_once($high_class_file); }
// Get the object's name switch($type) { case 'controller' : if($kind == 'admin') { $instance_name = sprintf("%sAdmin%s",$module,"Controller"); $class_file = sprintf('%s%s.admin.%s.php', $class_path, $module, $type); } else { $instance_name = sprintf("%s%s",$module,"Controller"); $class_file = sprintf('%s%s.%s.php', $class_path, $module, $type); } break; case 'model' : if($kind == 'admin') { $instance_name = sprintf("%sAdmin%s",$module,"Model"); $class_file = sprintf('%s%s.admin.%s.php', $class_path, $module, $type); } else { $instance_name = sprintf("%s%s",$module,"Model"); $class_file = sprintf('%s%s.%s.php', $class_path, $module, $type); } break; case 'api' : $instance_name = sprintf("%s%s",$module,"API"); $class_file = sprintf('%s%s.api.php', $class_path, $module); break; case 'wap' : $instance_name = sprintf("%s%s",$module,"WAP"); $class_file = sprintf('%s%s.wap.php', $class_path, $module); break; case 'mobile' : $instance_name = sprintf("%s%s",$module,"Mobile"); $class_file = sprintf("%s%s.mobile.php", $class_path, $module); break; case 'class' : $instance_name = $module; $class_file = sprintf('%s%s.class.php', $class_path, $module); break; default : $type = 'view'; if($kind == 'admin') { $instance_name = sprintf("%sAdmin%s",$module,"View"); $class_file = sprintf('%s%s.admin.view.php', $class_path, $module, $type); } else { $instance_name = sprintf("%s%s",$module,"View"); $class_file = sprintf('%s%s.view.php', $class_path, $module, $type); } break; }
$class_file = FileHandler::getRealPath($class_file);
// Get the name of the class file if(!file_exists($class_file)) return NULL;
// Create an instance with eval function require_once($class_file); if(!class_exists($instance_name)) return NULL; $eval_str = sprintf('+ '$oModule = new %s();', $instance_name); @eval($eval_str); if(!is_object($oModule)) return NULL;
// Load language files for the class Context::loadLang($class_path.'lang'); if($extend_module) { Context::loadLang(ModuleHandler::getModulePath($parent_module).'lang'); }
// Set variables to the instance $oModule->setModule($module); $oModule->setModulePath($class_path);
// If the module has a constructor, run it. if(!isset($GLOBALS['_called_constructor'][$instance_name])) { $GLOBALS['_called_constructor'][$instance_name] = true; if(@method_exists($oModule, $instance_name)) $oModule->{$instance_name}(); }
// Store the created instance into GLOBALS variable $GLOBALS['_loaded_module'][$module][$type][$kind] = $oModule; }
if(__DEBUG__==3) $GLOBALS['+ '__elapsed_class_load__'] += getMicroTime() - $start_time;
// return the instance return $GLOBALS['_loaded_module'][$module][$type][$kind]; }
/** * @brief call a trigger * @param[in] $trigger_name trigger's name to call * @param[in] $called_position called position * @param[in] $obj an object as a parameter to trigger * @return Object **/ function triggerCall($trigger_name, $called_position, &$obj) { // skip if not installed if(!Context::isInstalled()) return new Object();
$oModuleModel = &getModel('module'); $triggers = $oModuleModel->getTriggers($trigger_name, $called_position); if(!$triggers || !count($triggers)) return new Object();
foreach($triggers as $item) { $module = $item->module; $type = $item->type; $called_method = $item->called_method;
$oModule = null; $oModule = &getModule($module, $type); if(!$oModule || !method_exists($oModule, $called_method)) continue;
$output = $oModule->{$called_method}($obj); if(is_object($output) && method_exists($output, 'toBool') && !$output->toBool()) return $output; unset($oModule); }
return new Object(); } } ?>
<?php /** * @class ModuleObject * @author NHN (developers@xpressengine.com) * @brief base class of ModuleHandler **/
class ModuleObject extends Object {
var $mid = NULL; ///< string to represent run-time instance of Module (XE Module) var $module = NULL; ///< Class name of Xe Module that is identified by mid var $module_srl = NULL; ///< integer value to represent a run-time instance of Module (XE Module) var $module_info = NULL; ///< an object containing the module information var $xml_info = NULL; ///< an object containing the module description extracted from XML file
var $module_path = NULL; ///< a path to directory where module source code resides
var $act = NULL; ///< a string value to contain the action name
var $template_path = NULL; ///< a path of directory where template files reside var $template_file = NULL; ///< name of template file
var $layout_path = ''; ///< a path of directory where layout files reside var $layout_file = '+ ''; ///< name of layout file var $edited_layout_file = ''; ///< name of temporary layout files that is modified in an admin mode
var $stop_proc = false; ///< a flag to indicating whether to stop the execution of code.
/** * @brief setter to set the name of module * @param name of module **/ function setModule($module) { $this->module = $module; }
/** * @brief setter to set the name of module path * @param the directory path to a module directory **/ function setModulePath($path) { if(substr($path,-1)!='/') $path.='/'; $this->module_path = $path; }
/** * @brief setter to set an url for redirection * @param $url url for redirection * @remark redirect_url is used only for ajax requests **/ function setRedirectUrl($url='./') { $this->add('redirect_url', $url); }
/** * @brief sett to set the template path for refresh.html * @remark refresh.html is executed as a result of method execution * 공통 tpl중 refresh.html을 실행할 뿐.. **/ function setRefreshPage() { $this->setTemplatePath('./common/tpl'); $this->setTemplateFile('refresh'); }
/** * @brief sett to set the action name **/ function setAct($act) { $this->act = $act; }
/** * @brief sett to set module information * @param[in] $module_info object containing module information * @param[in] $xml_info object containing module description **/ function setModuleInfo($module_info, $xml_info) { // 기본 변수 설정 $this->mid = $module_info->mid; $this->module_srl = $module_info->module_srl; $this->module_info = $module_info; $this->xml_info = $xml_info; $this->skin_vars = $module_info->skin_vars;
// 웹서비스에서 꼭 필요한 인증 정보와 권한 설정 체크 $is_logged = Context::get('is_logged'); $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
// module model 객체 생성 $oModuleModel = &getModel('module');
// XE에서 access, manager (== is_admin) 는 고정된 권한명이며 이와 관련된 권한 설정 $module_srl = Context::get('module_srl'); if(!$module_info->mid && preg_match('/^([0-9]+)$/',$module_srl)) { $request_module = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByModuleSrl($module_srl); if($request_module->module_srl == $module_srl) { $grant = $oModuleModel->getGrant($request_module, $logged_info); } } else { $grant = $oModuleModel->getGrant($module_info, $logged_info, $xml_info); }
// 현재 모듈의 access 권한이 없으면 권한 없음 표시 //if(!$grant->access) return $this->stop("msg_not_permitted");
// 관리 권한이 없으면 permision, action 확인 if(!$grant->manager) { // 현재 요청된 action의 퍼미션 type(guest, member, manager, root)를 구함 $permission_target = $xml_info->permission->{$this->act};
// module.xml에 명시된 퍼미션이 없을때 action명에 Admin이 있으면 manager로 체크 if(!$permission_target && substr_count($this->act, 'Admin')) $permission_target = 'manager';
// 권한 체크 switch($permission_target) { case 'root' : $this->stop('msg_not_permitted_act'); break; case 'manager' : if(!$grant->manager) $this->stop('msg_not_permitted_act'); break; case 'member' : if(!$is_logged) $this->stop('msg_not_permitted_act'); break; } }
// 권한변수 설정 $this->grant = $grant; Context::set('grant', $grant);
if(method_exists($this, 'init')) $this->init(); }
/** * @brief set the stop_proc and approprate message for msg_code * @param $msg_code an error code **/ function stop($msg_code) { // proc 수행을 중지 시키기 위한 플래그 세팅 $this->stop_proc = true;
// 에러 처리 $this->setError(-1); $this->setMessage($msg_code);
// message 모듈의 에러 표시 $type = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'mobile' : 'view'; $oMessageObject = &ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message',$type); $oMessageObject->setError(-1); $oMessageObject->setMessage($msg_code); $oMessageObject->dispMessage();
$this->setTemplatePath($oMessageObject->getTemplatePath()); $this->setTemplateFile($oMessageObject->getTemplateFile());
return $this; }
/** * @brief set the file name of the template file **/ function setTemplateFile($filename) { if(substr($filename,-5)!='.html') $filename .= '.html'; $this->template_file = $filename; }
/** * @brief retrieve the directory path of the template directory **/ function getTemplateFile() { return $this->template_file; }
/** * @brief set the directory path of the template directory **/ function setTemplatePath($path) { if(substr($path,0,1)!='/' && substr($path,0,2)!='./') $path = './'.$path; if(substr($path,-1)!='/') $path .= '/'; $this->template_path = $path; }
* @brief retrieve the directory path of the template directory **/ function getTemplatePath() { return $this->template_path; }
/** * @brief set the file name of the temporarily modified by admin **/ function setEditedLayoutFile($filename) { if(substr($filename,-5)!='.html') $filename .= '.html'; $this->edited_layout_file = $filename; }
/** * @brief retreived the file name of edited_layout_file **/ function getEditedLayoutFile() { return $this->edited_layout_file; }
/** * @brief set the file name of the layout file **/ function setLayoutFile($filename) { if(substr($filename,-5)!='.html') $filename .= '.html'; $this->layout_file = $filename; }
/** * @brief get the file name of the layout file **/ function getLayoutFile() { return $this->layout_file; }
/** * @brief set the directory path of the layout directory **/ function setLayoutPath($path) { if(substr($path,0,1)!='/' && substr($path,0,2)!='./') $path = './'.$path; if(substr($path,-1)!='/') $path .= '/'; $this->layout_path = $path; }
/** * @brief set the directory path of the layout directory **/ function getLayoutPath() { return $this->layout_path; }
/** * @brief excute the member method specified by $act variable * **/ function proc() { // stop_proc==true이면 그냥 패스 if($this->stop_proc) return false;
// trigger call $triggerOutput = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('moduleObject.proc', 'before', $this); if(!$triggerOutput->toBool()) { $this->setError($triggerOutput->getError()); $this->setMessage($triggerOutput->getMessage()); return false; }
// addon 실행(called_position 를 before_module_proc로 하여 호출) $called_position = 'before_module_proc'; $oAddonController = &getController('addon'); $addon_file = $oAddonController->getCacheFilePath(Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()?"mobile":"pc"); @include($addon_file);
if(isset($this->xml_info->action->{$this->act}) && method_exists($this, $this->act)) {
// 권한 체크 if(!$this->grant->access) return $this->stop("msg_not_permitted_act");
// 모듈의 스킨 정보를 연동 (스킨 정보의 테이블 분리로 동작대상 모듈에만 스킨 정보를 싱크시키도록 변경) $oModuleModel = &getModel('module'); $oModuleModel->syncSkinInfoToModuleInfo($this->module_info); Context::set('module_info', $this->module_info);
// 실행 $output = $this->{$this->act}(); } else { return false; }
// trigger call $triggerOutput = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('moduleObject.proc', 'after', $this); if(!$triggerOutput->toBool()) { $this->setError($triggerOutput->getError()); $this->setMessage($triggerOutput->getMessage()); return false; } // addon 실행(called_position 를 after_module_proc로 하여 호출) $called_position = 'after_module_proc'; $oAddonController = &getController('addon'); $addon_file = $oAddonController->getCacheFilePath(Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()?"mobile":"pc"); @include($addon_file);
if(is_a($output, 'Object') || is_subclass_of($output, '+ 'Object')) { $this->setError($output->getError()); $this->setMessage($output->getMessage()); return false; }
// view action이고 결과 출력이 XMLRPC 또는 JSON일 경우 해당 모듈의 api method를 실행 if($this->module_info->module_type == 'view'){ if(Context::getResponseMethod() == 'XMLRPC' || Context::getResponseMethod() == 'JSON') { $oAPI = getAPI($this->module_info->module, 'api'); if(method_exists($oAPI, $this->act)) { $oAPI->{$this->act}($this); } } }
return true; } } ?>www.xeweb.co.kr 제 홈페이지인데요... 통합검색이 안되네요.