제발좀 봐주셔요..에러문구
2011.03.18 17:51
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home1/boatlove/public_html/zbxe/classes/template/TemplateHandler.class.php on line 675
1.441 로 업데이트 후 이런문구가 출력됩니다..해결방법좀 알려주셔요
http://home.bcpark.net/~boatlove/zbxe/ 제 홈주소입니다.
에라출력되는 페이지같습니다.
* @class TemplateHandler
* @author NHN (developers@xpressengine.com)
* @brief template compiler
* @version 0.1
* @remarks It compiles template file by using regular expression into php
* code, and XE caches compiled code for further uses
class TemplateHandler extends Handler {
var $compiled_path = './files/cache/template_compiled/'; ///< path of compiled caches files
var $path = null; ///< target directory
var $filename = null; ///< target filename
var $file = null; ///< target file (fullpath)
var $xe_path = null; ///< XpressEngine base path
var $web_path = null; ///< tpl file web path
var $compiled_file = null; ///< tpl file web path
var $buff = null; ///< tpl file web path
var $handler_mtime = 0;
* @brief returns TemplateHandler's singleton object
* @return TemplateHandler instance
function &getInstance() {
if(__DEBUG__==3 ) {
if(!isset($GLOBALS['__TemplateHandlerCalled__'])) $GLOBALS['__TemplateHandlerCalled__']=1;
else $GLOBALS['__TemplateHandlerCalled__']++;
if(!$GLOBALS['__TemplateHandler__']) {
$GLOBALS['__TemplateHandler__'] = new TemplateHandler();
return $GLOBALS['__TemplateHandler__'];
* @brief set variables for template compile
function init($tpl_path, $tpl_filename, $tpl_file) {
// verify arguments
if(substr($tpl_path,-1)!='/') $tpl_path .= '/';
if(!file_exists($tpl_path.$tpl_filename)&&file_exists($tpl_path.$tpl_filename.'.html')) $tpl_filename .= '.html';
// create tpl_file variable
if(!$tpl_file) $tpl_file = $tpl_path.$tpl_filename;
// set template file infos.
$info = pathinfo($tpl_file);
//$this->path = preg_replace('/^\.\//',''+
$this->path = $tpl_path;
$this->filename = $tpl_filename;
$this->file = $tpl_file;
$this->xe_path = preg_replace('/([^\.^\/]+)\.php$/i','',$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$this->web_path = $this->xe_path.str_replace(_XE_PATH_,'',$this->path);
// get compiled file name
$this->compiled_file = sprintf('%s%s.compiled.php',$this->compiled_path, md5($this->file));
// compare various file's modified time for check changed
$this->handler_mtime = filemtime(_XE_PATH_.'classes/template/TemplateHandler.class.php');
$this->buff = null;
* @brief compiles specified tpl file and execution result in Context into resultant content
* @param[in] $tpl_path path of the directory containing target template file
* @param[in] $tpl_filename target template file's name
* @param[in] $tpl_file if specified use it as template file's full path
* @return Returns compiled result in case of success, NULL otherwise
function compile($tpl_path, $tpl_filename, $tpl_file = '') {
// store the starting time for debug information
if(__DEBUG__==3 ) $start = getMicroTime();
// initiation
$this->init($tpl_path, $tpl_filename, $tpl_file);
// if target file does not exist exit
if(!$this->file || !file_exists($this->file)) return sprintf('Err : "%s" template file is not exists.', $this->file);
$source_template_mtime = filemtime($this->file);
$latest_mtime = $source_template_mtime>$this->handler_mtime?$source_template_mtime:$this->handler_mtime;
// cache controll
$oCacheHandler = &CacheHandler::getInstance('template');
// get cached buff
$cache_key = 'template:'.$this->file;
$this->buff = $oCacheHandler->get($cache_key, $latest_mtime);
} else {
if(file_exists($this->compiled_file) && filemtime($this->compiled_file)>$latest_mtime) {
$this->buff = FileHandler::readFile($this->compiled_file);
if(!$this->buff) {
if($oCacheHandler->isSupport()) $oCacheHandler->put($cache_key, $this->buff);
else FileHandler::writeFile($this->compiled_file, $this->buff);
$output = $this->_fetch();
// store the ending time for debug information
if(__DEBUG__==3 ) $GLOBALS['__template_elapsed__'] += getMicroTime() - $start;
return $output;
* @brief compile specified file and immediately return
* @param[in] $tpl_path path of the directory containing target template file
* @param[in] $tpl_filename target template file's name
* @return Returns compiled content in case of success or NULL in case of failure
function compileDirect($tpl_path, $tpl_filename) {
$this->init($tpl_path, $tpl_filename, null);
// if target file does not exist exit
if(!$this->file || !file_exists($this->file)) {
printf('"%s" template file is not exists.', $this->file);
return $this->buff;
* @brief compile a template file specified in $tpl_file and
* @pre files specified by $tpl_file exists.
* @param[in] $tpl_file path of tpl file
* @param[in] $compiled_tpl_file if specified, write compiled result into the file
* @return compiled result in case of success or NULL in case of error
function parse() {
if(!file_exists($this->file)) return;
// read tpl file
$buff = FileHandler::readFile($this->file);
// replace value of src in img/input/script tag
$buff = preg_replace_callback('/<(img|input|script)([^>]*)src="([^"]*?)"/is', array($this, '_replacePath'), $buff);
// loop 템플릿 문법을 변환
$buff = $this->_replaceLoop($buff);
// |cond 템플릿 문법을 변환
$buff = preg_replace_callback("/<\/?(\w+)((\s+\w+(\s*=\s*(?:\".*?\"|'.*?'|[^'\">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)\/?>/i", array($this, '_replacePipeCond'), $buff);
// cond 템플릿 문법을 변환
$buff = $this->_replaceCond($buff);
// include 태그의 변환
$buff = preg_replace_callback('!<include ([^>]+)>!is', array($this, '_replaceInclude'), $buff);
// unload/ load 태그의 변환
$buff = preg_replace_callback('!<(unload|load) ([^>]+)>!is', array($this, '_replaceLoad'), $buff);
// 가상 태그인 block의 변환
$buff = preg_replace('/<block([ ]*)>|<\/block>/is','',$buff);
// replace include <!--#include($filename)-->
$buff = preg_replace_callback('!<\!--#include\(([^\)]*?)\)-->!is', array($this, '_compileIncludeToCode'), $buff);
// replace <!--@, -->
$buff = preg_replace_callback('!<\!--@(.*?)-->!is', array($this, '_compileFuncToCode'), $buff);
// remove comments <!--// ~ -->
$buff = preg_replace('!(\n?)( *?)<\!--//(.*?)-->!is', '', $buff);
// import xml filter/ css/ js/ files <!--%import("filename"[,optimized=true|false][,media="media"][,targetie="lt IE 6|IE 7|gte IE 8|..."])--> (media is applied to only css)
$buff = preg_replace_callback('!<\!--%import\(\"([^\"]*?)\"(,optimized\=(true|false))?(,media\=\"([^\"]*)\")?(,targetie=\"([^\"]*)\")?\)-->!is', array($this, '_compileImportCode'), $buff);
// unload css/ js <!--%unload("filename"[,optimized=true|false][,media="media"][,targetie="lt IE 6|IE 7|gte IE 8|..."])--> (media is applied to only css)
$buff = preg_replace_callback('!<\!--%unload\(\"([^\"]*?)\"(,optimized\=(true|false))?(,media\=\"([^\"]*)\")?(,targetie=\"([^\"]*)\")?\)-->!is', array($this, '_compileUnloadCode'), $buff);
// javascript plugin import
$buff = preg_replace_callback('!<\!--%load_js_plugin\(\"([^\"]*?)\"\)-->!is', array($this, '+
'_compileLoadJavascriptPlugin'), $buff);
// replace variables
$buff = preg_replace_callback('/\{[^@^ ]([^\{\}\n]+)\}/i', array($this, '_compileVarToContext'), $buff);
// PHP 변수형의 변환 ($문자등을 공유 context로 변환)
$buff = $this->_replaceVarInPHP($buff);
// replace parts not displaying results
$buff = preg_replace_callback('/\{\@([^\{\}]+)\}/i', array($this, '_compileVarToSilenceExecute'), $buff);
// prevent from calling directly before writing into file
$this->buff = '<?php if(!defined("__ZBXE__")) exit();?>'.$buff;
* @brief fetch using ob_* function
* @param[in] $compiled_tpl_file path of compiled template file
* @param[in] $buff if buff is not null, eval it instead of including compiled template file
* @param[in] $tpl_path set context's tpl path
* @return result string
function _fetch() {
if(!$this->buff) return;
$__Context = &$GLOBALS['__Context__'];
$__Context->tpl_path = $this->path;
if($_SESSION['is_logged']) $__Context->logged_info = $_SESSION['logged_info'];
$eval_str = "?>".$this->buff;
return ob_get_clean();
* @brief change image path
* @pre $matches is an array containg three elements
* @param[in] $matches match
* @return changed result
function _replacePath($matches)
$path = trim($matches[3]);
if(substr($path,0,1)=='/' || substr($path,0,1)=='{' || strpos($path,'://')!==false) return $matches[0];
if(substr($path,0,2)=='./') $path = substr($path,2);
$target = $this->web_path.$path;
$target = preg_replace('/\/([^\/]+)\/\.\.\//','/',$target);
return '<'.$matches[1].$matches[2].'src="'.$target.'"';
* @brief loop 문법의 변환
function _replaceLoop($buff)
while(false !== $pos = strpos($buff, ' loop="'))
$pre = substr($buff,0,$pos);
$next = substr($buff,$pos);
$pre_pos = strrpos($pre, '<');
preg_match('/^ loop="([^"]+)"/i',$next,$m);
$tag = substr($next,0,strlen($m[0]));
$next = substr($next,strlen($m[0]));
$next_pos = strpos($next, '<');
$tag = substr($pre, $pre_pos). $tag. substr($next, 0, $next_pos);
$pre = substr($pre, 0, $pre_pos);
$next = substr($next, $next_pos);
$tag_name = trim(substr($tag,1,strpos($tag,' ')));
$tag_head = $tag_tail = '';
if(!preg_match('/ loop="([^"]+)"/is',$tag)) {
print "<strong>Invalid XpressEngine Template Syntax</strong><br/>";
print "File : ".$this->file."<br/>";
print "Code : ".htmlspecialchars($tag);
preg_match_all('/ loop="([^"]+)"/is',$tag,$m);
$tag = preg_replace('/ loop="([^"]+)"/is','', $tag);
$loop = $m[1][$i];
if(false!== $fpos = strpos($loop,'=>'))
$target = trim(substr($loop,0,$fpos));
$vars = trim(substr($loop,$fpos+2));
$tag_head .= '<?php if(count('.$target.')) { foreach('.$target.' as '.$vars.') { ?>';
$tag_tail .= '<?php } } ?>';
$t = explode(','+
$tag_head .= '<?php if(count('.$target.')) { foreach('.$target.' as '.trim($t[0]).' => '.trim($t[1]).') { ?>';
$tag_tail .= '<?php } } ?>';
$tag_head .= '<?php for('.$loop.'){ ?>';
$tag_tail .= '<?php } ?>';
$t = explode('=',$loop);
$tag_head .= '<?php while('.trim($t[0]).' = '.trim($t[1]).') { ?>';
$tag_tail .= '<?php } ?>';
while(false !== $close_pos = strpos($next, '</'.$tag_name))
$tmp_buff = substr($next, 0, $close_pos+strlen('</'.$tag_name.'>'));
$tag .= $tmp_buff;
$next = substr($next, strlen($tmp_buff));
if(false === strpos($tmp_buff, '<'.$tag_name)) break;
$buff = $pre.$tag_head.$tag.$tag_tail.$next;
return $buff;
* @brief pipe cond, |cond= 의 변환
function _replacePipeCond($matches)
while(strpos($matches[0],'|cond="')!==false) {
if(preg_match('/ (\w+)=\"([^\"]+)\"\|cond=\"([^\"]+)\"/is', $matches[0], $m))
$matches[0] = str_replace($m[0], sprintf('<?php if(%s) {?> %s="%s"<?}?>', $m[3], $m[1], $m[2]), $matches[0]);
return $matches[0];
* @brief cond 문법의 변환
function _replaceCond($buff)
while(false !== ($pos = strpos($buff, ' cond="'+
$pre = substr($buff,0,$pos);
$next = substr($buff,$pos);
$pre_pos = strrpos($pre, '<');
$next_pos = strpos($next, '<');
$tag = substr($pre, $pre_pos). substr($next, 0, $next_pos);
$pre = substr($pre, 0, $pre_pos);
$next = substr($next, $next_pos);
$tag_name = trim(substr($tag,1,strpos($tag,' ')));
$tag_head = $tag_tail = '';
if(preg_match_all('/ cond=\"([^\"]+)"/is',$tag,$m))
$tag_head .= '<?php if('.$m[1][$i].') { ?>';
$tag_tail .= '<?php } ?>';
if(!preg_match('/ cond="([^"]+)"/is',$tag)) {
print "<strong>Invalid XpressEngine Template Syntax</strong><br/>";
print "File : ".$this->file."<br/>";
print "Code : ".htmlspecialchars($tag);
$tag = preg_replace('/ cond="([^"]+)"/is','', $tag);
$buff = $pre.$tag_head.$tag.$tag_tail.$next;
while(false !== $close_pos = strpos($next, '</'.$tag_name))
$tmp_buff = substr($next, 0, $close_pos+strlen('</'.$tag_name.'>'));
$tag .= $tmp_buff;
$next = substr($next, strlen($tmp_buff));
if(false === strpos($tmp_buff, '<'.$tag_name)) break;
$buff = $pre.$tag_head.$tag.$tag_tail.$next;
return $buff;
* @brief 다른 template파일을 include하는 include tag의 변환
function _replaceInclude($matches)
if(!preg_match('/target=\"([^\"]+)\"/is',$matches[0], $m)) {
print '"target" attribute missing in "'.htmlspecialchars($matches[0]);
$target = $m[1];
$target = substr($target,1);
$pos = strrpos('/',$target);
$filename = substr($target,$pos+1);
$path = substr($target,0,$pos);
} else {
if(substr($target,0,2)=='./') $target = substr($target,2);
$pos = strrpos('/',$target);
$filename = substr($target,$pos);
$path = $this->path.substr($target,0,$pos);
return sprintf(
'$oTemplate = &TemplateHandler::getInstance();%s'.
'print $oTemplate->compile(\'%s\',\'%s\');%s'.
$path, $filename, "\n",
* @brief load 태그의 변환
function _replaceLoad($matches) {
$output = $matches[0];
'/ ([^=]+)=\"([^\"]+)\"/is',$matches[0], $m)) return $matches[0];
$type = $matches[1];
if(!trim($m[1][$i])) continue;
$attrs[trim($m[1][$i])] = trim($m[2][$i]);
if(!$attrs['target']) return $matches[0];
$web_path = $this->web_path;
$base_path = $this->path;
$target = $attrs['target'];
if(substr($target,0,2)=='./') $target = substr($target,2);
if(!substr($target,0,1)!='/') $target = $web_path.$target;
// if target ends with lang, load language pack
if(substr($target, -4)=='lang') {
') $target = substr($target, 2);
$lang_dir = $base_path.$target;
if(is_dir($lang_dir)) $output = sprintf('<?php Context::loadLang("%s"); ?>', $lang_dir);
// otherwise try to load xml, css, js file
} else {
if(substr($target,0,1)!='/') $source_filename = $base_path.$target;
else $source_filename = $target;
// get filename and path
$tmp_arr = explode("/",$source_filename);
$filename = array_pop($tmp_arr);
$base_path = implode("/",$tmp_arr)."/";
// get the ext
$tmp_arr = explode(".",$filename);
$ext = strtolower(array_pop($tmp_arr));
// according to ext., import the file
switch($ext) {
// xml js filter
case '+
'xml' :
// create an instance of XmlJSFilter class, then create js and handle Context::addJsFile
$output = sprintf(
'$oXmlFilter = new XmlJSFilter("%s","%s");%s'.
// css file
case 'css' :
if(!preg_match('/^(http|\/)/i',$source_filename)) $source_filename = $base_path.$filename;
if($type == 'unload') $output = '<?php Context::unloadCSSFile("'.$source_filename.'"); ?>';
else $output = '<?php Context::addCSSFile("'.$source_filename.'"); ?>';
// js file
case 'js' :
if(!preg_match('/^(http|\/)/i',$source_filename)) $source_filename = $base_path.$filename;
if($type == 'unload') $output = '<?php Context::unloadJsFile("'.$source_filename.'"); ?>';
else $output = '<?php Context::addJsFile("'.$source_filename.'"); ?>';
return $output;
* @brief $문자 의 PHP 변수 변환
function _replaceVarInPHP($buff) {
$head = $tail = '';
while(false !== $pos = strpos($buff, '<?php'))
$head .= substr($buff,0,$pos);
$buff = substr($buff,$pos);
$pos = strpos($buff,'?>');
$body = substr($buff,0,$pos+2);
$head .= preg_replace_callback('/(.?)\$(\w+[a-z0-9\_\-\[\]\'\"]+)/is',array($this, '_replaceVarString'), $body);
$buff = substr($buff,$pos+2);
return $head.$buff;
* @brief php5의 class::$변수명의 경우 context를 사용하지 않아야 하기에 함수로 대체
function _replaceVarString($matches)
if($matches[1]==':') return $matches[0];
if(substr($matches[2],0,1)=='_') return $matches[0];
return $matches[1].'$__Context->'+
* @brief replace <!--#include $path--> with php code
* @param[in] $matches match
* @return replaced result
function _compileIncludeToCode($matches) {
// if target string to include contains variables handle them
$arg = str_replace(array('"','\''), '', $matches[1]);
if(!$arg) return;
$tmp_arr = explode("/", $arg);
for($i=0;$i<count($tmp_arr);$i++) {
$item1 = trim($tmp_arr[$i]);
if($item1=='.'||substr($item1,-5)=='.html') continue;
$tmp2_arr = explode(".",$item1);
for($j=0;$j<count($tmp2_arr);$j++) {
$item = trim($tmp2_arr[$j]);
if(substr($item,0,1)=='$') $item = Context::get(substr($item,1));
$tmp2_arr[$j] = $item;
$tmp_arr[$i] = implode(".",$tmp2_arr);
$arg = implode("/",$tmp_arr);
if(substr($arg,0,2)=='./') $arg = substr($arg,2);
// step1: check files in the template directory
//$source_filename = sprintf("%s/%s", dirname($this->file), $arg);
$path = substr($this->path,-1)=='/'?substr($this->path,0,-1):$this->path;
$source_filename = sprintf("%s/%s", $path, $arg);
// step2: check path from root
if(!file_exists($source_filename)) $source_filename = './'.$arg;
if(!file_exists($source_filename)) return;
// split into path and filename
$tmp_arr = explode('/', $source_filename);
$filename = array_pop($tmp_arr);
$path = implode('/', $tmp_arr).'/';
// try to include
$output = sprintf(
'$oTemplate = &TemplateHandler::getInstance();%s'.
'print $oTemplate->compile(\'%s\',\'%s\');%s'.
$path, $filename, "\n",
return $output;
* @brief replace $... variables in { } with Context::get(...)
* @param[in] $matches match
* @return replaced result in case of success or NULL in case of error
function _compileVarToContext($matches) {
$str = trim(substr($matches[0],1,strlen($matches[0])-2));
if(!$str) return $matches[0];
','\'','"'))) {
if(preg_match('/^([^\( \.]+)(\(| \.)/i',$str,$m)) {
$func = trim($m[1]);
if(strpos($func,'::')===false) {
if(!function_exists($func)) {
return $matches[0];
} else {
list($class, $method) = explode('::',$func);
// FIXME regardless of whether class/func name is case-sensitive, it is safe
// to assume names are case sensitive. We don't have compare twice.
if(!class_exists($class) || !in_array($method, get_class_methods($class))) {
// In some environment, the name of classes and methods may be case-sensitive
list($class, $method) = explode('::',strtolower($func));
if(!class_exists($class) || !in_array($method, get_class_methods($class))) {
return $matches[0];
} else {
if(!defined($str)) return $matches[0];
return '<?php @print('.preg_replace('/\$([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\>]+)/i','$__Context->\\1', $str).');?>';
* @brief replace @... function in { } into print func(..)
* @param[in] $matches match
* @return replaced result
function _compileVarToSilenceExecute($matches) {
if(strtolower(trim(str_replace(array(';',' '),'', $matches[1])))=='return') return '<?php return; ?>';
return '<?php @'.preg_replace('/\$([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\>]+)/i','$__Context->\\1', trim($matches[1])).';?>';
* @brief replace code in <!--@, --> with php code
* @param[in] $matches match
* @return changed result
function _compileFuncToCode($matches) {
static $idx = 0;
$code = trim($matches[1]);
if(!$code) return;
switch(strtolower($code)) {
case 'else' :
$output = '}else{';
case 'end' :
case 'endif' :
case 'endfor' :
case 'endforeach' :
case 'endswitch' :
$output = '}';
case 'break' :
$output = 'break;';
case 'default' :
$output = 'default :';
case 'break@default' :
$output = 'break; default :';