
PostgreSQL 설치 관련

2011.08.13 23:10


서버에 pgsql 기반으로 XE를 설치하려는데 DB 정보 기입하는 부분에서 에러가 나며 진행이 안 되네요.
pgsql쪽을 보면 xe_로 시작하는 많은 테이블들이 생성되 있기는 하나, 로그에 다음과 같은 에러가 남아 있습니다.

2011-08-13 22:43:36 KST ERROR:  relation "xe_sequence" already exists
2011-08-13 22:43:36 KST STATEMENT:  create sequence xe_sequence
2011-08-13 22:43:38 KST ERROR:  function server_url(integer) does not exist at character 86
2011-08-13 22:43:38 KST HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
2011-08-13 22:43:38 KST STATEMENT:  create  index xe_member_openid_associationidx_assoc on xe_member_openid_association (server_url(255),handle);
2011-08-13 22:43:38 KST ERROR:  missing FROM-clause entry for table "modules" at character 8
2011-08-13 22:43:38 KST STATEMENT:  select modules.site_srl as module_site_srl,modules.module_srl as module_srl,modules.module as module,modules.module_category_srl as module_category_srl,modules.layout_srl as layout_srl,modules.mlayout_srl as mlayout_srl,modules.use_mobile as use_mobile,modules.menu_srl as menu_srl,modules.mid as mid,modules.skin as skin,modules.mskin as mskin,modules.browser_title as browser_title,modules.description as description,modules.is_default as is_default,modules.content as content,modules.mcontent as mcontent,modules.open_rss as open_rss,modules.header_text as header_text,modules.footer_text as footer_text,modules.regdate as regdate,sites.site_srl as site_srl,sites.domain as domain,sites.index_module_srl as index_module_srl,sites.default_language as default_language from xe_sites as sites  
2011-08-13 22:43:38 KST ERROR:  syntax error at end of input at character 22
2011-08-13 22:43:38 KST STATEMENT:  update xe_sites set 
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST ERROR:  syntax error at end of input at character 70
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST STATEMENT:  select module_srl from xe_module_grants as module_grants    group by
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST ERROR:  syntax error at end of input at character 70
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST STATEMENT:  select module_srl from xe_module_grants as module_grants    group by
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST ERROR:  syntax error at end of input at character 70
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST STATEMENT:  select module_srl from xe_module_grants as module_grants    group by
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "xe_tcnotifyqueue_pkey"
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST STATEMENT:  insert into xe_tcnotifyqueue (comment_srl) values (0);
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST ERROR:  syntax error at end of input at character 70
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST STATEMENT:  select module_srl from xe_module_grants as module_grants    group by
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST ERROR:  syntax error at end of input at character 70
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST STATEMENT:  select module_srl from xe_module_grants as module_grants    group by
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST ERROR:  syntax error at end of input at character 70
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST STATEMENT:  select module_srl from xe_module_grants as module_grants    group by
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "xe_tcnotifyqueue_pkey"
2011-08-13 22:43:39 KST STATEMENT:  insert into xe_tcnotifyqueue (comment_srl) values (0);
2011-08-13 22:44:00 KST ERROR:  missing FROM-clause entry for table "modules" at character 8
2011-08-13 22:44:00 KST STATEMENT:  select modules.site_srl as module_site_srl,modules.module_srl as module_srl,modules.module as module,modules.module_category_srl as module_category_srl,modules.layout_srl as layout_srl,modules.mlayout_srl as mlayout_srl,modules.use_mobile as use_mobile,modules.menu_srl as menu_srl,modules.mid as mid,modules.skin as skin,modules.mskin as mskin,modules.browser_title as browser_title,modules.description as description,modules.is_default as is_default,modules.content as content,modules.mcontent as mcontent,modules.open_rss as open_rss,modules.header_text as header_text,modules.footer_text as footer_text,modules.regdate as regdate,sites.site_srl as site_srl,sites.domain as domain,sites.index_module_srl as index_module_srl,sites.default_language as default_language from xe_sites as sites  
2011-08-13 22:44:00 KST ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "xe_sites_pkey"
2011-08-13 22:44:00 KST STATEMENT:  insert into xe_sites (site_srl,domain,index_module_srl,default_language,regdate) values (0,'my-site.org/zbxe/',0,'ko','20110813224400');
2011-08-13 22:44:00 KST ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "xe_tcnotifyqueue_pkey"
2011-08-13 22:44:00 KST STATEMENT:  insert into xe_tcnotifyqueue (comment_srl) values (0);
2011-08-13 22:44:00 KST ERROR:  syntax error at end of input at character 70
2011-08-13 22:44:00 KST STATEMENT:  select module_srl from xe_module_grants as module_grants    group by
2011-08-13 22:44:00 KST ERROR:  syntax error at end of input at character 70
2011-08-13 22:44:00 KST STATEMENT:  select module_srl from xe_module_grants as module_grants    group by
2011-08-13 22:44:00 KST ERROR:  syntax error at end of input at character 70
2011-08-13 22:44:00 KST STATEMENT:  select module_srl from xe_module_grants as module_grants    group by

단 한 번의 설치 시도로 나오는 에러들입니다.
중간의 'my-site.org' 부분은 제가 임의로 로그를 수정한 부분이며 제 도메인으로 정상 표시가 됩니다.
또 아파치 로그에는 다음과 같이 남습니다.

[Sat Aug 13 22:43:38 2011] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /home/setzer/www/zbxe/classes/db/DBPostgresql.class.php on line 631, referer: http://my-site.org/zbxe/

서버 환경은 다음과 같습니다.

ubuntu 10.04, php 5.3.2, pgsql 8.4

제 설치 환경에 문제가 있는지 확인하려고 했으나 아래의 설치 환경 란에서는 자세한 내용이 없어서 모르겠습니다.

참고로 이 서버에서는 이미 mysql 버전도 사용중이며 잘 동작하고 있기 때문에 설치 환경이 아니면 DB 연결시 구문에 문제가 있는 건 아닌지 의심스럽습니다.
본 게시판과 구글 코드 사이트에서의 이슈 트래커에서는 동일 증상을 찾지 못했습니다.

자세한 분석에 앞서서 알려진 문제인지 확인차 질문을 올립니다.
도움 부탁드립니다.
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