
게시판 EX 에서도 업데이트가 아직 없는 가운데..

호환성이 어디에 문제가 있는지 잘 모르겠습니다.


다만 확실하건, 버전의 TemplateHandler.class.php를 버전의 TemplateHandler.class.php로 교체하면,

게시판 EX가 표시됩니다. 버전



     * @class TemplateHandler
     * @author NHN (developers@xpressengine.com)
     * @brief template compiler
     * @version 0.1
     * @remarks It compiles template file by using regular expression into php
     *          code, and XE caches compiled code for further uses

    class TemplateHandler extends Handler {

        var $compiled_path = './files/cache/template_compiled/'; ///< path of compiled caches files

        var $path = null; ///< target directory
        var $filename = null; ///< target filename
        var $file = null; ///< target file (fullpath)
  var $xe_path = null;  ///< XpressEngine base path
  var $web_path = null; ///< tpl file web path
  var $compiled_file = null; ///< tpl file web path
  var $buff = null; ///< tpl file web path

  var $handler_mtime = 0;

         * @brief returns TemplateHandler's singleton object
         * @return TemplateHandler instance
        function &getInstance() {
            if(__DEBUG__==3 ) {
                if(!isset($GLOBALS['__TemplateHandlerCalled__'])) $GLOBALS['__TemplateHandlerCalled__']=1;
                else $GLOBALS['__TemplateHandlerCalled__']++;

            if(!$GLOBALS['__TemplateHandler__']) {
                $GLOBALS['__TemplateHandler__'] = new TemplateHandler();
            return $GLOBALS['__TemplateHandler__'];

   * @brief set variables for template compile
  function init($tpl_path, $tpl_filename, $tpl_file) {
            // verify arguments
            if(substr($tpl_path,-1)!='/') $tpl_path .= '/';
   if(!file_exists($tpl_path.$tpl_filename)&&file_exists($tpl_path.$tpl_filename.'.html')) $tpl_filename .= '.html';

            // create tpl_file variable
            if(!$tpl_file) $tpl_file = $tpl_path.$tpl_filename;

   // set template file infos.
   $info = pathinfo($tpl_file);
   //$this->path = preg_replace('/^\.\//','',$info['dirname']).'/';
   $this->path = $tpl_path;
   $this->filename = $tpl_filename;
   $this->file = $tpl_file;

   $this->xe_path = preg_replace('/([^\.^\/]+)\.php$/i'+ ','',$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
   $this->web_path = $this->xe_path.str_replace(_XE_PATH_,'',$this->path);

   // get compiled file name
   $this->compiled_file = sprintf('%s%s.compiled.php',$this->compiled_path, md5($this->file));

   // compare various file's modified time for check changed
   $this->handler_mtime = filemtime(_XE_PATH_.'classes/template/TemplateHandler.class.php');

   $this->buff = null;

         * @brief compiles specified tpl file and execution result in Context into resultant content
         * @param[in] $tpl_path path of the directory containing target template file
         * @param[in] $tpl_filename target template file's name
         * @param[in] $tpl_file if specified use it as template file's full path
         * @return Returns compiled result in case of success, NULL otherwise
        function compile($tpl_path, $tpl_filename, $tpl_file = '') {
            // store the starting time for debug information
            if(__DEBUG__==3 ) $start = getMicroTime();

   // initiation
   $this->init($tpl_path, $tpl_filename, $tpl_file);

            // if target file does not exist exit
            if(!$this->file || !file_exists($this->file)) return sprintf('Err : "%s" template file does not exists.', $this->file);

            $source_template_mtime = filemtime($this->file);
   $latest_mtime = $source_template_mtime>$this->handler_mtime?$source_template_mtime:$this->handler_mtime;

   // cache controll
   $oCacheHandler = &CacheHandler::getInstance('template');

   // get cached buff
    $cache_key = 'template:'.$this->file;
    $this->buff = $oCacheHandler->get($cache_key, $latest_mtime);
   } else {
    if(file_exists($this->compiled_file) && filemtime($this->compiled_file)>$latest_mtime) {
     $this->buff = FileHandler::readFile($this->compiled_file);

   if(!$this->buff) {
    if($oCacheHandler->isSupport()) $oCacheHandler->put($cache_key, $this->buff);
    else FileHandler::writeFile($this->compiled_file, $this->buff);

   $output = $this->_fetch();

   // store the ending time for debug information
            if(__DEBUG__==3 ) $GLOBALS['__template_elapsed__'] += getMicroTime() - $start;

            return $output;

         * @brief compile specified file and immediately return
         * @param[in] $tpl_path path of the directory containing target template file
         * @param[in] $tpl_filename target template file's name
         * @return Returns compiled content in case of success or NULL in case of failure
        function compileDirect($tpl_path, $tpl_filename) {
   $this->init($tpl_path, $tpl_filename, null);

            // if target file does not exist exit
            if(!$this->file || !file_exists($this->file)) {
    printf('"%s" template file is not exists.', $this->file);

   return $this->buff;

         * @brief compile a template file specified in $tpl_file and
         * @pre files specified by $tpl_file exists.
         * @param[in] $tpl_file path of tpl file
         * @param[in] $compiled_tpl_file if specified, write compiled result into the file
         * @return compiled result in case of success or NULL in case of error
        function parse() {
   if(!file_exists($this->file)) return;

            // read tpl file
            $buff = FileHandler::readFile($this->file);

   // replace value of src in img/input/script tag
   $buff = preg_replace_callback('/<(img|input|script)([^>]*)src="([^"]*?)"/is', array($this, '_replacePath'), $buff);

   // loop 템플릿 문법을 변환
   $buff = $this->_replaceLoop($buff);

   // cond 템플릿 문법을 변환
   $buff = $this->_replaceCond($buff);

   // |cond 템플릿 문법을 변환
   $buff = preg_replace_callback("/<\/?(\w+)((\s+\w+(\s*=\s*(?:\".*?\"|'.*?'|[^'\">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)\/?>/i", array($this, '+ '_replacePipeCond'), $buff);

   // include 태그의 변환
   $buff = preg_replace_callback('!<include ([^>]+)>!is', array($this, '_replaceInclude'), $buff);

   // unload/ load 태그의 변환
   $buff = preg_replace_callback('!<(unload|load) ([^>]+)>!is', array($this, '_replaceLoad'), $buff);

   // 가상 태그인 block의 변환
   $buff = preg_replace('/<block([ ]*)>|<\/block>/is','',$buff);

            // replace include <!--#include($filename)-->
            $buff = preg_replace_callback('!<\!--#include\(([^\)]*?)\)-->!is', array($this, '_compileIncludeToCode'), $buff);

            // replace <!--@, -->
            $buff = preg_replace_callback('!<\!--@(.*?)-->!is', array($this, '_compileFuncToCode'), $buff);

            // remove comments <!--// ~ -->
            $buff = preg_replace('!(\n?)( *?)<\!--//(.*?)-->!is', '', $buff);

            // import xml filter/ css/ js/ files <!--%import("filename"[,optimized=true|false][,media="media"][,targetie="lt IE 6|IE 7|gte IE 8|..."])--> (media is applied to only css)
            $buff = preg_replace_callback('!<\!--%import\(\"([^\"]*?)\"(,optimized\=(true|false))?(,media\=\"([^\"]*)\")?(,targetie=\"([^\"]*)\")?(,index=\"([^\"]*)\")?(,type=\"([^\"]*)\")?\)-->!is', array($this, '_compileImportCode'+ '), $buff);

            // unload css/ js <!--%unload("filename"[,optimized=true|false][,media="media"][,targetie="lt IE 6|IE 7|gte IE 8|..."])--> (media is applied to only css)
            $buff = preg_replace_callback('+ '!<\!--%unload\(\"([^\"]*?)\"(,optimized\=(true|false))?(,media\=\"([^\"]*)\")?(,targetie=\"([^\"]*)\")?\)-->!is', array($this, '_compileUnloadCode'), $buff);

            // javascript plugin import
            $buff = preg_replace_callback('!<\!--%load_js_plugin\(\"([^\"]*?)\"\)-->!is', array($this, '_compileLoadJavascriptPlugin'), $buff);

            // replace variables
            $buff = preg_replace_callback('/\{[^@^ ]([^\{\}\n]+)\}/i', array($this, '_compileVarToContext'), $buff);

   // PHP 변수형의 변환 ($문자등을 공유 context로 변환)
   $buff = $this->_replaceVarInPHP($buff);

            // replace parts not displaying results
            $buff = preg_replace_callback('/\{\@([^\{\}]+)\}/i', array($this, '_compileVarToSilenceExecute'), $buff);

            // prevent from calling directly before writing into file
            $this->buff = '<?php if(!defined("__ZBXE__")) exit();?>'.$buff;

         * @brief fetch using ob_* function
         * @param[in] $compiled_tpl_file path of compiled template file
         * @param[in] $buff if buff is not null, eval it instead of including compiled template file
         * @param[in] $tpl_path set context's tpl path
         * @return result string
        function _fetch() {
   if(!$this->buff) return;

            $__Context = &$GLOBALS['__Context__'];
            $__Context->tpl_path = $this->path;

            if($_SESSION['is_logged']) $__Context->logged_info = $_SESSION['logged_info'];

   $eval_str = "?>".$this->buff;
            return ob_get_clean();

         * @brief change image path
         * @pre $matches is an array containg three elements
         * @param[in] $matches match
         * @return changed result
  function _replacePath($matches)
   preg_match_all('/src="([^"]*?)"/is', $matches[0], $m);
   for($i=0,$c=count($m[0]);$i<$c;$i++) {
    $path = trim($m[1][$i]);
    if(substr($path,0,1)=='/' || substr($path,0,1)=='{' || strpos($path,'://')!==false) continue;
    if(substr($path,0,2)=='./') $path = substr($path,2);
    $target = $this->web_path.$path;
     $target = preg_replace('/\/([^\/]+)\/\.\.\//','/',$target);
    $target = str_replace('/./','/',$target);
    $matches[0] = str_replace($m[0][$i], 'src="'.$target.'"'+ ', $matches[0]);
   return $matches[0];

   * @brief loop 문법의 변환
  function _replaceLoop($buff)
   while(false !== $pos = strpos($buff, ' loop="'))
    $pre = substr($buff,0,$pos);
    $next = substr($buff,$pos);

    $pre_pos = strrpos($pre, '<');

    preg_match('/^ loop="([^"]+)"/i',$next,$m);
    $orgTag = $tag = substr($next,0,strlen($m[0]));
    $next = substr($next,strlen($m[0]));
    $next_pos = strpos($next, '<');

    $tag = substr($pre, $pre_pos). $tag. substr($next, 0, $next_pos);
    // search end tag
    /* tag as '<br cond="condition"/>blahblah' to be '<br cond="condition"/>' */
    preg_match('/\/>(\w+)/',$tag, $mm);
    if ($mm[1]){
     $next_pos = strpos($next, $mm[1]);
     $tag = substr($pre, $pre_pos). $orgTag. substr($next, 0, $next_pos);
    $pre = substr($pre, 0, $pre_pos);
    $next  = substr($next, $next_pos);

    $tag_name = trim(substr($tag,1,strpos($tag,' ')));
    $tag_head = $tag_tail = ''+ ';

    if(!preg_match('/ loop="([^"]+)"/is',$tag)) {
     print "<strong>Invalid XpressEngine Template Syntax</strong><br/>";
     print "File : ".$this->file."<br/>";
     print "Code : ".htmlspecialchars($tag);

    preg_match_all('/ loop="([^"]+)"/is',$tag,$m);
    $tag = preg_replace('/ loop="([^"]+)"/is','', $tag);

     $loop = $m[1][$i];
     if(false!== $fpos = strpos($loop,'=>'))
      $target = trim(substr($loop,0,$fpos));
      if(substr($target, 0, 1) == '$') $target = sprintf('+ '$__Context->%s ', substr($target, 1));

      $vars = trim(substr($loop,$fpos+2));
       if(substr($vars, 0, 1) == '$') $vars = sprintf('$__Context->%s ', substr($vars, 1));

       $tag_head .= '<?php if(count('.$target.')) { foreach('+ '.$target.' as '.$vars.') { ?>';
       $tag_tail .= '<?php } } ?>';
       $t = explode(',',$vars);
       foreach($t as $key => $val){
        if(substr(trim($val), 0, 1) == '$') $val = sprintf('$__Context->%s ', substr(trim($val), 1));
        $t[$key] = trim($val);
       $tag_head .= '<?php if(count('.$target.')) { foreach('.$target.' as '.trim($t[0]).' => '.trim($t[1]).') { ?>';
       $tag_tail .= '<?php } } ?>';
      $loop = preg_replace('/\$(\w+)/', '$__Context->$1', $loop);
      $tag_head .= '<?php for('.$loop.'){ ?>';
      $tag_tail .= '<?php } ?>';
      $t = explode('=',$loop);
       $tag_head .= '<?php while('.trim($t[0]).' = '.trim($t[1]).') { ?>'+ ';
       $tag_tail .= '<?php } ?>';

     while(false !== $close_pos = strpos($next, '</'.$tag_name))
      $tmp_buff = substr($next, 0, $close_pos+strlen('</'.$tag_name.'>'));
      $tag .= $tmp_buff;
      $next = substr($next, strlen($tmp_buff));
      if(substr_count($tag, '<'.$tag_name) == substr_count($tag,'</'.$tag_name)) break;

    $buff = $pre.$tag_head.$tag.$tag_tail.$next;
   return $buff;

   * @brief pipe cond, |cond= 의 변환
  function _replacePipeCond($matches)
   if(strpos($matches[0],'|cond')!==false) {
    while(strpos($matches[0],'|cond="')!==false) {
     if(preg_match('/ (\w+)=\"([^\"]+)\"\|cond=\"([^\"]+)\"/is', $matches[0], $m)){
      $m[3] = preg_replace('/^\$(\w+)/', '$__Context->$1', $m[3]);
      $matches[0] = str_replace($m[0], sprintf('<?php if(%s) {?> %s="%s"<?php }?>', $m[3], $m[1], $m[2]), $matches[0]);

   return $matches[0];

   * @brief cond 문법의 변환
  function _replaceCond($buff)
   while(false !== ($pos = strpos($buff, ' cond="')))
    $pre = substr($buff,0,$pos);
    $next = substr($buff,$pos);

    $pre_pos = strrpos($pre, '<');

    if(!$m[0]) return $buff;
    $next_pos = strpos($next, $m[0]);

    $tag = substr($pre, $pre_pos). substr($next, 0, $next_pos);

    // search end tag
    /* tag as '+ '<br cond="condition"/>blahblah' to be '<br cond="condition"/>' */
    preg_match('/\/>(\w+)/',$tag, $mm);
    if ($mm[1]){
     $next_pos = strpos($next, $mm[1]);
     $tag = substr($pre, $pre_pos). substr($next, 0, $next_pos);
    $pre = substr($pre, 0, $pre_pos);
    $next  = substr($next, $next_pos);
    $tag_name = trim(substr($tag,1,strpos($tag,' ')));
    $tag_head = $tag_tail = '';

    if(preg_match_all('/ cond=\"([^\"]+)"/is',$tag,$m))
      $m[1][$i] = preg_replace('/^\$(\w+)/', '$__Context->$1', $m[1][$i]);
      $tag_head .= '<?php if('.$m[1][$i].') { ?>';
      $tag_tail .= '<?php } ?>';

    if(!preg_match('/ cond="([^"]+)"/is',$tag)) {
     print "<strong>Invalid XpressEngine Template Syntax</strong><br/>";
     print "File : ".$this->file."<br/>";
     print "Code : ".htmlspecialchars($tag);

    $tag = preg_replace('/ cond="([^"]+)"/is','', $tag);
     $buff = $pre.$tag_head.$tag.$tag_tail.$next;
     while(false !== $close_pos = strpos($next, '</'.$tag_name))
      $tmp_buff = substr($next, 0, $close_pos+strlen('</'.$tag_name.'>'));
      $tag .= $tmp_buff;
      $next = substr($next, strlen($tmp_buff));

      if(substr_count($tag, '<'.$tag_name) == substr_count($tag,'</'.$tag_name)) break;
     $buff = $pre.$tag_head.$tag.$tag_tail.$next;
   return $buff;

   * @brief 다른 template파일을 include하는 include tag의 변환
  function _replaceInclude($matches)
   if(!preg_match('/target=\"([^\"]+)\"/is',$matches[0], $m)) {
    print '"target" attribute missing in "'.htmlspecialchars($matches[0]);

   $target = $m[1];
    $target = substr($target,1);
    $pos = strrpos('/',$target);
    $filename = substr($target,$pos+1);
    $path = substr($target,0,$pos);
   } else {
    if(substr($target,0,2)=='./') $target = substr($target,2);
    $pos = strrpos('/',$target);
    $filename = substr($target,$pos);
    $path = $this->path.substr($target,0,$pos);

   return sprintf(
                '$oTemplate = &TemplateHandler::getInstance();%s'.
                'print $oTemplate->compile(\'%s\',\'%s\');%s'.
                $path, $filename, "\n",

   * @brief load 태그의 변환
  function _replaceLoad($matches) {
   $output = $matches[0];
   if(!preg_match_all('/ ([^=]+)=\"([^\"]+)\"/is',$matches[0], $m)) return $matches[0];

   $type = $matches[1];
    if(!trim($m[1][$i])) continue;
    $attrs[trim($m[1][$i])] = trim($m[2][$i]);

   if(!$attrs['target']) return $matches[0];

   $web_path = $this->web_path;
   $base_path = $this->path;

   $target = $attrs['target'];
                if(substr($target,0,2)=='./') $target = substr($target,2);
                if(substr($target,0,1)!='/') $target = $web_path.$target;

   if(!$attrs['index']) $attrs['index'] = 'null';
   if($attrs['type']!='body') $attrs['type'] = 'head';

            // if target ends with lang, load language pack
            if(substr($target, -4)=='lang') {
                if(substr($target,0,2)=='./') $target = substr($target, 2);
                $lang_dir = $base_path.$target;
                if(is_dir($lang_dir)) $output = sprintf('<?php Context::loadLang("%s"); ?>', $lang_dir);

   // otherwise try to load xml, css, js file
   } else {
    if(substr($target,0,1)!='/' && !preg_match('/^(http|https)/i',$target)) $source_filename = $base_path.$target;
    else $source_filename = $target;

     $source_filename = str_replace(array('/./','//'),'/',$source_filename);

    // get filename and path
    $tmp_arr = explode("/",$source_filename);
    $filename = array_pop($tmp_arr);

    //$base_path = implode("/",$tmp_arr)."/";

    // get the ext
    $tmp_arr = explode(".",$filename);
    $ext = strtolower(array_pop($tmp_arr));

    // according to ext., import the file
    switch($ext) {
     // xml js filter
     case 'xml' :
       if(preg_match('/^(http|https)/i',$source_filename)) return;
       // create an instance of XmlJSFilter class, then create js and handle Context::addJsFile
       $output = sprintf(
        '$oXmlFilter = new XmlJSFilter("%s","%s");%s'.
        dirname($base_path . $attrs['target']).'/',
     // css file
     case 'css' :
       if($type == 'unload') {
        $output = '<?php Context::unloadCSSFile("'.$source_filename.'"); ?>';
       } else {
        $meta_file = $source_filename;
        $output = '<?php Context::addCSSFile("'.$source_filename.'",false,"'.$attrs['media'].'","'.$attrs['targetie'].'",'.$attrs['index'].'); ?>';
     // js file
     case 'js' :
       if($type == 'unload') {
        $output = '<?php Context::unloadJsFile("'.$source_filename.'"); ?>';
       } else {
        $meta_file = $source_filename;
        $output = '<?php Context::addJsFile("'.$source_filename.'",false,"'.$attrs['targetie'].'",'.$attrs['index'].',"'.$attrs['type'].'"); ?>';

   if($meta_file) $output = '<!--#Meta:'.$meta_file.'-->'.$output;
   return $output;

   * @brief $문자 의 PHP 변수 변환
  function _replaceVarInPHP($buff) {
   $head = $tail = '';
   while(false !== $pos = strpos($buff, '<?php'))
    $head .= substr($buff,0,$pos);
    $buff = substr($buff,$pos);
    $pos = strpos($buff,'?>');
    $body = substr($buff,0,$pos+2);
    $head .= preg_replace_callback('/(.?)\$(\w+[a-z0-9\_\-\[\]\'\"]+)/is',array($this, '_replaceVarString'), $body);

    $buff = substr($buff,$pos+2);
   return $head.$buff;

   * @brief php5의 class::$변수명의 경우 context를 사용하지 않아야 하기에 함수로 대체
  function _replaceVarString($matches)
   if($matches[1]==':') return $matches[0];
   if(substr($matches[2],0,1)=='_') return $matches[0];
   return $matches[1].'$__Context->'.$matches[2];

         * @brief replace <!--#include $path--> with php code
         * @param[in] $matches match
         * @return replaced result
        function _compileIncludeToCode($matches) {
            // if target string to include contains variables handle them
            $arg = str_replace(array('"','\''), '', $matches[1]);
            if(!$arg) return;

            $tmp_arr = explode("/", $arg);
            for($i=0;$i<count($tmp_arr);$i++) {
                $item1 = trim($tmp_arr[$i]);
                if($item1=='.'||substr($item1,-5)=='.html') continue;

                $tmp2_arr = explode(".",$item1);
                for($j=0;$j<count($tmp2_arr);$j++) {
                    $item = trim($tmp2_arr[$j]);
                    if(substr($item,0,1)=='$') $item = Context::get(substr($item,1));
                    $tmp2_arr[$j] = $item;
                $tmp_arr[$i] = implode(".",$tmp2_arr);
            $arg = implode("/",$tmp_arr);
            if(substr($arg,0,2)=='./') $arg = substr($arg,2);

            // step1: check files in the template directory
            //$source_filename = sprintf("%s/%s", dirname($this->file), $arg);
   $path = substr($this->path,-1)=='/'?substr($this->path,0,-1):$this->path;
            $source_filename = sprintf("%s/%s", $path, $arg);

            // step2: check path from root
            if(!file_exists($source_filename)) $source_filename = './'.$arg;
            if(!file_exists($source_filename)) return;

            // split into path and filename
            $tmp_arr = explode('/', $source_filename);
            $filename = array_pop($tmp_arr);
            $path = implode('/', $tmp_arr).'/';

            // try to include
            $output = sprintf(
                '$oTemplate = &TemplateHandler::getInstance();%s'.
                'print $oTemplate->compile(\'%s\',\'%s\');%s'.
                $path, $filename, "\n",

            return $output;

         * @brief replace $... variables in { } with Context::get(...)
         * @param[in] $matches match
         * @return replaced result in case of success or NULL in case of error
        function _compileVarToContext($matches) {
            $str = trim(substr($matches[0],1,strlen($matches[0])-2));
            if(!$str) return $matches[0];
            if(!in_array(substr($str,0,1),array('(','$','\'','"'))) {
                if(preg_match('/^([^\( \.]+)(\(| \.)/i',$str,$m)) {
                    $func = trim($m[1]);
                    if(strpos($func,'::')===false) {
                        if(!function_exists($func)) {
                            return $matches[0];
                    } else {
                        list($class, $method) = explode('::',$func);
                        // FIXME regardless of whether class/func name is case-sensitive, it is safe
                        // to assume names are case sensitive. We don't have compare twice.
                        if(!class_exists($class)  || !in_array($method, get_class_methods($class))) {
                            // In some environment, the name of classes and methods may be case-sensitive
                            list($class, $method) = explode('::',strtolower($func));
                            if(!class_exists($class)  || !in_array($method, get_class_methods($class))) {
                                return $matches[0];
                } else {
                    if(!defined($str)) return $matches[0];
            return '<?php @print('.preg_replace('/\$([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\>]+)/i','$__Context->\\1', $str).');?>';

         * @brief replace @... function in { } into print func(..)
         * @param[in] $matches match
         * @return replaced result
        function _compileVarToSilenceExecute($matches) {
            if(strtolower(trim(str_replace(array(';',' '),'', $matches[1])))=='return') return '<?php return; ?>';
            return '<?php @'.preg_replace('/\$([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\>]+)/i','$__Context->\\1', trim($matches[1])).';?>';

         * @brief replace code in <!--@, --> with php code
         * @param[in] $matches match
         * @return changed result
        function _compileFuncToCode($matches) {
            static $idx = 0;
            $code = trim($matches[1]);
            if(!$code) return;

            switch(strtolower($code)) {
                case 'else' :
                        $output = '}else{';
                case 'end' :
                case 'endif' :
                case 'endfor' :
                case 'endforeach' :
                case 'endswitch' :
                        $output = '}';
                case 'break' :
                        $output = 'break;';
                case 'default' :
                        $output = 'default :';
                case 'break@default' :
                        $output = 'break; default :';
                default :
                        $suffix = '{';

                        if(substr($code, 0, 4) == 'else') {
                            $code = '}'.$code;
                        } elseif(substr($code, 0, 7) == '+ 'foreach') {
                            $tmp_str = substr($code, 8);
                            $tmp_arr = explode(' ', $tmp_str);
                            $var_name = $tmp_arr[0];
                            $prefix = '$Context->__idx['.$idx.']=0;';
                            if(substr($var_name, 0, 1) == '$') {
                                $prefix .= sprintf('if(count($__Context->%s)) ', substr($var_name, 1));
                            } else {
                                $prefix .= sprintf('if(count(%s)) ', $var_name);
                            $suffix .= '$__idx['.$idx.']=($__idx['.$idx.']+1)%2; $cycle_idx = $__idx['.$idx.']+1;';
                        } elseif(substr($code, 0, 4) == 'case') {
                            $suffix = ':';
                        } elseif(substr($code, 0, 10) == 'break@case') {
                            $code = 'break; case'.substr($code, 10);
                            $suffix = ':';
                        $output = preg_replace('/\$([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+)/i', '$__Context->\\1', $code.$suffix);

            return sprintf('<?php %s %s ?>', $prefix, $output);

         * @brief replace xe specific code, "<!--%filename-->" with appropriate php code
         * @param[in] $matches match
         * @return Returns modified result or NULL in case of error
        function _compileImportCode($matches) {
            // find xml file
            $base_path = $this->path;
            $given_file = trim($matches[1]);
            if(!$given_file) return;
            if(isset($matches[3])) $optimized = strtolower(trim($matches[3]));
            if(!$optimized) $optimized = 'true';
            if(isset($matches[5])) $media = trim($matches[5]);
            if(!$media) $media = 'all';
            if(isset($matches[7])) $targetie = trim($matches[7]);
            if(!$targetie) $targetie = '';
            else $optimized = 'false';

            if(isset($matches[9])) $index = intval($matches[9]);
   if(!$index) $index = 'null';
            if(isset($matches[11])) $type = strtolower(trim($matches[11]));
   if($type!='body') $type = 'head';

            // if given_file ends with lang, load language pack
            if(substr($given_file, -4)=='lang') {
                if(substr($given_file,0,2)=='./') $given_file = substr($given_file, 2);
                $lang_dir = $base_path.$given_file;
                if(is_dir($lang_dir)) $output = sprintf('<?php Context::loadLang("%s"); ?>', $lang_dir);

            // otherwise try to load xml, css, js file
            } else {
    if(preg_match('/^(http|https):/i',$given_file)) $source_filename = $given_file;
                elseif(substr($given_file,0,1)!='/') $source_filename = sprintf("%s%s",$base_path, $given_file);
                else $source_filename = $given_file;

                // get filename and path
                $tmp_arr = explode("/",$source_filename);
                $filename = array_pop($tmp_arr);

                $base_path = implode("/",$tmp_arr)."/";

                // get the ext
                $tmp_arr = explode(".",$filename);
                $ext = strtolower(array_pop($tmp_arr));

                // according to ext., import the file
                switch($ext) {
                    // xml js filter
                    case 'xml' :
                            // create an instance of XmlJSFilter class, then create js and handle Context::addJsFile
                            $output = sprintf(
                                '$oXmlFilter = new XmlJSFilter("%s","%s");%s'.
                    // css file
                    case '+ 'css' :
                            if(preg_match('/^(http|\/)/i',$source_filename)) {
                                $output = sprintf('<?php Context::addCSSFile("%s", %s, "%s", "%s", %s); ?>', $source_filename, 'false', $media, $targetie, $index);
                            } else {
        $meta_file = $base_path.$filename;
                                $output = sprintf('<?php Context::addCSSFile("%s%s", %s, "%s", "%s", %s); ?>', $base_path, $filename, $optimized, $media, $targetie, $index);
                    // js file
                    case 'js' :
                            if(preg_match('/^(http|\/)/i',$source_filename)) {
                                $output = sprintf('<?php Context::addJsFile("%s", %s, "%s", %s,"%s"); ?>', $source_filename, 'false', $targetie, $index, $type);
                            } else {
        $meta_file = $base_path.$filename;
                                $output = sprintf('<?php Context::addJsFile("%s%s", %s, "%s", %s, "%s"); ?>', $base_path, $filename, $optimized, $targetie, $index, $type);

   if($meta_file) $output = '<!--#Meta:'.$meta_file.'-->'.$output;
            return $output;

         * @brief import javascript plugin
         * @param[in] $matches match
         * @return result loading the plugin
         * @remarks javascript plugin works as optimized = false
        function _compileLoadJavascriptPlugin($matches) {
            $base_path = $this->path;
            $plugin = trim($matches[1]);
            return sprintf('<?php Context::loadJavascriptPlugin("%s"); ?>', $plugin);

         * @brief remove loading part of css/ js file
         * @param[in] $matches match
         * @return removed result
        function _compileUnloadCode($matches) {
            // find xml file
            $base_path = $this->path;
            $given_file = trim($matches[1]);
            if(!$given_file) return;
            if(isset($matches[3])) $optimized = strtolower(trim($matches[3]));
            if(!$optimized) $optimized = 'true';
            if(isset($matches[5])) $media = trim($matches[5]);
            if(!$media) $media = 'all';
            if(isset($matches[7])) $targetie = trim($matches[7]);
            if(!$targetie) $targetie = '';
            else $optimized = 'false';

            if(substr($given_file,0,1)!='/') $source_filename = sprintf("%s%s",$base_path, $given_file);
            else $source_filename = $given_file;

            // get path and file nam
            $tmp_arr = explode("/",$source_filename);
            $filename = array_pop($tmp_arr);

            $base_path = implode("/",$tmp_arr)."/";

            // get an ext.
            $tmp_arr = explode(".",$filename);
            $ext = strtolower(array_pop($tmp_arr));

            switch($ext) {
                // css file
                case 'css' :
                        if(preg_match('/^(http|https|\/)/i',$source_filename)) {
                            $output = sprintf('<?php Context::unloadCSSFile("%s", %s, "%s", "%s"); ?>', $source_filename, 'false', $media, $targetie);
                        } else {
                            $output = sprintf('+ '<?php Context::unloadCSSFile("%s%s", %s, "%s", "%s"); ?>', $base_path, $filename, $optimized, $media, $targetie);
                // js file
                case 'js' :
                        if(preg_match('/^(http|https|\/)/i',$source_filename)) {
                            $output = sprintf('<?php Context::unloadJsFile("%s", %s, "%s"); ?>', $source_filename, 'false', $targetie);
                        } else {
                            $output = sprintf('<?php Context::unloadJsFile("%s%s", %s, "%s"); ?>', $base_path, $filename, $optimized, $targetie);

            return $output;
?> 버전



 * @class TemplateHandler
 * @author NHN (developers@xpressengine.com)
 * @brief template compiler
 * @version 0.1
 * @remarks It compiles template file by using regular expression into php
 *          code, and XE caches compiled code for further uses

class TemplateHandler {

 var $compiled_path = './files/cache/template_compiled/'; ///< path of compiled caches files

 var $path = null; ///< target directory
 var $filename = null; ///< target filename
 var $file = null; ///< target file (fullpath)
 var $xe_path = null;  ///< XpressEngine base path
 var $web_path = null; ///< tpl file web path
 var $compiled_file = null; ///< tpl file web path
 var $skipTags = null;

 var $handler_mtime = 0;

 function TemplateHandler()
  // TODO: replace this with static variable in PHP5
  global $__templatehandler_root_tpl;

  $__templatehandler_root_tpl = null;

  $this->xe_path  = rtrim(preg_replace('/([^\.^\/]+)\.php$/i','',$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),'/');

  * @brief returns TemplateHandler's singleton object
  * @return TemplateHandler instance
 function &getInstance()
  static $oTemplate = null;

  if(__DEBUG__==3 ) {
   if(!isset($GLOBALS['__TemplateHandlerCalled__'])) $GLOBALS['__TemplateHandlerCalled__']=1;
   else $GLOBALS['__TemplateHandlerCalled__']++;

  if(!$oTemplate) $oTemplate = new TemplateHandler();

  return $oTemplate;

  * @brief set variables for template compile
 function init($tpl_path, $tpl_filename, $tpl_file='')
  // verify arguments
  if(substr($tpl_path,-1)!='/') $tpl_path .= '/';
  if(!file_exists($tpl_path.$tpl_filename)&&file_exists($tpl_path.$tpl_filename.'.html')) $tpl_filename .= '.html';

  // create tpl_file variable
  if(!$tpl_file) $tpl_file = $tpl_path.$tpl_filename;

  // set template file infos.
  $this->path = $tpl_path;
  $this->filename = $tpl_filename;
  $this->file = $tpl_file;

  $this->web_path = $this->xe_path.'/'.ltrim(preg_replace(path),'/'">'@^'.preg_quote(_XE_PATH_,'@').'|\./@','',$this->path),'/');

  // get compiled file name
  $hash = md5($this->file . __ZBXE_VERSION__);
  $this->compiled_file = "{$this->compiled_path}{$hash}.compiled.php";

  // compare various file's modified time for check changed
  $this->handler_mtime = filemtime(__FILE__);

  $skip = array('');

  * @brief compiles specified tpl file and execution result in Context into resultant content
  * @param[in] $tpl_path path of the directory containing target template file
  * @param[in] $tpl_filename target template file'+ 's name
  * @param[in] $tpl_file if specified use it as template file's full path
  * @return Returns compiled result in case of success, NULL otherwise
 function compile($tpl_path, $tpl_filename, $tpl_file='') {
  global $__templatehandler_root_tpl;

  $buff = '';

  // store the starting time for debug information
  if(__DEBUG__==3 ) $start = getMicroTime();

  // initiation
  $this->init($tpl_path, $tpl_filename, $tpl_file);

  // if target file does not exist exit
  if(!$this->file || !file_exists($this->file)) return "Err : '{$this->file}' template file does not exists.";

  // for backward compatibility
  if(is_null($__templatehandler_root_tpl)) {
   $__templatehandler_root_tpl = $this->file;

  $source_template_mtime = filemtime($this->file);
  $latest_mtime = $source_template_mtime>$this->handler_mtime?$source_template_mtime:$this->handler_mtime;

  // cache control
  $oCacheHandler = &CacheHandler::getInstance('template');

  // get cached buff
   $cache_key = 'template:'.$this->file;
   $buff = $oCacheHandler->get($cache_key, $latest_mtime);
  } else {
   if(is_readable($this->compiled_file) && filemtime($this->compiled_file)>$latest_mtime && filesize($this->compiled_file)) {
    $buff = 'file://'.$this->compiled_file;

  if(!$buff) {
   $buff = $this->parse();
   if($oCacheHandler->isSupport()) $oCacheHandler->put($cache_key, $buff);
   else FileHandler::writeFile($this->compiled_file, $buff);

  $output = $this->_fetch($buff);

  if($__templatehandler_root_tpl == $this->file) {
   $__templatehandler_root_tpl = null;

  // store the ending time for debug information
  if(__DEBUG__==3 ) $GLOBALS['__template_elapsed__'] += getMicroTime() - $start;

  return $output;

  * @brief compile specified file and immediately return
  * @param[in] $tpl_path path of the directory containing target template file
  * @param[in] $tpl_filename target template file's name
  * @return Returns compiled content in case of success or NULL in case of failure
 function compileDirect($tpl_path, $tpl_filename) {
  $this->init($tpl_path, $tpl_filename, null);

  // if target file does not exist exit
  if(!$this->file || !file_exists($this->file)) {
   exit("Cannot find the template file: '{$this->file}'");

  return $this->parse();

  * @brief compile a template file specified in $tpl_file and
  * @pre files specified by $tpl_file exists.
  * @param[in] $tpl_file path of tpl file
  * @param[in] $compiled_tpl_file if specified, write compiled result into the file
  * @return compiled result in case of success or NULL in case of error
 function parse($buff=null) {
  if(is_null($buff)) {
   if(!is_readable($this->file)) return;

   // read tpl file
   $buff = FileHandler::readFile($this->file);

  // HTML tags to skip
  if(is_null($this->skipTags)) {
   $this->skipTags = array('marquee');

  // replace comments
  $buff = preg_replace(@s'">'@<!--//.*?-->@s', '', $buff);

  // replace value of src in img/input/script tag
  $buff = preg_replace_callback('/<(?:img|input|script)(?:(?!["\'\/]\s*>).)* src="(?!https?:\/\/|[\/\{])([^"]+)"/is', array($this, '_replacePath'), $buff);

  // replace loop and cond template syntax
  $buff = $this->_parseInline($buff);

  // include, unload/load, import
  $buff = preg_replace_callback('/{(@[\s\S]+?|(?=\$\w+|_{1,2}[A-Z]+|[!\(+-]|\w+(?:\(|::)|\d+|[\'"].*?[\'"]).+?)}|<(!--[#%])?(include|import|(un)?load(?(4)|(?:_js_plugin)?))(?(2)\("([^"]+)")(.*?)(?(2)\)--|\/)>|<!--(@[a-z@]+)(.*?)-->(\s*)/', array($this, '_parseResource'), $buff);

  // remove block which is a virtual tag and remove comments
  $buff = preg_replace(|\s?@is','',$buff">'@</?block\s*>|\s?<!--//(.*?)-->@is','',$buff);

  // form auto generation
  $buff = preg_replace_callback('/(<form(?:<\?php.+?\?>|[^<>]+)*?>)(.*?)(<\/form>)/is', array($this, '_compileFormAuthGeneration'), $buff);

  // prevent from calling directly before writing into file
  $buff = '<?php if(!defined("__XE__"))exit;?>'.$buff;

  return $buff;

  * @brief 1. remove ruleset from form tag
  * 2. add hidden tag with ruleset value
  * 3. if empty default hidden tag, generate hidden tag (ex:mid, vid, act...)
  * 4. generate return url, return url use in server side validator
 function _compileFormAuthGeneration($matches)
  // form ruleset attribute move to hidden tag
   preg_match('/ruleset="([^"]*?)"/is', $matches[1], $m);
    $matches[1] = preg_replace('/'.$m[0].'/i', '', $matches[1]);
    $matches[2] = '<input type="hidden" name="ruleset" value="'.$m[1].'" />'.$matches[2];

    if (strpos($m[1],'@') !== false){
     $path = str_replace('@', '', $m[1]);
     $path = './files/ruleset/'.$path.'.xml';
    }else if(preg_match('@(?:^|\.?/)(modules/[\w-]+)@', $this->path, $mm)) {
     $module_path = $mm[1];
     $path = $module_path.'/ruleset/'.$m[1].'.xml';
    //assign to addJsFile method for js dynamic recache
    $matches[1]  = '<?php Context::addJsFile("'.$path.'", false, "", 0, "head", true) ?'.'>'.$matches[1];

  // if not exists default hidden tag, generate hidden tag
  preg_match_all('/<input[^>]* name="(act|mid|vid)"/is', $matches[2], $m2);
  $checkVar = array('act', 'mid', 'vid');
  $resultArray = array_diff($checkVar, $m2[1]);
   $generatedHidden = '';
   foreach($resultArray AS $key=>$value)
    $generatedHidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$value.'" value="<?php echo $__Context->'.$value.' ?>">';
   $matches[2] = $generatedHidden.$matches[2];

  // return url generate
  preg_match('/<input[^>]*name="error_return_url"[^>]*>/is', $matches[2], $m3);
  if(!$m3[0]) $matches[2] = '<input type="hidden" name="error_return_url" value="<?php echo getRequestUriByServerEnviroment() ?>" />'.$matches[2];

  $matches[0] = '';
  return implode($matches);

  * @brief fetch using ob_* function
  * @param[in] $compiled_tpl_file path of compiled template file
  * @param[in] $buff if buff is not null, eval it instead of including compiled template file
  * @param[in] $tpl_path set context's tpl path
  * @return result string
 function _fetch($buff) {
  if(!$buff) return;

  $__Context = &$GLOBALS['__Context__'];
  $__Context->tpl_path = $this->path;

  if($_SESSION['is_logged']) {
   $__Context->logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');

  if(substr($buff, 0, 7) == 'file://') {
   include(substr($buff, 7));
  } else {
   $eval_str = "?>".$buff;

  return ob_get_clean();

  * @brief change image path
  * @pre $matches is an array containg three elements
  * @param[in] $matches match
  * @return changed result
 function _replacePath($match)
  $src = preg_replace('@^(\./)+@', '+ '', trim($match[1]));

  $src = $this->web_path.$src;
  $src = str_replace('/./', '/', $src);

  // for backward compatibility
  $src = preg_replace('@((?:[\w-]+/)+)\1@', '\1', $src);

  while(($tmp=preg_replace('@[^/]+/\.\./@', '', $src))!==$src) $src = $tmp;

  return substr($match[0],0,-strlen($match[1])-6)."src=\"{$src}\"";

 function _parseInline($buff)
  if(preg_match_all('/<([a-zA-Z]+\d?)(?>(?!<[a-z]+\d?[\s>]).)*?(?:[ \|]cond| loop)="/s', $buff, $match) === false) return $buff;

  $tags = array_diff(array_unique($match[1]), $this->skipTags);

  if(!count($tags)) return $buff;

  $tags = '(?:'.implode('|',$tags).')';
  $split_regex = "@(<(?>/?{$tags})(?>[^<>\{\}\"']+|<!--.*?-->|{[^}]+}|\".*?\"|'.*?'|.)*?>)@s";

  $nodes = preg_split($split_regex, $buff, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

  // list of self closing tags
  $self_closing = explode(',', 'area,base,basefont,br,hr,input,img,link,meta,param,frame,col');

  for($idx=1,$node_len=count($nodes); $idx < $node_len; $idx+=2) {
   if(!($node=$nodes[$idx])) continue;

   if(preg_match_all('@\s(loop|cond)="([^"]+)"@', $node, $matches)) {
    // this tag
    $tag = substr($node, 1, strpos($node, ' ')-1);

    // if the vale of $closing is 0, it means 'skipping'
    $closing = 0;

    // process opening tag
    foreach($matches[1] as $n=>$stmt) {
     $expr = $matches[2][$n];
     $expr = $this->_replaceVar($expr);

     switch($stmt) {
     case 'cond':
      $nodes[$idx-1] .= "<?php if({$expr}){ ?>";
     case 'loop':
      if(!preg_match((.+?)(?:,(.+?))?|(.*?;.*?;.*?)|(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+?))$@'">'@^(?:(.+?)=>(.+?)(?:,(.+?))?|(.*?;.*?;.*?)|(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+?))$@', $expr, $expr_m)) break;
      if($expr_m[1]) {
       $expr_m[1] = trim($expr_m[1]);
       $expr_m[2] = trim($expr_m[2]);
       if($expr_m[3]) $expr_m[2] .= '=>'.trim($expr_m[3]);
       $nodes[$idx-1] .= "<?php if({$expr_m[1]}&&count({$expr_m[1]}))foreach({$expr_m[1]} as {$expr_m[2]}){ ?>";
      }elseif($expr_m[4]) {
       $nodes[$idx-1] .= "<?php for({$expr_m[4]}){ ?>";
      }elseif($expr_m[5]) {
       $nodes[$idx-1] .= "<?php while({$expr_m[5]}={$expr_m[6]}){ ?>";
    $node = preg_replace('@\s(loop|cond)="([^"]+)"@', '', $node);

    // find closing tag
    $close_php = '<?php '.str_repeat('}', $closing).' ?>';
    if($node{1} == '!' || substr($node,-2,1) == '/' || in_array($tag, $self_closing)) { //  self closing tag
     $nodes[$idx+1] = $close_php.$nodes[$idx+1];
    } else {
     $depth = 1;
     for($i=$idx+2; $i < $node_len; $i+=2) {
      $nd = $nodes[$i];
      if(strpos($nd, $tag) === 1) {
      } elseif(strpos($nd, '/'.$tag) === 1) {
       if(!$depth) {
        $nodes[$i-1] .= $nodes[$i].$close_php;
        $nodes[$i] = '';

   if(strpos($node, '|cond="') !== false) {
    $node = preg_replace('@(\s[\w:]+="[^"]+?")\|cond="(.+?)"@s', '+ '<?php if($2){ ?>$1<?php } ?>', $node);
    $node = $this->_replaceVar($node);

   if($nodes[$idx] != $node) $nodes[$idx] = $node;

  $buff = implode('', $nodes);

  return $buff;

 function _parseResource($m)
  // {@ ... } or {$var} or {func(...)}
   if(preg_match('@^(\w+)\(@', $m[1], $mm) && !function_exists($mm[1])) return $m[0];

   $echo = 'echo ';
   if($m[1]{0} == '@') {
    $echo = '';
    $m[1] = substr($m[1], 1);
   return '<?php '.$echo.$this->_replaceVar($m[1]).' ?>';

   $attr = array();
   if($m[5]) {
    if(preg_match_all('@,(\w+)="([^"]+)"@', $m[6], $mm)) {
     foreach($mm[1] as $idx=>$name) {
      $attr[$name] = $mm[2][$idx];
    $attr['target'] = $m[5];
   } else {
    if(!preg_match_all('+ '@ (\w+)="([^"]+)"@', $m[6], $mm)) return $m[0];
    foreach($mm[1] as $idx=>$name) {
     $attr[$name] = $mm[2][$idx];

    // <!--#include--> or <include ..>
    case 'include'+ ':
     if(!$this->file || !$attr['target']) return '';

     $pathinfo = pathinfo($attr['target']);
     $fileDir  = $this->_getRelativeDir($pathinfo['dirname']);

     if(!$fileDir) return '';

     return "<?php \$__tpl=TemplateHandler::getInstance();echo \$__tpl->compile('{$fileDir}','{$pathinfo['basename']}') ?>";

    // <!--%load_js_plugin-->
    case 'load_js_plugin':
     $plugin = $this->_replaceVar($m[5]);
     if(strpos($plugin, '$__Context') === false) $plugin = "'{$plugin}'";

     return "<?php Context::loadJavascriptPlugin({$plugin}); ?>";

    // <load ...> or <unload ...> or <!--%import ...--> or <!--%unload ...-->
    case 'import':
    case 'load':
    case 'unload':
     $metafile = '';
     $pathinfo = pathinfo($attr['target']);
     $doUnload = ($m[3] === 'unload');
     $isRemote = !!preg_match('@^https?://@i', $attr['target']);

     if(!$isRemote) {
      if(!preg_match('@^\.?/@',$attr['target'])) $attr['target'] = './'.$attr['target'];
      if(substr($attr['target'], -5) == '/lang') {
       $pathinfo['dirname']  .= '/lang';
       $pathinfo['basename']  = '';
       $pathinfo['extension'] = 'xml';

      $relativeDir = $this->_getRelativeDir($pathinfo['dirname']);

      $attr['target'] = $relativeDir.'/'.$pathinfo['basename'];

      case 'xml':
       if($isRemote || $doUnload) return '';
       // language file?
       if($pathinfo['basename'] == 'lang.xml' || substr($pathinfo['dirname'],-5) == '/lang') {
        $result = "Context::loadLang('{$relativeDir}');";
       } else {
        $result = "require_once('./classes/xml/XmlJsFilter.class.php');\$__xmlFilter=new XmlJsFilter('{$relativeDir}','{$pathinfo['basename']}');\$__xmlFilter->compile();";
      case 'js':
       if($doUnload) {
        $result = "Context::unloadFile('{$attr['target']}','{$attr['targetie']}');";
       } else {
        $metafile = $attr['target'];
        $result = "\$__tmp=array('{$attr['target']}','{$attr['type']}','{$attr['targetie']}','{$attr['index']}');Context::loadFile(\$__tmp,'{$attr['usecdn']}','{$attr['cdnprefix']}','{$attr['cdnversion']}');unset(\$__tmp);";
      case 'css':
       if($doUnload) {
        $result = "Context::unloadFile('{$attr['target']}','{$attr['targetie']}','{$attr['media']}');";
       } else {
        $metafile = $attr['target'];
        $result = "\$__tmp=array('{$attr['target']}','{$attr['media']}','{$attr['targetie']}','{$attr['index']}');Context::loadFile(\$__tmp,'{$attr['usecdn']}','{$attr['cdnprefix']}','{$attr['cdnversion']}');unset(\$__tmp);";

     $result = "<?php {$result} ?>";
     if($metafile) $result = "<!--#Meta:{$metafile}-->".$result;

     return $result;

  // <!--@..--> such as <!--@if($cond)-->, <!--@else-->, <!--@end-->
   $m[7] = substr($m[7],1);
   if(!preg_match('/^(?:((?:end)?(?:if|switch|for(?:each)?|while)|end)|(else(?:if)?)|(break@)?(case|default)|(break))$/', $m[7], $mm)) return '';
   if($mm[1]) {
    if($mm[1]{0} == 'e') return '<?php } ?>';

    $precheck = '';
    if($mm[1] == 'switch') {
     $m[9] = '';
    } elseif($mm[1] == 'foreach') {
     $var = preg_replace('/^\s*\(\s*(.+?) .*$/', '$1', $m[8]);
     $precheck = "if({$var}&&count({$var}))";
    return '<?php '.$this->_replaceVar($precheck.$m[7].$m[8]).'{ ?>'.$m[9];
   if($mm[2]) return "<?php }{$m[7]}".$this->_replaceVar($m[8])."{ ?>".$m[9];
   if($mm[4]) return "<?php ".($mm[3]?'break;':'')."{$m[7]} ".trim($m[8],'()').": ?>".$m[9];
   if($mm[5]) return "<?php break; ?>";
   return '';

  return $m[0];

 function _getRelativeDir($path)
  $_path = $path;

  $fileDir = strtr(realpath($this->path),'\\','/');
  if($path{0} != '/') $path = strtr(realpath($fileDir.'/'.$path),'\\','/');

  // for backward compatibility
  if(!$path) {
   $dirs  = explode('/', $fileDir);
   $paths = explode('/', $_path);
   $idx   = array_search($paths[0], $dirs);

   if($idx !== false) {
    while($dirs[$idx] && $dirs[$idx] === $paths[0]) {
     array_splice($dirs, $idx, 1);
    $path = strtr(realpath($fileDir.'/'.implode('/', $paths)),'\\','/');

  $path = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote(_XE_PATH_,'/').'/', '', $path);

  return $path;

  * @brief replace PHP variables of $ character
 function _replaceVar($php) {
  if(!strlen($php)) return '';
  return preg_replace('@(?<!::|\\\\|\')\$([a-z]|_[a-z0-9])@i', '\$__Context->$1', $php);

/* End of File: TemplateHandler.class.php */



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희망과의서약 게시판 EX 호환 부분 문제 질문 안내 외 1가지  
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