
xe1.5를 업로드 하였으나 에러가 나서  다시  xe1.4를  업로드 하였더니 홈페이지지 열리지 않고




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기존 자료가 홈피에 많이 있습니다.

지워지지 않는다면은 xe를 모두 삭제하여 주시면새로 업로드하여

복구하고 싶습니다.

어떻게 하여야 하는지요






     * @file   config/func.inc.php
     * @author NHN (developers@xpressengine.com)
     * @brief  편의 목적으로 만든 함수라이브러리 파일

    if(!defined('__ZBXE__')) exit();

     * @brief php5에 대비하여 clone 정의
    if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0') < 0) {
            function clone($object) {
            return $object;

     * @brief iconv 함수가 없을 경우 빈 함수를 만들어서 오류가 생기지 않도록 정의
    if(!function_exists('iconv')) {
            function iconv($in_charset, $out_charset, $str) {
                return $str;

    // time zone
    $time_zone = array(
        '-1200' => '[GMT -12:00] Baker Island Time',
        '-1100' => '[GMT -11:00] Niue Time, Samoa Standard Time',
        '-1000' => '[GMT -10:00] Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time, Cook Island Time',
        '-0930' => '[GMT -09:30] Marquesas Islands Time',
        '-0900' => '[GMT -09:00] Alaska Standard Time, Gambier Island Time',
        '-0800' => '[GMT -08:00] Pacific Standard Time',
        '-0700' => '+ '[GMT -07:00] Mountain Standard Time',
        '-0600' => '[GMT -06:00] Central Standard Time',
        '-0500' => '[GMT -05:00] Eastern Standard Time',
        '-0400' => '[GMT -04:00] Atlantic Standard Time'+ ',
        '-0330' => '[GMT -03:30] Newfoundland Standard Time',
        '-0300' => '[GMT -03:00] Amazon Standard Time, Central Greenland Time',
        '-0200' => '[GMT -02:00] Fernando de Noronha Time, South Georgia &amp; the South Sandwich Islands Time',
        '-0100' => '[GMT -01:00] Azores Standard Time, Cape Verde Time, Eastern Greenland Time',
        '0000'  => '[GMT  00:00] Western European Time, Greenwich Mean Time',
        '+0100' => '[GMT +01:00] Central European Time, West African Time',
        '+0200' => '[GMT +02:00] Eastern European Time, Central African Time',
        '+ '+0300' => '[GMT +03:00] Moscow Standard Time, Eastern African Time',
        '+0330' => '[GMT +03:30] Iran Standard Time',
        '+0400' => '[GMT +04:00] Gulf Standard Time, Samara Standard Time',
        '+0430' => '[GMT +04:30] Afghanistan Time',
        '+0500' => '[GMT +05:00] Pakistan Standard Time, Yekaterinburg Standard Time',
        '+0530' => '[GMT +05:30] Indian Standard Time, Sri Lanka Time',
        '+0545' => '[GMT +05:45] Nepal Time',
        '+0600' => '[GMT +06:00] Bangladesh Time, Bhutan Time, Novosibirsk Standard Time',
        '+0630' => '[GMT +06:30] Cocos Islands Time, Myanmar Time',
        '+0700' => '[GMT +07:00] Indochina Time, Krasnoyarsk Standard Time',
        '+0800' => '[GMT +08:00] Chinese Standard Time, Australian Western Standard Time, Irkutsk Standard Time',
        '+0845' => '[GMT +08:45] Southeastern Western Australia Standard Time',
        '+0900' => '[GMT +09:00] Korea Standard Time, Japan Standard Time, China Standard Time',
        '+0930'+ ' => '[GMT +09:30] Australian Central Standard Time',
        '+1000' => '[GMT +10:00] Australian Eastern Standard Time, Vladivostok Standard Time',
        '+1030' => '[GMT +10:30] Lord Howe Standard Time',
        '+1100' => '[GMT +11:00] Solomon Island Time, Magadan Standard Time',
        '+1130' => '[GMT +11:30] Norfolk Island Time',
        '+1200' => '[GMT +12:00] New Zealand Time, Fiji Time, Kamchatka Standard Time',
        '+1245' => '[GMT +12:45] Chatham Islands Time',
        '+1300' => '[GMT +13:00] Tonga Time, Phoenix Islands Time',
        '+1400' => '[GMT +14:00] Line Island Time'
    ) ;

     * @brief ModuleHandler::getModuleObject($module_name, $type)을 쓰기 쉽게 함수로 선언
     * @param module_name 모듈이름
     * @param type disp, proc, controller, class
     * @param kind admin, null
     * @return module instance
    function &getModule($module_name, $type = 'view', $kind = '') {
        return ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance($module_name, $type, $kind);

     * @brief module의 controller 객체 생성용
     * @param module_name 모듈이름
     * @return module controller instance
    function &getController($module_name) {
        return getModule($module_name, 'controller');

     * @brief module의 admin controller 객체 생성용
     * @param module_name 모듈이름
     * @return module admin controller instance
    function &getAdminController($module_name) {
        return getModule($module_name, 'controller','admin');

     * @brief module의 view 객체 생성용
     * @param module_name 모듈이름
     * @return module view instance
    function &getView($module_name) {
        return getModule($module_name, 'view');

     * @brief module의 admin view 객체 생성용
     * @param module_name 모듈이름
     * @return module admin view instance
    function &getAdminView($module_name) {
        return getModule($module_name, 'view','admin');

     * @brief module의 model 객체 생성용
     * @param module_name 모듈이름
     * @return module model instance
    function &getModel($module_name) {
        return getModule($module_name, 'model');

     * @brief module의 admin model 객체 생성용
     * @param module_name 모듈이름
     * @return module admin model instance
    function &getAdminModel($module_name) {
        return getModule($module_name, 'model','admin');

     * @brief module의 api 객체 생성용
     * @param module_name 모듈이름
     * @return module api class instance
    function &getAPI($module_name) {
        return getModule($module_name, 'api');

     * @brief module의 wap 객체 생성용
     * @param module_name 모듈이름
     * @return module wap class instance
    function &getWAP($module_name) {
        return getModule($module_name, 'wap');

     * @brief module의 상위 class 객체 생성용
     * @param module_name 모듈이름
     * @return module class instance
    function &getClass($module_name) {
        return getModule($module_name, 'class');

     * @brief DB::executeQuery() 의 alias
     * @param query_id 쿼리 ID ( 모듈명.쿼리XML파일 )
     * @param args object 변수로 선언된 인자값
     * @return 처리결과
    function executeQuery($query_id, $args = null) {
        $oDB = &DB::getInstance();
        return $oDB->executeQuery($query_id, $args);

     * @brief DB::executeQuery() 의 결과값을 무조건 배열로 처리하도록 하는 함수
     * @param query_id 쿼리 ID ( 모듈명.쿼리XML파일 )
     * @param args object 변수로 선언된 인자값
     * @return 처리결과
    function executeQueryArray($query_id, $args = null) {
        $oDB = &DB::getInstance();
        $output = $oDB->executeQuery($query_id, $args);
        if(!is_array($output->data) && count($output->data) > 0){
            $output->data = array($output->data);
        return $output;

     * @brief DB::getNextSequence() 의 alias
     * @return big int
    function getNextSequence() {
        $oDB = &DB::getInstance();
        return $oDB->getNextSequence();

     * @brief Context::getUrl()를 쓰기 쉽게 함수로 선언
     * @return string
     * getUrl()은 현재 요청된 RequestURI에 주어진 인자의 값으로 변형하여 url을 리턴한다\n
     * 1. 인자는 (key, value)... 의 형식으로 주어져야 한다.\n
     *    ex) getUrl('key1','val1', 'key2', '') : key1, key2를 val1과 '' 로 변형\n
     * 2. 아무런 인자가 없으면 argument를 제외한 url을 리턴
     * 3. 첫 인자값이 '' 이면 RequestUri에다가 추가된 args_list로 url을 만듬
    function getUrl() {
        $num_args = func_num_args();
        $args_list = func_get_args();

        if(!$num_args) return Context::getRequestUri();

        return Context::getUrl($num_args, $args_list);

    function getNotEncodedUrl() {
        $num_args = func_num_args();
        $args_list = func_get_args();

        if(!$num_args) return Context::getRequestUri();

        return Context::getUrl($num_args, $args_list, null, false);

     * @brief getUrl()의 값에 request uri를 추가하여 reutrn
     * full url을 얻기 위함
    function getFullUrl() {
        $num_args = func_num_args();
        $args_list = func_get_args();
  $request_uri = Context::getRequestUri();
        if(!$num_args) return $request_uri;

        $url = Context::getUrl($num_args, $args_list);
   return substr($match[0],0,-1).$url;
        return $url;

    function getNotEncodedFullUrl() {
        $num_args = func_num_args();
        $args_list = func_get_args();
  $request_uri = Context::getRequestUri();
        if(!$num_args) return $request_uri;

        $url = Context::getUrl($num_args, $args_list);
   $url = Context::getUrl($num_args, $args_list, null, false);
   return substr($match[0],0,-1).$url;
        return $url;

     * @brief Context::getUrl()를 쓰기 쉽게 함수로 선언
     * @return string
     * getSiteUrl()은 지정된 도메인에 대해 주어진 인자의 값으로 변형하여 url을 리턴한다\n
     * 첫 인자는 도메인(http://등이 제외된)+path 여야 함.
    function getSiteUrl() {
        $num_args = func_num_args();
        $args_list = func_get_args();

        if(!$num_args) return Context::getRequestUri();

        $domain = array_shift($args_list);
        $num_args = count($args_list);

        return Context::getUrl($num_args, $args_list, $domain);

    function getNotEncodedSiteUrl() {
        $num_args = func_num_args();
        $args_list = func_get_args();

        if(!$num_args) return Context::getRequestUri();

        $domain = array_shift($args_list);
        $num_args = count($args_list);

        return Context::getUrl($num_args, $args_list, $domain, false);

     * @brief getSiteUrl()의 값에 request uri를 추가하여 reutrn
     * full url을 얻기 위함
    function getFullSiteUrl() {
        $num_args = func_num_args();
        $args_list = func_get_args();

  $request_uri = Context::getRequestUri();
        if(!$num_args) return $request_uri;

        $domain = array_shift($args_list);
        $num_args = count($args_list);

        $url = Context::getUrl($num_args, $args_list, $domain);
   return substr($match[0],0,-1).$url;
        return $url;

     * @brief 가상사이트의 Domain이 url형식인지 site id인지 return
    function isSiteID($domain) {
        return preg_match('/^([a-z0-9\_]+)$/i', $domain);

     * @brief 주어진 문자를 주어진 크기로 자르고 잘라졌을 경우 주어진 꼬리를 담
     * @param string 자를 원 문자열
     * @param cut_size 주어진 원 문자열을 자를 크기
     * @param tail 잘라졌을 경우 문자열의 제일 뒤에 붙을 꼬리
     * @return string
    function cut_str($string,$cut_size=0,$tail = '...') {
        if($cut_size<1 || !$string) return $string;

        $chars = Array(12, 4, 3, 5, 7, 7, 11, 8, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 8, 6, 8, 6, 10, 8, 8, 9, 8, 8, 7, 9, 8, 3, 6, 7, 7, 11, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 8, 7, 8, 8, 10, 8, 8, 8, 6, 11, 6, 6, 6, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 3, 7, 7, 3, 3, 6, 3, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 7, 3, 7, 6, 10, 6, 6, 7, 6, 6, 6, 9);
        $max_width = $cut_size*$chars[0]/2;
        $char_width = 0;

        $string_length = strlen($string);
        $char_count = 0;

        $idx = 0;
        while($idx < $string_length && $char_count < $cut_size && $char_width <= $max_width) {
            $c = ord(substr($string, $idx,1));
            if($c<128) {
                $char_width += (int)$chars[$c-32];
            else if (191<$c && $c < 224) {
             $char_width += $chars[4];
             $idx += 2;
            else {
                $char_width += $chars[0];
                $idx += 3;
        $output = substr($string,0,$idx);
        if(strlen($output)<$string_length) $output .= $tail;
        return $output;

    function zgap() {
        $time_zone = $GLOBALS['_time_zone'];
        if($time_zone < 0) $to = -1; else $to = 1;
        $t_hour = substr($time_zone, 1, 2) * $to;
        $t_min = substr($time_zone, 3, 2) * $to;

        $server_time_zone = date("O");
        if($server_time_zone < 0) $so = -1; else $so = 1;
        $c_hour = substr($server_time_zone, 1, 2) * $so;
        $c_min = substr($server_time_zone, 3, 2) * $so;

        $g_min = $t_min - $c_min;
        $g_hour = $t_hour - $c_hour;

        $gap = $g_min*60 + $g_hour*60*60;
        return $gap;

     * @brief YYYYMMDDHHIISS 형식의 시간값을 unix time으로 변경
     * @param str YYYYMMDDHHIISS 형식의 시간값
     * @return int
    function ztime($str) {
        if(!$str) return;
        $hour = (int)substr($str,8,2);
        $min = (int)substr($str,10,2);
        $sec = (int)substr($str,12,2);
        $year = (int)substr($str,0,4);
        $month = (int)substr($str,4,2);
        $day = (int)substr($str,6,2);
        if(strlen($str) <= 8) {
            $gap = 0;
        } else {
            $gap = zgap();

        return mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month?$month:1, $day?$day:1, $year)+$gap;

     * @brief YmdHis의 시간 형식을 지금으로 부터 몇분/몇시간전, 1일 이상 차이나면 format string return
    function getTimeGap($date, $format = 'Y.m.d') {
        $gap = time() - ztime($date);

        $lang_time_gap = Context::getLang('time_gap');
        if($gap<60) $buff = sprintf($lang_time_gap['min'], (int)($gap / 60)+1);
        elseif($gap<60*60) $buff =  sprintf($lang_time_gap['mins'], (int)($gap / 60)+1);
        elseif($gap<60*60*2) $buff =  sprintf($lang_time_gap['hour'], (int)($gap / 60 /60)+1);
        elseif($gap<60*60*24) $buff =  sprintf($lang_time_gap['hours'], (int)($gap / 60 /60)+1);
        else $buff =  zdate($date, $format);
        return $buff;

     * @brief 월이름을 return
    function getMonthName($month, $short = true) {
        $short_month = array('','Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
        $long_month = array('','January','February','March','April','May','June'+ ','July','August','September','October','November','December');
        return !$short?$long_month[$month]:$short_month[$month];

     * @brief YYYYMMDDHHIISS 형식의 시간값을 원하는 시간 포맷으로 변형
     * @param string|int str YYYYMMDDHHIISS 형식의 시간 값
     * @param string format php date()함수의 시간 포맷
     * @param bool conversion 언어에 따라 날짜 포맷의 자동변환 여부
     * @return string
    function zdate($str, $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $conversion=true) {
        // 대상 시간이 없으면 null return
        if(!$str) return;

        // 언어권에 따라서 지정된 날짜 포맷을 변경
        if($conversion == true) {
            switch(Context::getLangType()) {
                case 'en' :
                case 'es' :
                        if($format == 'Y-m-d') $format = 'M d, Y';
                        elseif($format == 'Y-m-d H:i:s') $format = 'M d, Y H:i:s';
                        elseif($format == 'Y-m-d H:i') $format = 'M d, Y H:i';
                case 'vi' :
                        if($format == 'Y-m-d') $format = 'd-m-Y';
                        elseif($format == 'Y-m-d H:i:s') $format = 'H:i:s d-m-Y';
                        elseif($format == '+ 'Y-m-d H:i') $format = 'H:i d-m-Y';


        // 년도가 1970년 이전이면 별도 처리
        if((int)substr($str,0,4) < 1970) {
            $hour = (int)substr($str,8,2);
            $min = (int)substr($str,10,2);
            $sec = (int)substr($str,12,2);
            $year = (int)substr($str,0,4);
            $month = (int)substr($str,4,2);
            $day = (int)substr($str,6,2);
            $string = str_replace(
                        array('Y','m','+ 'd','H','h','i','s','a','M', 'F'),
                        array($year,$month,$day,$hour,$hour/12,$min,$sec,($hour <= 12) ? 'am' : 'pm',getMonthName($month), getMonthName($month,false)),
        } else {
            // 1970년 이후라면 ztime()함수로 unixtime을 구하고 date함수로 처리
            $string = date($format, ztime($str));

        // 요일, am/pm을 각 언어에 맞게 변경
        $unit_week = Context::getLang('unit_week');
        $unit_meridiem = Context::getLang('unit_meridiem');
        $string = str_replace(array('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','+ 'Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday'),$unit_week, $string);
        $string = str_replace(array('am','pm','AM','PM'), $unit_meridiem, $string);
        return $string;

     * @brief prints debug messages
     * @param debug_output target object to be printed
     * @param display_line boolean flag whether to print seperator (default:true)
     * @return none
     * ./files/_debug_message.php 파일에 $buff 내용을 출력한다.
     * tail -f ./files/_debug_message.php 하여 계속 살펴 볼 수 있다
    function debugPrint($debug_output = null, $display_option = true, $file = '_debug_message.php') {
        if(!(__DEBUG__ & 1)) return;

        static $firephp;
        $bt = debug_backtrace();
        if(is_array($bt)) $first = array_shift($bt);
        $file_name = array_pop(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $first['file']));
        $line_num = $first['line'];

        if(__DEBUG_OUTPUT__ == 2 && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '6.0.0') === -1) {
            if(!isset($firephp)) $firephp = FirePHP::getInstance(true);
                $label = sprintf('[%s:%d] (m:%s)', $file_name, $line_num, FileHandler::filesize(memory_get_usage()));
                $label = sprintf('[%s:%d] ', $file_name, $line_num);

            // FirePHP 옵션 체크
            if($display_option === 'TABLE') $label = $display_option;

            // __DEBUG_PROTECT__ 옵션으로 지정된 IP와 접근 IP가 동일한지 체크
            if(__DEBUG_PROTECT__ === 1 && __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
                $debug_output = 'The IP address is not allowed. Change the value of __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ into your IP address in config/config.user.inc.php or config/config.inc.php'+ ';
                $label = null;

            $firephp->fb($debug_output, $label);

        } else {
            if(__DEBUG_PROTECT__ === 1 && __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
            $debug_file = _XE_PATH_.'files/'.$file;
                $debug_output = sprintf("[%s %s:%d] - mem(%s)\n%s\n", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $file_name, $line_num, FileHandler::filesize(memory_get_usage()), print_r($debug_output, true));
                $debug_output = sprintf("[%s %s:%d]\n%s\n", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $file_name, $line_num, print_r($debug_output, true));

            if($display_option === true) $debug_output = str_repeat('=', 40)."\n".$debug_output.str_repeat('-', 40);
            $debug_output = "\n<?php\n/*".$debug_output."*/\n?>\n";

            if(@!$fp = fopen($debug_file, 'a')) return;
            fwrite($fp, $debug_output);

     * @brief microtime() return
     * @return float
    function getMicroTime() {
        list($time1, $time2) = explode(' ', microtime());
        return (float)$time1 + (float)$time2;

     * @brief 첫번째 인자로 오는 object var에서 2번째 object의 var들을 제거
     * @param target_obj 원 object
     * @param del_obj 원 object의 vars에서 del_obj의 vars를 제거한다
     * @return object
    function delObjectVars($target_obj, $del_obj) {
        if(!is_object($target_obj)) return;
        if(!is_object($del_obj)) return;

        $target_vars = get_object_vars($target_obj);
        $del_vars = get_object_vars($del_obj);

        $target = array_keys($target_vars);
        $del = array_keys($del_vars);
        if(!count($target)||!count($del)) return $target_obj;

        $return_obj = NULL;

        $target_count = count($target);
        for($i = 0; $i < $target_count; $i++) {
            $target_key = $target[$i];
            if(!in_array($target_key, $del)) $return_obj->{$target_key} = $target_obj->{$target_key};

        return $return_obj;

     * @brief php5 이상에서 error_handing을 debugPrint로 변경
     * @param errno
     * @param errstr
     * @return file
     * @return line
    function handleError($errno, $errstr, $file, $line) {
        if(!__DEBUG__) return;
        $errors = array(E_USER_ERROR, E_ERROR, E_PARSE);
        if(!in_array($errno, $errors)) return;

        $output = sprintf("Fatal error : %s - %d", $file, $line);
        $output .= sprintf("%d - %s", $errno, $errstr);


     * @brief 주어진 숫자를 주어진 크기로 recursive하게 잘라줌
     * @param no 주어진 숫자
     * @param size 잘라낼 크기
    function getNumberingPath($no, $size=3) {
        $mod = pow(10, $size);
        $output = sprintf('%0'.$size.'d/', $no%$mod);
        if($no >= $mod) $output .= getNumberingPath((int)$no/$mod, $size);
        return $output;

     * @brief 한글이 들어간 url의 decode
    function url_decode($str) {
        return preg_replace('/%u([[:alnum:]]{4})/', '&#x\\1;',$str);

     * @brief 해킹 시도로 의심되는 코드들을 미리 차단
    function removeHackTag($content) {
        // 특정 태그들을 일반 문자로 변경
        $content = preg_replace('/<(\/?)(iframe|script|meta|style|applet|link|base|html|body)/is', '&lt;$1$2', $content);

         * 이미지나 동영상등의 태그에서 src에 관리자 세션을 악용하는 코드를 제거
         * - 취약점 제보 : 김상원님
        $content = preg_replace_callback("!<(/?)([a-z]+)(.*?)>!is", removeSrcHack, $content);

  // xmp tag 확인 및 추가
  $content = checkXmpTag($content);

        return $content;

     * @brief xmp tag 확인 및 닫히지 않은 경우 추가
 function checkXmpTag($content) {
  if(($start_xmp = strrpos($content, '<xmp>')) !==false) {
   if(($close_xmp = strrpos($content, '</xmp>')) === false) $content .= '</xmp>';
   else if($close_xmp < $start_xmp) $content .= '</xmp>';
  return $content;

    function removeSrcHack($matches) {
        $tag = strtolower(trim($matches[2]));
  // xmp tag 정리
  if($tag=='xmp') return '<'.$matches[1].'xmp>';
   if($matches[1]=='/') return $matches[0];

        //$buff = trim(preg_replace('/(\/>|>)/','/>',$matches[0]));
        $buff = $matches[0];
        $buff = str_replace(array('&amp;','&'),array('&','&amp;'),$buff);
        $buff = preg_replace_callback('/([^=^"^ ]*)=([^ ^>]*)/i', 'fixQuotation', $buff);

        $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
        $xml_doc = $oXmlParser->parse($buff);
  if(!$xml_doc) return sprintf("<%s>", $tag);

        // src값에 module=admin이라는 값이 입력되어 있으면 이 값을 무효화 시킴
        $src = $xml_doc->attrs->src;
        $dynsrc = $xml_doc->attrs->dynsrc;
        $lowsrc = $xml_doc->attrs->lowsrc;
        $href = $xml_doc->attrs->href;
  $data = $xml_doc->attrs->data;
  $background = $xml_doc->attrs->background;
  $style = $xml_doc->attrs->style;
  if($style) {
   $url = preg_match_all('/url\s*\(([^\)]+)\)/is', $style, $matches2);
    foreach($matches2[1] as $target)
     if(_isHackedSrc($target)) return sprintf("<%s>",$tag);
        if(_isHackedSrc($src) || _isHackedSrc($dynsrc) || _isHackedSrc($lowsrc) || _isHackedSrc($href) || _isHackedSrc($data) || _isHackedSrc($background) || _isHackedSrcExp($style)) return sprintf("<%s>",$tag);

  if($tag=='param' && $xml_doc->attrs->value && preg_match('/^javascript:/i',$xml_doc->attrs->value)) return sprintf("<%s>",$tag);
  if($tag=='object' && $xml_doc->attrs->data && preg_match('/^javascript:/i',$xml_doc->attrs->data)) return sprintf("<%s>",$tag);

        return $buff;

 function _isHackedSrcExp($style) {
  if(!$style) return false;
  if(preg_match('/((\/\*)|(\*\/)|(\\n)|(expression))/i', $style)) return true;
  return false;

    function _isHackedSrc($src) {
        if(!$src) return false;
        if($src) {
   $target = trim($src);
   if(preg_match('/(\s|(\&\#)|(script:))/i', $target)) return true;
   if(preg_match('/data:/i', $target)) return true;

            $url_info = parse_url($src);
            $query = $url_info['query'];
   if(!trim($query)) return false;
   $query = str_replace("&amp;","&",$query);
            $queries = explode('&', $query);
            $cnt = count($queries);
            for($i=0;$i<$cnt;$i++) {
                $tmp_str = strtolower(trim($queries[$i]));
                $pos = strpos($tmp_str,'=');
                if($pos === false) continue;
                $key = strtolower(trim(substr($tmp_str, 0, $pos)));
                $val = strtolower(trim(substr($tmp_str,$pos+1)));
                if( ($key=='module'&&$val=='admin') || ($key=='act'&&preg_match('/admin/i',$val)) ) return true;
        return false;

     * @brief attribute의 value를 " 로 둘러싸도록 처리하는 함수
    function fixQuotation($matches) {
        $key = $matches[1];
        $val = trim($matches[2]);

  $close_tag = false;
  if(substr($val,-1)=='/') {
   $close_tag = true;
   $val = rtrim(substr($val,0,-1));

  if($val{0}=="'" && substr($val,-1)=="'")
   $val = sprintf('"%s"', substr($val,1,-1));

  if($close_tag) $val .= ' /';
  // attribute on* remove
  if(preg_match('/^on([a-z]+)/i',preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z_]/','',$key))) return '';
  $output = sprintf('%s=%s', $key, $val);

  return $output;

    // hexa값을 RGB로 변환
    if(!function_exists('hexrgb')) {
        function hexrgb($hexstr) {
          $int = hexdec($hexstr);

          return array('red' => 0xFF & ($int >> 0x10),
                       'green' => 0xFF & ($int >> 0x8),
                       'blue' => 0xFF & $int);


     * @brief mysql old_password 의 php 구현 함수
     * 제로보드4나 기타 mysql4.1 이전의 old_password()함수를 쓴 데이터의 사용을 위해서
     * mysql의 password.c 소스 참조해서 구현함
    function mysql_pre4_hash_password($password) {
        $nr = 1345345333;
        $add = 7;
        $nr2 = 0x12345671;

        settype($password, "string");

        for ($i=0; $i<strlen($password); $i++) {
            if ($password[$i] == ' ' || $password[$i] == '\t') continue;
            $tmp = ord($password[$i]);
            $nr ^= ((($nr & 63) + $add) * $tmp) + ($nr << 8);
            $nr2 += ($nr2 << 8) ^ $nr;
            $add += $tmp;
        $result1 = sprintf("%08lx", $nr & ((1 << 31) -1));
        $result2 = sprintf("%08lx", $nr2 & ((1 << 31) -1));

        if($result1 == '80000000') $nr += 0x80000000;
        if($result2 == '80000000') $nr2 += 0x80000000;

        return sprintf("%08lx%08lx", $nr, $nr2);

     * 현재 요청받은 스크립트 경로를 return
    function getScriptPath() {
        static $url = null;
        if($url == null) $url = preg_replace('/\/tools\//i','/',preg_replace('/index.php$/i','',str_replace('\\','/',$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])));
        return $url;

     * javascript의 escape의 php unescape 함수
     * Function converts an Javascript escaped string back into a string with specified charset (default is UTF-8).
     * Modified function from http://pure-essence.net/stuff/code/utf8RawUrlDecode.phps
    function utf8RawUrlDecode ($source) {
        $decodedStr = '';
        $pos = 0;
        $len = strlen ($source);
        while ($pos < $len) {
            $charAt = substr ($source, $pos, 1);
            if ($charAt == '%') {
                $charAt = substr ($source, $pos, 1);
                if ($charAt == 'u') {
                    // we got a unicode character
                    $unicodeHexVal = substr ($source, $pos, 4);
                    $unicode = hexdec ($unicodeHexVal);
                    $decodedStr .= _code2utf($unicode);
                    $pos += 4;
                else {
                    // we have an escaped ascii character
                    $hexVal = substr ($source, $pos, 2);
                    $decodedStr .= chr (hexdec ($hexVal));
                    $pos += 2;
            } else {
                $decodedStr .= $charAt;
        return $decodedStr;

    function _code2utf($num){
        if($num<128)return chr($num);
        if($num<2048)return chr(($num>>6)+192).chr(($num&63)+128);
        if($num<65536)return chr(($num>>12)+224).chr((($num>>6)&63)+128).chr(($num&63)+128);
        if($num<2097152)return chr(($num>>18)+240).chr((($num>>12)&63)+128).chr((($num>>6)&63)+128) .chr(($num&63)+128);
        return '';

    function detectUTF8($string, $return_convert = false, $urldecode = true) {
        if($urldecode) $string = urldecode($string);

        $sample = iconv('utf-8', 'utf-8', $string);
        $is_utf8 = (md5($sample) == md5($string));

        if(!$urldecode) $string = urldecode($string);

        if($return_convert) return ($is_utf8) ? $string : iconv('euc-kr', 'utf-8', $string);

        return $is_utf8;

    function json_encode2($data) {
        switch (gettype($data)) {
            case 'boolean':
              return $data?'true':'false';
            case 'integer':
            case 'double':
              return $data;
            case 'string':
              return '"'.strtr($data, array('\\'=>'\\\\','"'=>'\\"')).'"';
            case 'object':
              $data = get_object_vars($data);
            case 'array':
              $rel = false; // relative array?
              $key = array_keys($data);
              foreach ($key as $v) {
                if (!is_int($v)) {
                  $rel = true;

              $arr = array();
              foreach ($data as $k=>$v) {
                $arr[] = ($rel?'"'.strtr($k, array('\\'=>'\\\\','"'=>'\\"')).'":':'').json_encode2($v);

              return $rel?'{'.join(',', $arr).'}':'['.join(',', $arr).']'+ ';
              return '""';

    function isCrawler($agent = null) {
        if(!$agent) $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
        $check_agent = array('bot', 'spider', 'google', 'yahoo', 'daum', 'teoma', 'fish', 'hanrss', 'facebook');
        $check_ip = array(
            '*' /* mixsh */

        foreach($check_agent as $str) {
            if(stristr($agent, $str) != FALSE) return true;

        $check_ip = '/^('.implode($check_ip, '|').')/';
        $check_ip = str_replace('.', '\.', $check_ip);
        $check_ip = str_replace('*', '.+', $check_ip);
        $check_ip = str_replace('?', '.?', $check_ip);

        if(preg_match($check_ip, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $matches)) return true;

        return false;

 function stripEmbedTagForAdmin(&$content, $writer_member_srl)
  if(!Context::get('is_logged')) return;
  $oModuleModel = &getModel('module');
  $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');

  if($writer_member_srl != $logged_info->member_srl && ($logged_info->is_admin == "Y" || $oModuleModel->isSiteAdmin($logged_info)) )
    $oMemberModel =& getModel('member');
    $member_info = $oMemberModel->getMemberInfoByMemberSrl($writer_member_srl);
    if($member_info->is_admin == "Y")
   $security_msg = "<div style='border: 1px solid #DDD; background: #FAFAFA; text-align:center; margin: 1em 0;'><p style='margin: 1em;'>".Context::getLang('security_warning_embed')."</p></div>";
   $content = preg_replace('/<object[^>]+>(.*?<\/object>)?/is', $security_msg, $content);
   $content = preg_replace('/<embed[^>]+>(\s*<\/embed>)?/is', $security_msg, $content);
   $content = preg_replace('/<img[^>]+editor_component="multimedia_link"[^>]*>(\s*<\/img>)?/is', $security_msg, $content);


 function requirePear()
  if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3.0") < 0)




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