
새글 알림 애드온을 사용중입니다.

1.5.2에서 까지는 잘 나왔는데, 업데이트 이후 아래의 스샷과 같이 메뉴 아래로 새글 이미지가 밀리는것 같습니다.

어떻게 수정을 해야하는지 궁금합니다.

레이아웃을 열어 css파일을 보고 있는데도 잘 모르겠습니다.





 @charset "utf-8";
/* NHN > UIT Center > Open UI Technology Team > Jeong Chan Myeong(dece24@nhncorp.com) */

/* Element Reset */
body { margin:0; font-family:Dotum, Tahoma, Sans-serif; font-size:12px; background:#fff; color:#000;}
address { font-style:normal;}
hr{ display:none; position:absolute;}
fieldset{ border:0; margin:0; padding:0;}
legend{ position:absolute; width:0; height:0; font-size:0; line-height:0; overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden;}

/* Form Controls */
.inputText{ border:1px solid; padding:3px 4px 0 4px; _margin:-1px 0; font-size:12px;}

/* Skip To Content */
a.skipToContent{ display:block; position:relative; top:0; clear:both; overflow:hidden; height:0; text-decoration:none;}
a.skipToContent:focus{ height:auto; margin:0 0 10px 0; padding:5px;}

/* Layout */
#container{ margin:0 20px;}
#header{ padding:30px 0 0 0; margin:0 0 11px 0;}
#body{ margin-bottom:13px; background:url(../img/bgE1.gif) repeat-y;}
.fixed .ce #body #content,
.fixed .ec #body #content{ width:762px;}
.fixed .ce #body .e1,
.fixed .ec #body .e1{ width:183px; padding:20px 0 150px 0}
#footer{ border-top:1px solid #cfcfcf; padding:1em 0 3em 0;}

/* Header Extension */
#header h1{ margin:0 0 10px 0;}

#header .account{ position:absolute; top:37px; right:15px; color:#999; margin:0;}
#header .account strong{ font-weight:normal; color:#000;}
#header .account em{ font-size:11px; font-style:normal; letter-spacing:-1px; margin-right:5px;}
#header .account .buttonAccount,
#header .account .buttonAccount input,
#header .account .buttonAccount a { cursor:pointer; position:relative; display:inline-block; height:18px; line-height:18px; font-size:11px; color:#777; text-decoration:none; background-image:url(../img/buttonSmall.gif); background-color:transparent; background-repeat:no-repeat; vertical-align:middle; overflow:visible; border:0;}
#header .account .buttonAccount a img { display:none; }
#header .account .buttonAccount{ background-position:left top; margin-right:2px;}
#header .account .buttonAccount input,
#header .account .buttonAccount a{ left:2px; _top:-1px; background-position:right top; padding:0 7px 0 5px;}
#header .account input.inputType { margin:0; vertical-align:middle; height:14px; width:60px; border:1px solid #ccc; color:#444; font-size:11px; padding:2px;}
#header .account input.inputType:focus { padding:1px; border:2px solid #aaa; }
#header .account #keepA { margin:0; padding:0; vertical-align:middle;}
#header .account label { display:none; width:200px;  position:absolute; top:20px; left:0; background-color:#fff; border:1px solid #ccc; padding:5px; z-index:5;}
#header .account label.show { display:block; }

#header .extension{ border:1px solid #37393d; padding:9px 0 10px 12px; background:url(../img/bgGnb.gif) repeat-x; height:14px;}
#header .extension ul{ position:relative; margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; *zoom:1;}
#header .extension li{ position:relative; left:-2px; margin:0 -4px 0 0; background:url(../img/vrGnb.gif) no-repeat left center;}
#header .extension li a{ display:inline-block; padding:0 10px; color:#9EA1AB; text-decoration:none;}
#header .extension li.on a{ color:#6DADDD; }
#header .extension li img{ vertical-align:middle;}

#header .extension .search{ position:absolute; top:8px; right:25px; margin:0; padding:0; _float:right;}
#header .extension .search fieldset{ _float:right;}
#header .extension .search *{ vertical-align:top;}
#header .extension .search .inputText{ border-color:#23242c; height:14px; background:#cfd0d4;}
#header .extension .search .inputText:focus{ background:#fff;}

/* Footer Extension */
#footer address{ color:#a3a3a3; font:9px Verdana;}
#footer strong{ color:#757575;}

/* Main Side */
#content .mainSide{ width:199px; float:right;}
#content .mainSide .section{ margin:0 0 15px 0;}

/* Body Extension */
#body .e1 h2{ margin:0 12px; padding:0 0 10px 0; text-indent:4px; color:#48494e; font:bold 12px AppleGothic, NanumGothic, "Malgun Gothic"; background:url(../img/hrE1.gif) repeat-x left bottom;}
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#body .e1 .topic a{ color:#7b7575; text-decoration:none;}
#body .e1 .topic a:hover,
#body .e1 .topic a:active,
#body .e1 .topic a:focus{ text-decoration:underline;}
#body .e1 .topic .first a{ color:#2893bb; font-weight:bold;}
#body .e1 .topic .bold.top { margin-top:30px;}
#body .e1 .topic .bold { color:#48494e; font-weight:bold; }

/* WidgetTree */
.widgetTree{ margin:0 0 0 10px; padding:22px 0 0 0;}
.widgetTree *{ margin:0; padding:0; font-size:12px;}
.widgetTree .all{ padding:0 0 0 5px; color:#333 !important;}
.widgetTree a{ text-decoration:none; padding-left:5px;}
.widgetTree a:hover,
.widgetTree a:active,
.widgetTree a:focus{ text-decoration:underline;}
.widgetTree a strong{ letter-spacing:-1px; cursor:pointer;}
.widgetTree ul{ position:relative; display:block; padding:0; margin:0; zoom:1;}
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.widgetTree ul li a{ position:relative; left:12px; top:-1px; color:#666;}
.widgetTree ul li li a{ left:2px;}
.widgetTree ul li em{ font-style:normal;}
.widgetTree ul li button{ display:inline-block; position:relative; *top:-2px; width:13px; height:13px; *width:17px; *height:17px; margin:0 -13px 0 0; *margin:0 -17px -1px -2px; text-indent:-10000px; *font:0/0 Sans-serif; border:0; cursor:pointer; background:transparent url(../img/buttonTreeCollapse.gif) no-repeat; *zoom:1;}
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.widgetTree ul li.nav_tree_off button{ background-position:0 0; *background-position:2px 2px;}
.widgetTree ul li.nav_tree_on a{ font-weight:bold; color:#000; letter-spacing:-1px;}
.widgetTree ul li.nav_tree_on li a{ font-weight:normal; color:#8e8e8e; letter-spacing:normal;}
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.widgetTree ul li.nav_tree_on ul li{ display:block;}
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.widgetTree ul li.active a,
.widgetTree ul li.nav_tree_on.active a{ font-weight:bold; color:#2893bb !important; letter-spacing:-1px; padding-right:1px;}
.widgetTree ul li.active li,
.widgetTree ul li.active li a,
.widgetTree ul li.nav_tree_on.active li a{ font-weight:normal; color:#8e8e8e !important; letter-spacing:normal;}
.widgetTree .icon{ position:relative; left:5px; vertical-align:top;}




 @charset "utf-8";
/* NHN > UIT Center > Open UI Technology Team > Jeong Chan Myeong(dece24@nhncorp.com) */
/* Layout */
#xe{ position:relative;}
#container{ position:relative;}
#header{ position:relative; clear:both; *zoom:1;}
#header:after{ content:""; display:block; clear:both;}
#body{ position:relative; clear:both; *zoom:1;}
#body:after{ content:""; display:block; clear:both;}
#content{ position:relative; text-align:justify; *zoom:1;}
#content:after{ content:""; display:block; clear:both;}
#footer{ position:relative; clear:both; *zoom:1;}
#footer:after{ content:""; display:block; clear:both;}
#footer address{ text-align:center;}
/* Layout Width */
.fixed #container{ width:960px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;}
.liquid #container{ width:80%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;}
.hybrid #container{ width:80%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;}
/* Layout Align */
.aLeft #container{ margin-left:0;}
.aRight #container{ margin-right:0;}
/* Header Extension */
#header .extension{ position:relative; *zoom:1;}
#header .extension:after{ content:""; display:block; clear:both;}
#header .extension .section{ position:relative;}
#header .extension ul{ position:relative;}
#header .extension li{ position:relative; display:inline; list-style:none;}
/* Footer Extension */
#footer .extension{ position:relative; *zoom:1;}
#footer .extension:after{ content:""; display:block; clear:both;}
#footer .extension .section{ position:relative;}
#footer .extension ul{ position:relative;}
#footer .extension li{ position:relative; display:inline; list-style:none;}
/* Body Extension */
#body .extension{position:relative; *zoom:1; display:none;}
#body .extension:after{ content:""; display:block; clear:both;}
#body .extension .section{position:relative;}
/* ----- Fixed 1 Column Layout ----- */
.fixed .c #body .e1{ display:block; margin-right:-30px;}
.fixed .c #body .e1 .section{ float:left; width:300px; margin-right:30px;}
/* ----- Liquid 1 Column Layout ----- */
.liquid .c #body .e1{ display:block; margin-right:-3.4%;}
.liquid .c #body .e1 .section{ float:left; width:30%; margin-right:3.3%;}
/* ----- Hybrid 1 Column Layout ----- */
.hybrid .c #body .e1{ display:block; margin-right:-30px;}
.hybrid .c #body .e1 .section{ float:left; width:240px; margin-right:30px;}
/* ----- Fixed 2 Column Layout ----- */
.fixed .ce #body .e1,
.fixed .ec #body .e1{ width:220px;}
.fixed .ce #body #content,
.fixed .ec #body #content{ width:720px;}
.fixed .ce #body #content{ float:left;}
.fixed .ec #body #content{ float:right;}
.fixed .ce #body .e1,
.fixed .ec #body .e1{ display:block;}
.fixed .ce #body .e1{ float:right; clear:right;}
.fixed .ec #body .e1{ float:left; clear:left;}
/* ----- Liquid 2 Column Layout ----- */
.liquid .ce #body .e1,
.liquid .ec #body .e1{ width:23%;}
.liquid .ce #body #content,
.liquid .ec #body #content{ width:75%;}
.liquid .ce #body #content{ float:left;}
.liquid .ec #body #content{ float:right;}
.liquid .ce #body .e1,
.liquid .ec #body .e1{ display:block;}
.liquid .ce #body .e1{ float:right; clear:right;}
.liquid .ec #body .e1{ float:left; clear:left;}
/* ----- Hybrid 2 Column Layout ----- */
.hybrid .ce #body{ padding-right:280px;}
.hybrid .ec #body{ padding-left:280px;}
.hybrid .ce #body .e1,
.hybrid .ec #body .e1{ width:260px;}
.hybrid .ce #body #content,
.hybrid .ec #body #content{ width:100%;}
.hybrid .ce #body #content{ float:left;}
.hybrid .ec #body #content{ float:right;}
.hybrid .ce #body .e1,
.hybrid .ec #body .e1{ display:block;}
.hybrid .ce #body .e1{ float:right; clear:right; margin-left:-260px; right:-280px;}
.hybrid .ec #body .e1{ float:left; clear:left; margin-right:-260px; left:-280px;}
/* ----- Fixed 3 Column Layout ----- */
.fixed .cee #body .e1,
.fixed .cee #body .e2,
.fixed .ece #body .e1,
.fixed .ece #body .e2,
.fixed .eec #body .e1,
.fixed .eec #body .e2{ display:block; width:200px;}
.fixed .cee #body #content,
.fixed .ece #body #content,
.fixed .eec #body #content{ width:520px;}
.fixed .cee #body #content{ float:left; margin-right:20px;}
.fixed .ece #body #content{ float:left; margin-right:-100%; left:220px;}
.fixed .eec #body #content{ float:right;}
.fixed .ece #body .e1,
.fixed .eec #body .e1{ float:left; margin-right:20px;}
.fixed .cee #body .e1,
.fixed .eec #body .e2{ float:left;}
.fixed .cee #body .e2,
.fixed .ece #body .e2{ float:right;}
/* ----- Liquid 3 Column Layout ----- */
.liquid .cee #body .e1,
.liquid .cee #body .e2,
.liquid .ece #body .e1,
.liquid .ece #body .e2,
.liquid .eec #body .e1,
.liquid .eec #body .e2{ display:block; width:20%;}
.liquid .cee #body #content,
.liquid .ece #body #content,
.liquid .eec #body #content{ width:56%;}
.liquid .cee #body #content{ float:left; margin-right:2%;}
.liquid .ece #body #content{ float:left; margin-right:-100%; left:22%;}
.liquid .eec #body #content{ float:right;}
.liquid .ece #body .e1,
.liquid .eec #body .e1{ float:left; margin-right:2%;}
.liquid .cee #body .e1,
.liquid .eec #body .e2{ float:left;}
.liquid .cee #body .e2,
.liquid .ece #body .e2{ float:right;}
/* ----- Hybrid 3 Column Layout ----- */
.hybrid .cee #body .e1,
.hybrid .cee #body .e2,
.hybrid .ece #body .e1,
.hybrid .ece #body .e2,
.hybrid .eec #body .e1,
.hybrid .eec #body .e2{ display:block; width:220px;}
.hybrid .cee #body{ padding-right:480px;}
.hybrid .ece #body{ padding-left:240px; padding-right:240px;}
.hybrid .eec #body{ padding-left:480px;}
.hybrid .cee #body #content,
.hybrid .ece #body #content,
.hybrid .eec #body #content{ width:100%;}
.hybrid .cee #body #content,
.hybrid .ece #body #content{ float:left; margin-right:-100%;}
.hybrid .eec #body #content{ float:right;}
.hybrid .ece #body .e1,
.hybrid .eec #body .e2{ float:left; left:-240px; margin-right:-220px;}
.hybrid .eec #body .e1{ float:left; left:-480px; margin-right:-220px;}
.hybrid .cee #body .e1,
.hybrid .ece #body .e2{ float:right; left:240px; margin-left:-220px;}
.hybrid .cee #body .e2{ float:right; left:480px; margin-left:-220px;}

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