웹마스터 팁

사이트를 운영하다보니 관리자에게만 가능한 몇가지들이 필요하더군요..


추천, 신고기능을 관리자만 제한을 해제하도록 수정하였습니다. 에서 작업하였습니다.

아래 내용을 modules/document/document.controller.php  의 updateVotedCount 와 그 바로 아래의 declaredDocument 함수를 교체해 주시면

됩니다.. 사실 기존것을 else로 묵어버리고 관리자만 새로 만들어 넣은것입니다..


	 * @brief Increase the number of vote-up of the document
	function updateVotedCount($document_srl, $point = 1) {
		if($point > 0) $failed_voted = 'failed_voted';
		else $failed_voted = 'failed_blamed';

		// Create a member model object
		$oMemberModel = &getModel('member');
		$member_srl = $oMemberModel->getLoggedMemberSrl();
		$logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
		// Get the original document
		$oDocumentModel = &getModel('document');
		$oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl, false, false);

		if ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y') {
			$args->member_srl = $member_srl;
			$args->document_srl = $document_srl;
			// Update the voted count
			if($point < 0)
				$args->blamed_count = $oDocument->get('blamed_count') + $point;
				$output = executeQuery('document.updateBlamedCount', $args);
				$args->voted_count = $oDocument->get('voted_count') + $point;
				$output = executeQuery('document.updateVotedCount', $args);
			if(!$output->toBool()) return $output;
			// Leave logs
			$args->point = $point;
			$output = executeQuery('document.insertDocumentVotedLog', $args);
			if(!$output->toBool()) return $output;
		else {
			// Return fail if session already has information about votes
			if($_SESSION['voted_document'][$document_srl]) return new Object(-1, $failed_voted);
			// Pass if the author's IP address is as same as visitor's.
			if($oDocument->get('ipaddress') == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
				$_SESSION['voted_document'][$document_srl] = true;
				return new Object(-1, $failed_voted);
			// Check if document's author is a member.
			if($oDocument->get('member_srl')) {
				// Pass after registering a session if author's information is same as the currently logged-in user's.
				if($member_srl && $member_srl == $oDocument->get('member_srl')) {
					$_SESSION['voted_document'][$document_srl] = true;
					return new Object(-1, $failed_voted);
			// Use member_srl for logged-in members and IP address for non-members.
			if($member_srl) {
				$args->member_srl = $member_srl;
			} else {
				$args->ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
			$args->document_srl = $document_srl;
			$output = executeQuery('document.getDocumentVotedLogInfo', $args);
			// Pass after registering a session if log information has vote-up logs
			if($output->data->count) {
				$_SESSION['voted_document'][$document_srl] = true;
				return new Object(-1, $failed_voted);
			// Update the voted count
			if($point < 0)
				$args->blamed_count = $oDocument->get('blamed_count') + $point;
				$output = executeQuery('document.updateBlamedCount', $args);
				$args->voted_count = $oDocument->get('voted_count') + $point;
				$output = executeQuery('document.updateVotedCount', $args);
			if(!$output->toBool()) return $output;
			// Leave logs
			$args->point = $point;
			$output = executeQuery('document.insertDocumentVotedLog', $args);
			if(!$output->toBool()) return $output;
			// Leave in the session information
			$_SESSION['voted_document'][$document_srl] = true;
			$obj->member_srl = $oDocument->get('member_srl');
			$obj->module_srl = $oDocument->get('module_srl');
			$obj->document_srl = $oDocument->get('document_srl');
			$obj->update_target = ($point < 0) ? 'blamed_count' : 'voted_count';
			$obj->point = $point;
			$obj->before_point = ($point < 0) ? $oDocument->get('blamed_count') : $oDocument->get('voted_count');
			$obj->after_point = ($point < 0) ? $args->blamed_count : $args->voted_count;
			$output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('document.updateVotedCount', 'after', $obj);
			if(!$output->toBool()) return $output;
		// Return result
		if($point > 0)
			return new Object(0, 'success_voted');
			return new Object(0, 'success_blamed');

	 * @brief Report posts
	function declaredDocument($document_srl) {
		// Create a member model object
		$oMemberModel = &getModel('member');
		$member_srl = $oMemberModel->getLoggedMemberSrl();
		$logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
		// Get the original document
		$oDocumentModel = &getModel('document');
		$oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl, false, false);
		if ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y') {
			$args->member_srl = $member_srl;
			$args->document_srl = $document_srl;
			$output = executeQuery('document.getDeclaredDocument', $args);
			if(!$output->toBool()) return $output;
			$declared_count = $output->data->declared_count;
			// Add the declared document
			if($declared_count > 0) $output = executeQuery('document.updateDeclaredDocument', $args);
			else $output = executeQuery('document.insertDeclaredDocument', $args);
			if(!$output->toBool()) return $output;
			// Leave logs
			$output = executeQuery('document.insertDocumentDeclaredLog', $args);
		else {
			// Fail if session information already has a reported document
			if($_SESSION['declared_document'][$document_srl]) return new Object(-1, 'failed_declared');
			// Check if previously reported
			$args->document_srl = $document_srl;
			$output = executeQuery('document.getDeclaredDocument', $args);
			if(!$output->toBool()) return $output;
			$declared_count = $output->data->declared_count;
			// Pass if the author's IP address is as same as visitor's.
			/*if($oDocument->get('ipaddress') == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
				$_SESSION['declared_document'][$document_srl] = true;
				return new Object(-1, 'failed_declared');
			// Check if document's author is a member.
			if($oDocument->get('member_srl')) {
				// Pass after registering a session if author's information is same as the currently logged-in user's.
				if($member_srl && $member_srl == $oDocument->get('member_srl')) {
					$_SESSION['declared_document'][$document_srl] = true;
					return new Object(-1, 'failed_declared');
			// Use member_srl for logged-in members and IP address for non-members.
			if($member_srl) {
				$args->member_srl = $member_srl;
			} else {
				$args->ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
			$args->document_srl = $document_srl;
			$output = executeQuery('document.getDocumentDeclaredLogInfo', $args);
			// Pass after registering a sesson if reported/declared documents are in the logs.
			if($output->data->count) {
				$_SESSION['declared_document'][$document_srl] = true;
				return new Object(-1, 'failed_declared');
			// Add the declared document
			if($declared_count > 0) $output = executeQuery('document.updateDeclaredDocument', $args);
			else $output = executeQuery('document.insertDeclaredDocument', $args);
			if(!$output->toBool()) return $output;
			// Leave logs
			$output = executeQuery('document.insertDocumentDeclaredLog', $args);
			// Leave in the session information
			$_SESSION['declared_document'][$document_srl] = true;
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