
꼭 고견 부탁드립니다.

안녕하세요? 정중히 인사 올립니다.

개인적으로 중요한 홈페이지를 관리하고 있는데

어느날 부터 갑자기 홈페이지 대문에 접속을 하니 담과 같이 에러로 표시되어,

ftp 상 이전자료를 업로드해서 덮어쓰기나 새로 설치해도, 마찬가지입니다.

꼭 고견 부탁드립니다.

미리 감사드립니다.



Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 1378 in /home/hosting_users/cho5j1/www/zbxe/classes/context/Context.class.php on line 1378

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /home/hosting_users/cho5j1/www/zbxe/classes/context/Context.class.php on line 1378


Context.class.php ==>


* @class Context
* @author zero (zero@nzeo.com)
* @brief Manages Context such as request arguments/environment variables
* @remarks It has dual method structure, easy-to use methods which can be called as Context::methodname(),
* and methods called with static object.


class Context {

var $allow_rewrite = false; ///< true: using rewrite mod, false: otherwise

var $request_method = 'GET';///< request method(GET/POST/XMLRPC)
var $response_method = ''; ///< response method(HTML/XMLRPC). If it's not set, it follows request method.

var $context = NULL; ///< conatins request parameters and environment variables

var $db_info = NULL; ///< DB info.
var $ftp_info = NULL; ///< FTP info.

var $ssl_actions = array(); ///< list of actions to be sent via ssl (it is used by javascript xml handler for ajax)
var $js_files = array(); ///< list of javascript files used for display
var $css_files = array(); ///< list of css files used for display

var $html_header = NULL; ///< script codes in <head>..</head>
var $body_class = array(); ///< classnames of <body>
var $body_header = NULL; ///< codes after <body>
var $html_footer = NULL; ///< codes before </body>

var $path = ''; ///< path of Xpress Engine

// language information - it is changed by HTTP_USER_AGENT or user's cookie
var $lang_type = ''; ///< language type
var $lang = NULL; ///< contains language-specific data
var $loaded_lang_files = array(); ///< list of loaded languages (to avoid re-loading them)

var $site_title = ''; ///< site's browser title

var $get_vars = NULL; ///< variables from GET or form submit

var $is_uploaded = false; ///< true if attached file exists

* @brief return static context object (Singleton)
* @return object
* @remarks it's to use Context without declaration of an object
function &getInstance() {
static $theInstance;
if(!isset($theInstance)) $theInstance = new Context();
return $theInstance;

* @brief initialization, it sets DB information, request arguments and so on.
* @return none
* @remarks this function should be called only once
function init() {
// set context variables in $GLOBALS (to use in display handler)
$this->context = &$GLOBALS['__Context__'];
$this->context->lang = &$GLOBALS['lang'];
$this->context->_COOKIE = $_COOKIE;




// If XE is installed, get virtual site information
if(Context::isInstalled()) {
$oModuleModel = &getModel('module');
$site_module_info = $oModuleModel->getDefaultMid();
// if site_srl of site_module_info is 0 (default site), compare the domain to default_url of db_config
if($site_module_info->site_srl == 0 && $site_module_info->domain != $this->db_info->default_url) {
$site_module_info->domain = $this->db_info->default_url;

Context::set('site_module_info', $site_module_info);
if($site_module_info->site_srl && isSiteID($site_module_info->domain)) Context::set('vid', $site_module_info->domain, true);

$this->db_info->lang_type = $site_module_info->default_language;
if(!$this->db_info->lang_type) $this->db_info->lang_type = 'en';

// Load Language File
$lang_supported = $this->loadLangSelected();
// Retrieve language type set in user's cookie
if($this->get('l')) {
$this->lang_type = $this->get('l');
if($_COOKIE['lang_type'] != $this->lang_type)
setcookie('lang_type', $this->lang_type);
else if($_COOKIE['lang_type']) $this->lang_type = $_COOKIE['lang_type'];

// If it's not exists, follow default language type set in db_info
if(!$this->lang_type) $this->lang_type = $this->db_info->lang_type;

// if still lang_type has not been set or has not-supported type , set as English.
if(!$this->lang_type) $this->lang_type = "en";
if(is_array($lang_supported)&&!isset($lang_supported[$this->lang_type])) $this->lang_type = 'en';

Context::set('lang_supported', $lang_supported);

// load module module's language file according to language setting

// set session handler
if($this->db_info->use_db_session != 'N') {
$oSessionModel = &getModel('session');
$oSessionController = &getController('session');

// set authentication information in Context and session
if(Context::isInstalled()) {
$oMemberModel = &getModel('member');
$oMemberController = &getController('member');

// if signed in, validate it.
if($oMemberModel->isLogged()) {
elseif($_COOKIE['xeak']) { // check auto sign-in

$this->_set('is_logged', $oMemberModel->isLogged() );
$this->_set('logged_info', $oMemberModel->getLoggedInfo() );

// load common language file
$this->lang = &$GLOBALS['lang'];

// check if using rewrite module
if(file_exists(_XE_PATH_.'.htaccess')&&$this->db_info->use_rewrite == 'Y') $this->allow_rewrite = true;
else $this->allow_rewrite = false;

// set locations for javascript use
if($this->get_vars) {
foreach($this->get_vars as $key => $val) {
if(!$val) continue;
if(is_array($val)&&count($val)) {
foreach($val as $k => $v) {
$url .= ($url?'&':'').$key.'['.$k.']='.urlencode($v);
} else {
$url .= ($url?'&':'').$key.'='.urlencode($val);
Context::set('current_url',sprintf('%s?%s', $this->getRequestUri(), $url));
} else {
} else {

* @brief finalize using resources, such as DB connection
* @return none
function close() {
// Session Close
if(function_exists('session_write_close')) session_write_close();

// DB close
$oDB = &DB::getInstance();
if(is_object($oDB)&&method_exists($oDB, 'close')) $oDB->close();

* @brief load DB information
* @return none
function loadDBInfo() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_loadDBInfo();

* @brief load DB information
* @return none
function _loadDBInfo() {
if(!$this->isInstalled()) return;

$db_config_file = $this->getConfigFile();
if(file_exists($db_config_file)) @include($db_config_file);

if(!$db_info->time_zone) $db_info->time_zone = date("O");
if(!$db_info->use_optimizer || $db_info->use_optimizer != 'N') $db_info->use_optimizer = 'Y';
else $db_info->use_optimizer = 'N';
if(!$db_info->qmail_compatibility || $db_info->qmail_compatibility != 'Y') $db_info->qmail_compatibility = 'N';
else $db_info->qmail_compatibility = 'Y';
if(!$db_info->use_ssl) $db_info->use_ssl = 'none';


$GLOBALS['_time_zone'] = $db_info->time_zone;
$GLOBALS['_qmail_compatibility'] = $db_info->qmail_compatibility;
$this->set('_use_ssl', $db_info->use_ssl);
$this->set('_http_port', $db_info->http_port);
$this->set('_https_port', $db_info->https_port);

* @brief get DB's db_type
* @return DB's db_type string
function getDBType() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getDBType();

* @brief get DB's db_type
* @return DB's db_type string
function _getDBType() {
return $this->db_info->db_type;

* @brief set DB information
* @param[in] DB information object
* @return none
function setDBInfo($db_info) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();

* @brief set DB information
* @param[in] DB information object
* @return none
function _setDBInfo($db_info) {
$this->db_info = $db_info;

* @brief get DB information
* @return DB information object
function getDBInfo() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getDBInfo();

* @brief get DB information
* @return DB information object
function _getDBInfo() {
return $this->db_info;

* @brief return default URL
* @return default URL string
function getDefaultUrl() {
$db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
return $db_info->default_url;

* @brief find supported languages
* @return array of supported languages
function loadLangSupported() {
static $lang_supported = null;
if(is_null($lang_supported)) {
$langs = file(_XE_PATH_.'common/lang/lang.info');
foreach($langs as $val) {
list($lang_prefix, $lang_text) = explode(',',$val);
$lang_text = trim($lang_text);
$lang_supported[$lang_prefix] = $lang_text;
return $lang_supported;

* @brief find selected languages to serve in the site
* @return array of selected languages
function loadLangSelected() {
static $lang_selected = null;
if(is_null($lang_selected)) {
$orig_lang_file = _XE_PATH_.'common/lang/lang.info';
$selected_lang_file = _XE_PATH_.'files/config/lang_selected.info';
if(!file_exists($selected_lang_file) || !filesize($selected_lang_file)) {
$old_selected_lang_file = _XE_PATH_.'files/cache/lang_selected.info';
if(file_exists($old_selected_lang_file)) {
FileHandler::copyFile($old_selected_lang_file, $selected_lang_file);

if(!file_exists($selected_lang_file) || !filesize($selected_lang_file)) {
$buff = FileHandler::readFile($orig_lang_file);
FileHandler::writeFile($selected_lang_file, $buff);
$lang_selected = Context::loadLangSupported();
} else {
$langs = file($selected_lang_file);
foreach($langs as $val) {
list($lang_prefix, $lang_text) = explode(',',$val);
$lang_text = trim($lang_text);
$lang_selected[$lang_prefix] = $lang_text;
return $lang_selected;

* @brief Single Sign On (SSO)
* @return true if module handleing is necessary in the control path of current request
function checkSSO() {
// pass if it's not GET request or XE is not yet installed
if(isCrawler()) return true;
if(Context::getRequestMethod()!='GET' || !Context::isInstalled() || in_array(Context::get('act'),array('rss','atom'))) return true;

// pass if default URL is not set
$default_url = trim($this->db_info->default_url);
if(!$default_url) return true;
if(substr($default_url,-1)!='/') $default_url .= '/';

// for sites recieving SSO valdiation
if($default_url == Context::getRequestUri()) {
if(Context::get('default_url')) {
$url = base64_decode(Context::get('default_url'));
$url_info = parse_url($url);
$url_info['query'].= ($url_info['query']?'&':'').'SSOID='.session_id();
$redirect_url = sprintf('%s://%s%s%s?%s',$url_info['scheme'],$url_info['host'],$url_info['port']?':'.$url_info['port']:'',$url_info['path'], $url_info['query']);
return false;
// for sites requesting SSO validation
} else {
// result handling : set session_name()
if(Context::get('SSOID')) {
$session_name = Context::get('SSOID');
setcookie(session_name(), $session_name);

$url = preg_replace('/([\?\&])$/','',str_replace('SSOID='.$session_name,'',Context::getRequestUrl()));
return false;
// send SSO request
} else if($_COOKIE['sso']!=md5(Context::getRequestUri()) && !Context::get('SSOID')) {
$url = sprintf("%s?default_url=%s", $default_url, base64_encode(Context::getRequestUrl()));
return false;

return true;

* @biref check if FTP info is registered
* @return true: FTP information is registered, false: otherwise
function isFTPRegisted() {
$ftp_config_file = Context::getFTPConfigFile();
if(file_exists($ftp_config_file)) return true;
return false;

* @brief get FTP information object
* @return FTP information object
function getFTPInfo() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getFTPInfo();

* @brief get FTP information object
* @return FTP information object
function _getFTPInfo() {
if(!$this->isFTPRegisted()) return null;

$ftp_config_file = $this->getFTPConfigFile();
return $ftp_info;

* @brief add string to browser title
* @param[in] $site_title string to be added
* @return none
function addBrowserTitle($site_title) {
if(!$site_title) return;
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();

* @brief add string to browser title
* @param[in] $site_title string to be added
* @return none
function _addBrowserTitle($site_title) {
if($this->site_title) $this->site_title .= ' - '.$site_title;
else $this->site_title .= $site_title;

* @brief set string to browser title
* @param[in] $site_title string to be set
* @return none
function setBrowserTitle($site_title) {
if(!$site_title) return;
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();

* @brief set string to browser title
* @param[in] $site_title string to be set
* @return none
function _setBrowserTitle($site_title) {
$this->site_title = $site_title;

* @brief get browser title
* @return browser title string (htmlspecialchars applied)
function getBrowserTitle() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return htmlspecialchars($oContext->_getBrowserTitle());

* @brief get browser title
* @return browser title string
function _getBrowserTitle() {
$oModuleController = &getController('module');
return $this->site_title;

* @brief load language file according to language type
* @param[in] $path path of the language file
* @return none
function loadLang($path) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();

* @brief load language file according to language type
* @param[in] $path path of the language file
* @return none
* @remarks using $loaded_lang_files it does not load once-loaded files
function _loadLang($path) {
global $lang;
if(!is_object($lang)) $lang = new stdClass;
if(!$this->lang_type) return;
if(substr($path,-1)!='/') $path .= '/';
$filename = sprintf('%s%s.lang.php', $path, $this->lang_type);
if(!file_exists($filename)) $filename = sprintf('%s%s.lang.php', $path, 'ko');
if(!file_exists($filename)) return;
if(!is_array($this->loaded_lang_files)) $this->loaded_lang_files = array();
if(in_array($filename, $this->loaded_lang_files)) return;
$this->loaded_lang_files[] = $filename;
if(file_exists($filename)) @include($filename);

* @brief set lang_type
* @return none
function setLangType($lang_type = 'ko') {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
$_SESSION['lang_type'] = $lang_type;

* @brief set lang_type
* @return none
function _setLangType($lang_type = 'ko') {
$this->lang_type = $lang_type;

* @brief get lang_type
* @return lang_type string
function getLangType() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getLangType();

* @brief get lang_type
* @return lang_type string
function _getLangType() {
return $this->lang_type;

* @brief return string accoring to the inputed code
* @param[in] $code language variable name
* @return if string for the code exists returns it, otherwise returns original code
function getLang($code) {
if(!$code) return;
if($GLOBALS['lang']->{$code}) return $GLOBALS['lang']->{$code};
return $code;

* @brief set data to lang variable
* @return none
function setLang($code, $val) {
$GLOBALS['lang']->{$code} = $val;

* @brief convert strings of variables in $source_object into UTF-8
* @param[in] $source_obj object conatins strings to convert
* @return converted object
function convertEncoding($source_obj) {
$charset_list = array(
'UTF-8', 'EUC-KR', 'CP949', 'ISO8859-1', 'EUC-JP', 'SHIFT_JIS', 'CP932',
'EUC-CN', 'HZ', 'GBK', 'GB18030', 'EUC-TW', 'BIG5', 'CP950', 'BIG5-HKSCS',
'ISO2022-CN', 'ISO2022-CN-EXT', 'ISO2022-JP', 'ISO2022-JP-2', 'ISO2022-JP-1',
'ISO8859-6', 'ISO8859-8', 'JOHAB', 'ISO2022-KR', 'CP1255', 'CP1256', 'CP862',
'ASCII', 'ISO8859-1', 'ISO8850-2', 'ISO8850-3', 'ISO8850-4', 'ISO8850-5',
'ISO8850-7', 'ISO8850-9', 'ISO8850-10', 'ISO8850-13', 'ISO8850-14',
'ISO8850-15', 'ISO8850-16', 'CP1250', 'CP1251', 'CP1252', 'CP1253', 'CP1254',
'CP1257', 'CP850', 'CP866',

$obj = clone($source_obj);

for($i=0;$i<count($charset_list);$i++) {
$charset = $charset_list[$i];
$flag = true;
foreach($obj as $key=>$val) {
if(!$val) continue;
if($val && iconv($charset,$charset,$val)!=$val) $flag = false;
if($flag == true) {
if($charset == 'UTF-8') return $obj;
foreach($obj as $key => $val) $obj->{$key} = iconv($charset,'UTF-8',$val);
return $obj;
return $obj;

* @brief convert strings into UTF-8
* @param[in] $str string to convert
* @return converted string
function convertEncodingStr($str) {
$obj->str = $str;
$obj = Context::convertEncoding($obj);
return $obj->str;

* @brief force to set response method
* @param[in] $method response method (HTML/XMLRPC/JSON)
* @return none
function setResponseMethod($method = "HTML") {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_setResponseMethod($method);

* @brief force to set response method
* @param[in] $method response method (HTML/XMLRPC/JSON)
* @return none
function _setResponseMethod($method = "HTML") {
$this->response_method = $method;

* @brief get reponse method
* @return response method string (if it's not set, returns request method)
function getResponseMethod() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getResponseMethod();

* @brief get reponse method
* @return response method string (if it's not set, returns request method)
function _getResponseMethod() {
if($this->response_method) return $this->response_method;

$RequestMethod = $this->_getRequestMethod();
if($RequestMethod=="XMLRPC") return "XMLRPC";
else if($RequestMethod=="JSON") return "JSON";
return "HTML";

* @brief determine request method (GET/POST/XMLRPC/JSON)
* @param[in] $type request method
* @return none
function setRequestMethod($type) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();

* @brief deteremine request method (GET/POST/XMLRPC/JSON)
* @param[in] $type request method
* @return none
function _setRequestMethod($type = '') {
if($type) return $this->request_method = $type;

if(strpos($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'],'json')) return $this->request_method = 'JSON';
if($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']) return $this->request_method = "XMLRPC";

$this->request_method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];

* @brief handle request areguments for GET/POST
* @return none
function _setRequestArgument() {
if(!count($_REQUEST)) return;

foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $val) {
if($val === "" || Context::get($key)) continue;
$val = $this->_filterRequestVar($key, $val);
if($this->_getRequestMethod()=='GET'&&isset($_GET[$key])) $set_to_vars = true;
elseif($this->_getRequestMethod()=='POST'&&isset($_POST[$key])) $set_to_vars = true;
else $set_to_vars = false;
$this->_set($key, $val, $set_to_vars);

* @brief handle request arguments for JSON
* @return none
function _setJSONRequestArgument() {
if($this->_getRequestMethod() != 'JSON') return;

$params = array();

foreach($params as $key => $val) {
$val = $this->_filterRequestVar($key, $val,0);
$this->_set($key, $val, true);

* @brief handle request arguments for XML RPC
* @return none
function _setXmlRpcArgument() {
if($this->_getRequestMethod() != 'XMLRPC') return;
$oXml = new XmlParser();
$xml_obj = $oXml->parse();

$params = $xml_obj->methodcall->params;

if(!count($params)) return;
foreach($params as $key => $obj) {
$val = $this->_filterRequestVar($key, $obj->body,0);
$this->_set($key, $val, true);

* @brief Filter request variable
* @param[in] $key variable key
* @param[in] $val variable value
* @param[in] $do_stripslashes whether to strip slashes
* @remarks cast variables, such as _srl, page, and cpage, into interger
* @return filtered value
function _filterRequestVar($key, $val, $do_stripslashes = 1) {
if( ($key == "page" || $key == "cpage" || substr($key,-3)=="srl")) return !preg_match('/^[0-9,]+$/',$val)?(int)$val:$val;
if(is_array($val) && count($val) ) {
foreach($val as $k => $v) {
if($do_stripslashes && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.9.0", "<") && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $v = stripslashes($v);
$v = trim($v);
$val[$k] = $v;
} else {
if($do_stripslashes && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.9.0", "<") && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $val = stripslashes($val);
$val = trim($val);
return $val;

* @brief Check if there exists uploaded file
* @return true: exists, false: otherwise
function isUploaded() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_isUploaded();

* @brief Check if there exists uploaded file
* @return true: exists, false: otherwise
function _isUploaded() {
return $this->is_uploaded;

* @brief handle uploaded file
* @return none
function _setUploadedArgument() {
if($this->_getRequestMethod() != 'POST') return;
if(!preg_match("/multipart\/form-data/i",$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) return;
if(!$_FILES) return;

foreach($_FILES as $key => $val) {
$tmp_name = $val['tmp_name'];
if(!$tmp_name || !is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) continue;
$this->_set($key, $val, true);
$this->is_uploaded = true;

* @brief return request method (GET/POST/XMLRPC/JSON);
* @return request method type
function getRequestMethod() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getRequestMethod();

* @brief return request method (GET/POST/XMLRPC/JSON);
* @return request method type
function _getRequestMethod() {
return $this->request_method;

* @brief return request URL
* @return request URL
function getRequestUrl() {
static $url = null;
if(is_null($url)) {
$url = Context::getRequestUri();
if(count($_GET)) {
foreach($_GET as $key => $val) $vars[] = $key.'='.urlencode(Context::convertEncodingStr($val));
$url .= '?'.implode('&',$vars);
return $url;

* @brief make URL with args_list upon request URL
* @return result URL
function getUrl($num_args=0, $args_list=array(), $domain = null, $encode = true) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getUrl($num_args, $args_list, $domain, $encode);

* @brief make URL with args_list upon request URL
* @return result URL
function _getUrl($num_args=0, $args_list=array(), $domain = null, $encode = true) {
static $site_module_info = null;
static $current_info = null;

// retrieve virtual site information
if(is_null($site_module_info)) $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');

// If $domain is set, handle it (if $domain is vid type, remove $domain and handle with $vid)
if($domain && isSiteID($domain)) {
$vid = $domain;
$domain = '';

// If $domain, $vid are not set, use current site information
if(!$domain && !$vid) {
if($site_module_info->domain && isSiteID($site_module_info->domain)) $vid = $site_module_info->domain;
else $domain = $site_module_info->domain;

// if $domain is set, compare current URL. If they are same, remove the domain, otherwise link to the domain.
if($domain) {
$domain_info = parse_url($domain);
if(is_null($current_info)) $current_info = parse_url(($_SERVER['HTTPS']=='on'?'https':'http').'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].getScriptPath());
if($domain_info['host'].$domain_info['path']==$current_info['host'].$current_info['path']) {
} else {
$domain = preg_replace('/^(http|https):\/\//i','', trim($domain));
if(substr($domain,-1) != '/') $domain .= '/';

$get_vars = null;

// If there is no GET variables or first argument is '' to reset variables
if(!$this->get_vars || $args_list[0]=='') {
// rearrange args_list
if(is_array($args_list) && $args_list[0]=='') array_shift($args_list);
} else {
// Otherwise, make GET variables into array
$get_vars = get_object_vars($this->get_vars);

// arrange args_list
for($i=0,$c=count($args_list);$i<$c;$i=$i+2) {
$key = $args_list[$i];
$val = trim($args_list[$i+1]);

// If value is not set, remove the key
if(!isset($val) || strlen($val)<1) {
// set new variables
$get_vars[$key] = $val;

// remove vid, rnd
if($vid) $get_vars['vid'] = $vid;
else unset($get_vars['vid']);

// for compatibility to lower versions
switch($get_vars['act']) {
case 'dispMemberFriend' : $get_vars['act'] = 'dispCommunicationFriend'; break;
case 'dispMemberMessages' : $get_vars['act'] = 'dispCommunicationMessages'; break;
case 'dispDocumentAdminManageDocument' : $get_vars['act'] = 'dispDocumentManageDocument'; break;
case 'dispModuleAdminSelectList' : $get_vars['act'] = 'dispModuleSelectList'; break;

// organize URL
$query = null;
if($var_count = count($get_vars)) {
// If using rewrite mod
if($this->allow_rewrite) {
$var_keys = array_keys($get_vars);
$target = implode('.',$var_keys);
switch($target) {
case 'vid' : $query = $get_vars['vid']; break;
case 'mid' : $query = $get_vars['mid']; break;
case 'document_srl' : $query = $get_vars['document_srl']; break;
case 'document_srl.mid' : $query = $get_vars['mid'].'/'.$get_vars['document_srl']; break;
case 'entry.mid' : $query = $get_vars['mid'].'/entry/'.$get_vars['entry']; break;
case 'act.document_srl.key' : $query = $get_vars['act']=='trackback'?$get_vars['document_srl'].'/'.$get_vars['key'].'/'.$get_vars['act']:''; break;
case 'mid.vid' : $query = $get_vars['vid'].'/'.$get_vars['mid']; break;
case 'document_srl.vid' : $query = $get_vars['vid'].'/'.$get_vars['document_srl']; break;
case 'document_srl.mid.vid' : $query = $get_vars['vid'].'/'.$get_vars['mid'].'/'.$get_vars['document_srl']; break;
case 'entry.mid.vid' : $query = $get_vars['vid'].'/'.$get_vars['mid'].'/entry/'.$get_vars['entry']; break;
case 'act.document_srl.key.vid' : $query = $get_vars['act']=='trackback'?$get_vars['vid'].'/'.$get_vars['document_srl'].'/'.$get_vars['key'].'/'.$get_vars['act']:''; break;

if(!$query) {
foreach($get_vars as $key => $val) {
if(is_array($val) && count($val)) {
foreach($val as $k => $v) $query .= ($query?'&':'').$key.'['.$k.']='.urlencode($v);
} else {
$query .= ($query?'&':'').$key.'='.urlencode($val);
if($query) $query = '?'.$query;

// If using SSL always
if(Context::get('_use_ssl')=='always') {
$query = $this->getRequestUri(ENFORCE_SSL, $domain).$query;
// optional SSL use
} elseif(Context::get('_use_ssl')=='optional') {
$ssl_mode = RELEASE_SSL;
if($get_vars['act'] && $this->_isExistsSSLAction($get_vars['act'])) $ssl_mode = ENFORCE_SSL;
$query = $this->getRequestUri($ssl_mode, $domain).$query;
// no SSL
} else {
// currently on SSL but target is not based on SSL
if($_SERVER['HTTPS']=='on' ) $query = $this->getRequestUri(ENFORCE_SSL, $domain).$query;

// if $domain is set
else if($domain) $query = $this->getRequestUri(FOLLOW_REQUEST_SSL, $domain).$query;

else $query = getScriptPath().$query;

if($encode) return htmlspecialchars($query);
return $query;

* @brief 요청이 들어온 URL에서 argument를 제거하여 return
function getRequestUri($ssl_mode = FOLLOW_REQUEST_SSL, $domain = null) {
static $url = array();

// HTTP Request가 아니면 패스
if(!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'])) return ;
if(Context::get('_use_ssl') == "always") $ssl_mode = ENFORCE_SSL;

if($domain) $domain_key = md5($domain);
else $domain_key = 'default';

if(isset($url[$ssl_mode][$domain_key])) return $url[$ssl_mode][$domain_key];

$current_use_ssl = $_SERVER['HTTPS']=='on' ? true : false;

switch($ssl_mode) {
if($current_use_ssl) $use_ssl = true;
else $use_ssl = false;
$use_ssl = true;
$use_ssl = false;

if($domain) {
$target_url = trim($domain);
if(substr($target_url,-1) != '/') $target_url.= '/';
} else {
$target_url= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].getScriptPath();

$url_info = parse_url('http://'.$target_url);

if($current_use_ssl != $use_ssl)

if($use_ssl) {
if(Context::get("_https_port") && Context::get("_https_port") != 443) {
$url_info['port'] = Context::get("_https_port");
} else {
if(Context::get("_http_port") && Context::get("_http_port") != 80) {
$url_info['port'] = Context::get("_http_port");

$url[$ssl_mode][$domain_key] = sprintf("%s://%s%s%s",$use_ssl?'https':$url_info['scheme'], $url_info['host'], $url_info['port']&&$url_info['port']!=80?':'.$url_info['port']:'',$url_info['path']);

return $url[$ssl_mode][$domain_key];

* @brief key/val로 context vars 세팅
function set($key, $val, $set_to_get_vars = false) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
$oContext->_set($key, $val, $set_to_get_vars);

* @brief key/val로 context vars 세팅
function _set($key, $val, $set_to_get_vars = false) {
$this->context->{$key} = $val;
if($set_to_get_vars || $this->get_vars->{$key}) $this->get_vars->{$key} = $val;

* @brief key값에 해당하는 값을 return
function get($key) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_get($key);

* @brief key값에 해당하는 값을 return
function _get($key) {
return $this->context->{$key};

* @brief 받고자 하는 변수만 object에 입력하여 받음
* key1, key2, key3 .. 등의 인자를 주어 여러개의 변수를 object vars로 세팅하여 받을 수 있음
function gets() {
$num_args = func_num_args();
if($num_args<1) return;
$args_list = func_get_args();

$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_gets($num_args, $args_list);

* @brief 받고자 하는 변수만 object에 입력하여 받음
* key1, key2, key3 .. 등의 인자를 주어 여러개의 변수를 object vars로 세팅하여 받을 수 있음
function _gets($num_args, $args_list) {
for($i=0;$i<$num_args;$i++) {
$args = $args_list[$i];
$output->{$args} = $this->_get($args);
return $output;

* @brief 모든 데이터를 return
function getAll() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getAll();

* @brief 모든 데이터를 return
function _getAll() {
return $this->context;

* @brief GET/POST/XMLRPC에서 넘어온 변수값을 return
function getRequestVars() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getRequestVars();

* @brief GET/POST/XMLRPC에서 넘어온 변수값을 return
function _getRequestVars() {
return clone($this->get_vars);

* @brief SSL로 인증되어야 할 action이 있을 경우 등록
* common/js/xml_handler.js에서 이 action들에 대해서 https로 전송되도록 함
function addSSLAction($action) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_addSSLAction($action);

function _addSSLAction($action) {
if(in_array($action, $this->ssl_actions)) return;
$this->ssl_actions[] = $action;

function getSSLActions() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getSSLActions();

function _getSSLActions() {
return $this->ssl_actions;

function isExistsSSLAction($action) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_isExistsSSLAction($action);

function _isExistsSSLAction($action) {
return in_array($action, $this->ssl_actions);

* @brief js file을 추가
function addJsFile($file, $optimized = true, $targetie = '',$index=null) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_addJsFile($file, $optimized, $targetie,$index);

* @brief js file을 추가
function _addJsFile($file, $optimized = true, $targetie = '',$index=null) {
if(strpos($file,'://')===false && $file{0}!='/' && $file{0}!='.') $file = './'.$file;
$file = preg_replace('@/\./|(?<!:)\/\/@', '/', $file);
while(strpos($file,'/../')) $file = preg_replace('/\/([^\/]+)\/\.\.\//s','/',$file,1);

if(in_array($file, $this->js_files)) return;

if(is_null($index)) $index=count($this->js_files);
$this->js_files[$i] = array('file' => $file, 'optimized' => $optimized, 'targetie' => $targetie);

* @brief js file을 제거
function unloadJsFile($file, $optimized = true, $targetie = '') {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_unloadJsFile($file, $optimized, $targetie);

* @brief js file을 제거
function _unloadJsFile($file, $optimized, $targetie) {
foreach($this->js_files as $key => $val) {
if(realpath($val['file'])==realpath($file) && $val['optimized'] == $optimized && $val['targetie'] == $targetie) {

* @brief 모든 JS File을 제거
function unloadAllJsFiles() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_unloadAllJsFiles();

function _unloadAllJsFiles() {
$this->js_files = array();

* @brief javascript filter 추가
function addJsFilter($path, $filename) {
$oXmlFilter = new XmlJSFilter($path, $filename);

* @brief array_unique와 동작은 동일하나 file 첨자에 대해서만 동작함
function _getUniqueFileList($files) {
$files = array_values($files);
$filenames = array();
$size = count($files);
for($i = 0; $i < $size; ++ $i)
if(in_array($files[$i]['file'], $filenames))
$filenames[] = $files[$i]['file'];

return $files;

* @brief js file 목록을 return
function getJsFile() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getJsFile();

* @brief js file 목록을 return
function _getJsFile() {
$oOptimizer = new Optimizer();
return $oOptimizer->getOptimizedFiles($this->_getUniqueFileList($this->js_files), "js");

* @brief CSS file 추가
function addCSSFile($file, $optimized = true, $media = 'all', $targetie = '',$index = null) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_addCSSFile($file, $optimized, $media, $targetie,$index);

* @brief CSS file 추가
function _addCSSFile($file, $optimized = true, $media = 'all', $targetie = '', $index = null) {
if(strpos($file,'://')===false && substr($file,0,1)!='/' && substr($file,0,1)!='.') $file = './'.$file;
$file = str_replace(array('/./','//'),'/',$file);
while(strpos($file,'/../')) $file = preg_replace('/\/([^\/]+)\/\.\.\//s','/',$file,1);

if(in_array($file, $this->css_files)) return;

if(is_null($index)) $index=count($this->css_files);

//if(preg_match('/^http:\/\//i',$file)) $file = str_replace(realpath("."), ".", realpath($file));
$this->css_files[$i] = array('file' => $file, 'optimized' => $optimized, 'media' => $media, 'targetie' => $targetie);

* @brief css file을 제거
function unloadCSSFile($file, $optimized = true, $media = 'all', $targetie = '') {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_unloadCSSFile($file, $optimized, $media, $targetie);

* @brief css file을 제거
function _unloadCSSFile($file, $optimized, $media, $targetie) {
foreach($this->css_files as $key => $val) {
if(realpath($val['file'])==realpath($file) && $val['optimized'] == $optimized && $val['media'] == $media && $val['targetie'] == $targetie) {

* @brief 모든 CSS File을 제거
function unloadAllCSSFiles() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_unloadAllCSSFiles();

function _unloadAllCSSFiles() {
$this->css_files = array();

* @brief CSS file 목록 return
function getCSSFile() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getCSSFile();

* @brief CSS file 목록 return
function _getCSSFile() {
$oOptimizer = new Optimizer();
return $oOptimizer->getOptimizedFiles($this->_getUniqueFileList($this->css_files), "css");

* @brief javascript plugin load
function loadJavascriptPlugin($plugin_name) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_loadJavascriptPlugin($plugin_name);

function _loadJavascriptPlugin($plugin_name) {
static $loaded_plugins = array();
if($loaded_plugins[$plugin_name]) return;
$loaded_plugins[$plugin_name] = true;
if($plugin_name == "ui.datepicker") return $this->_loadJavascriptPlugin("ui");

$plugin_path = './common/js/plugins/'.$plugin_name.'/';
if(!is_dir($plugin_path)) return;

$info_file = $plugin_path.'plugin.load';
if(!file_exists($info_file)) return;

$list = file($info_file);
for($i=0,$cnt=count($list);$i<$cnt;$i++) {
$filename = trim($list[$i]);
if(!$filename) continue;
if(substr($filename,0,2)=='./') $filename = substr($filename,2);
if(preg_match('/\.js$/i',$filename)) $this->_addJsFile($plugin_path.$filename, true, '', null);
elseif(preg_match('/\.css$/i',$filename)) $this->_addCSSFile($plugin_path.$filename, true, 'all','', null);

if(is_dir($plugin_path.'lang')) $this->_loadLang($plugin_path.'lang');

* @brief HtmlHeader 추가
function addHtmlHeader($header) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_addHtmlHeader($header);

* @brief HtmlHeader 추가
function _addHtmlHeader($header) {
$this->html_header .= "\n".$header;

* @brief HtmlHeader return
function getHtmlHeader() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getHtmlHeader();

* @brief HtmlHeader return
function _getHtmlHeader() {
return $this->html_header;

* @brief Html Body에 css class 추가
function addBodyClass($class_name) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_addBodyClass($class_name);

* @brief Html Body에 css class 추가
function _addBodyClass($class_name) {
$this->body_class[] = $class_name;

* @brief Html Body에 css class return
function getBodyClass() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getBodyClass();

* @brief Html Body에 css class return
function _getBodyClass() {
$this->body_class = array_unique($this->body_class);
if(count($this->body_class)>0) return sprintf(' class="%s"', join(' ',$this->body_class));
else return '';

* @brief BodyHeader 추가
function addBodyHeader($header) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_addBodyHeader($header);

* @brief BodyHeader 추가
function _addBodyHeader($header) {
$this->body_header .= "\n".$header;

* @brief BodyHeader return
function getBodyHeader() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getBodyHeader();

* @brief BodyHeader return
function _getBodyHeader() {
return $this->body_header;

* @brief HtmlFooter 추가
function addHtmlFooter($footer) {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_addHtmlFooter($footer);

* @brief HtmlFooter 추가
function _addHtmlFooter ($footer) {
$this->html_footer .= ($this->Htmlfooter?"\n":"").$footer;

* @brief HtmlFooter return
function getHtmlFooter() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->_getHtmlFooter();

* @brief HtmlFooter return
function _getHtmlFooter() {
return $this->html_footer;

* @brief db설정내용이 저장되어 있는 config file의 path를 return
function getConfigFile() {
return _XE_PATH_."files/config/db.config.php";

* @brief ftp설정내용이 저장되어 있는 config file의 path를 return
function getFTPConfigFile() {
return _XE_PATH_."files/config/ftp.config.php";

* @brief 설치가 되어 있는지에 대한 체크
* 단순히 db config 파일의 존재 유무로 설치 여부를 체크한다
function isInstalled() {
return file_exists(Context::getConfigFile()) && filesize(Context::getConfigFile());

* @brief 내용의 위젯이나 기타 기능에 대한 code를 실제 code로 변경
function transContent($content) {
return $content;

* @brief rewrite mod 사용에 대한 변수 return
function isAllowRewrite() {
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
return $oContext->allow_rewrite;

* @brief 로컬 경로를 웹 경로로 변경
function pathToUrl($path) {
$xe = _XE_PATH_;
$path = strtr($path, "\\", "/");

$base_url = preg_replace('@^https?://[^/]+/?@', '', Context::getRequestUri());

$_xe = explode('/', $xe);
$_path = explode('/', $path);
$_base = explode('/', $base_url);

if (!$_base[count($_base)-1]) array_pop($_base);

foreach($_xe as $idx=>$dir) {
if($_path[0] != $dir) break;

$idx = count($_xe) - $idx - 1;
while($idx--) {
if (count($_base)) array_shift($_base);
else array_unshift($_base, '..');

if (count($_base)) {
array_unshift($_path, implode('/', $_base));

$path = '/'.implode('/', $_path);

return $path;

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