
MYSQL  개발툴 다들 뭘로 쓰세요 ? 인터넷 검색하다가 괜찮은것 있어 소개하고 

더 좋은 게 있나 물어보고 싶네요!!!

PremiumSoft Navicat for MySQL Enterprise Edition v10.0.9


[Software INFO:]


Navicat MySQL is a powerful MySQL Database Server administration and development tool. It works with any MySQL version from 3.21 or above and supports most of the latest MySQL features including Trigger, Stored Procedure, Function, Event, View, Manage User, and so on. It is also not only sophisticated enough for professional developers, but also easy to learn for new users. With its well-designed Graphical User Interface(GUI), Navicat MySQL lets you quickly and easily create, organize, access and share information in a secure and easy way.

Navicat MySQL is available on three platforms ??“ Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It can connect users to local/remote My


[Software INFO:]


Navicat MySQL is a powerful MySQL Database Server administration and development tool. It works with any MySQL version from 3.21 or above and supports most of the latest MySQL features including Trigger, Stored Procedure, Function, Event, View, Manage User, and so on. It is also not only sophisticated enough for professional developers, but also easy to learn for new users. With its well-designed Graphical User Interface(GUI), Navicat MySQL lets you quickly and easily create, organize, access and share information in a secure and easy way.

Navicat MySQL is available on three platforms ??“ Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It can connect users to local/remote MySQL Server, providing several utilitarian tools such as Data/Structure Synchronization, Import/Export, Backup and Report to facilitate the process of maintaining data.

Latest MySQL versions support

- Compatible with any MySQL server version.

- Support of Events.

- Support of Triggers.

- Support of Stored Procedures and Functions.

- Support of Views.

- VARCHAR Data Type support. Value from 0 to 65,535 in 5.0.3 and later versions.

- BIT Data Type support.

- BINARY/VARBINARY Data Type support.

SQL Server, providing several utilitarian tools such as Data/Structure Synchronization, Import/Export, Backup and Report to facilitate the process of maintaining data.

Latest MySQL versions support

- Compatible with any MySQL server version.

- Support of Events.

- Support of Triggers.

- Support of Stored Procedures and Functions.

- Support of Views.

- VARCHAR Data Type support. Value from 0 to 65,535 in 5.0.3 and later versions.

- BIT Data Type support.

- BINARY/VARBINARY Data Type support.

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