

2012.12.04 08:13


slrclub666~~비비카-지노비비카-지노━━━┫▶ HAN783.COM ◀┣━━━

[casino]비비카-지노비비카-지노 ┏☎▶ HAN783.COM ◀☎┓ [Air Force aerobatic jet crashes in South Korea] 비비카-지노An Air Force aerobatic jet기사쓰기:Nov 14 2012 crashed in northeastern South 비비카-지노Korea on Thursday, killing its lone pilot and sparking a brush fire, police said.The T-50B plane went down at 10:28 a.m. on a mountain in비비카-지노 Hoengseong, about 90 kilometers east of Seoul, and its pilot, identified 비비카-지노only as Capt. Kim, 32, is believed dead, officials said.A parachute was found hanging from a tree about 70 meters from the scene, but the pilot was belie비비카-지노ved to have failed to eject, officials said.It was one of two planes that took off from an air base in nearby Wonju at 10:23 a.m. Witnesses in the area said the two jets flew in parallel before one of them went down in flames.The crash also sparked a fire at the scene and firefighters 비비카-지노are trying to get the blaze under control.The plane belonged to the Air Force aerobatic team, known as "Black E비비카-지노agles." The T-50B, which derives from the T-50 tra비비카-지노iner jet, is designed exclusively for air shows. It is the first time the model has crashed.A Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade official told the JoongAng Ilbo, “We can’t confirm any details un비비카-지노til the procedure at the UN Security Council ends.” Yonhap News Agency al비비카-지노so said yesterday that the UN can’t confirm the case, and the final decision on whether Pyongyang violated sanctions will be made through a final report by the비비카-지노 committee’s panel and discussions by the entire UN Security Council.“North Korea has been exporting weapons worth about $200 비비카-지노million annually,” a South Korean diplomatic source told the JoongAng Ilbo. “And there have been비비카-지노 many violations of sanctions by North 비비카-지노Korea. So it’s still unclear whether the UN will put additional sanctions or a new resolution on Pyongyang because of this case.”Though he has engaged비비카-지노 in other negotiation pro.비비카-지노 태그저장 취소 인쇄 구독하기북마크미투
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