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특정단어나 기타 의 이유로 글을 튕겨버립니다. 이유를 아시는지 어떡하면 될까요?

단어중에서 'having'이라는 단어를 쓰면 튕겨버리거나 문단중에서 각각은 않튕기는데 2단을 같이 쓰면 튕겨버립니다.



Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalms 139:23-24)


We had an eagerness to live purely before the Lord by constantly introspecting the sins and weaknesses within us. But, I praise and give glory to God for seasonably revealing them to us Himself, lest we be subjected to a self-righteous heart by means of our own efforts.

Although we faced minor obstacles and restrictions from the Brazilian government over the censorship of its indigenous peoples' life to the world, we thank God that 20 years have already passed since our  work in the Amazon. Recently, a couple of representatives from CGN TV approached Missionary Hur, who's currently in Korea, with an interest to film our mission work in the amazon. We grappled over it because of the difference in opinion between Missionary Hur's kind heart and willingness to offer assistance to them and my stubborn refusal of it. However, I finally raised both arms in surrender to the Lord as He pressed me to come to terms with my unreasonable refusal to expose our mission work to the public by revealing to me and breaking my self-righteous heart in it. This was also reinforced by my trust in CGN TV's company goal in furthering world missions.

My pure intention to live as a servant of God unstained by the world became, over time, my arrogance and pride. As God removed from me this pretense, I was once gave thanks to God for reminding me that the owner of GRAMIN was the Lord Himself. I also rejoiced in that this long-term arrogance and pride that I harbored was crushed to the ground. During the 12 days CGN TV crew members filmed and interviewed us on the hospital ship, although there was a sense of lingering fear, we also felt relief over the publication of our ministry, which was withheld until now. We also had an opportunity to display our deep gratitude for all those who have been partners with us in GRAMIN over the past 20 years.

1.      Missionary Kim and Missionar Hur Receive the Underwood Missionary Award

On the 9th of last October, Missionary Hur and I were selected as honorees of the Underwood Missionary Award, an award given by Yonsei University in commemoration of Missionary Horace Grant Underwood. Through the earnest request of Pastor Dong Sung Oh of Donggyo-dong Church, we made up our minds to receive the award. We were extremely humbled at the thought of receiving an award which should've been duly given to the many obscure missionaries all over the world who are risking their lives to bring Christ to the nations.

We gave thanks to: Pastor Chang Hak Oh and all the church members of Seoul Shinchon Church who have always called us their crown and joy since the day we were sent as missionaries, the short-term missionaries from all over Korea, America and Brazil's Sao Paulo who came and shared our hardships in ministering to the indigenous tribes in the extreme heat and swarms of biting insects of the amazon rainforest, those who in their prayer closets humbly lifted up supplications for us and financially supported us even beyond their ability to do so, and our fellow workers and local church members back at home in the amazon who love us and wholeheartedly trust us, considering us to be their spiritual parents in Christ.

I also want to personally dedicate this award: to my daughter Susanna, who despite hav ing to live apart from her parents by moving from place to place still understands and accepts our situation, and not only that, but who willingly loves and serves the indigenous people as a missionary herself, to my son Ji Hoon, who is currently studying in seminary to follow in his parents' footsteps to become a missionary here in the amazon, and finally to my wife Missionary Hur, who “considers her life worth nothing to her” and has dedicated herself more than I did over the task of presenting the indigenous body of believers as a pure  bride before the Lord, who even after being diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer and is fighting for her life, still gives everything she has to further the Kingdom of God

I would like to also express my deep gratitude to all of God's servants who have interceded and cared for her since her diagnosis in November 2006.

2.      CGN TV's Documentary Filming of our Hospital Ship Ministry (October).

Starting from October 26 to November 3, the Head Pastor of New Jersey Cornerstone Church Rev. Jin Young Oh, Peter (pediatrician), Yoo Jin who joined the team all the way from Ohio, and Deacon Tim Yoon along with the local medical team toured the Indian villages and shared the Gospel by giving haircuts, taking family pictures for them, washing their hands and feet, manicuring their nails and handing out reading glasses. Cornerstone Church has been partners with us since 2006 (Rev. David Sung at the time), and were especially pivotal in the financing of the hospital ship while its membership in the Korean Community UMC (Rev. Goo Yong Na at the time), both churches being very special to us. Therefore, we were especially (and always are) delighted to work together with these two churches, knowing that we have the same unity in purpose. I ask that you bless these two churches as you remember them in your prayers. Particularly, during this short medical mission tour, the 3 crew members from CGN TV were not only busy filming, but also took part in ministering to the natives.

The region where we toured accommodated the people of the Tucano Tribe. What made this trip special was that the chiefs of all these villages were so genuinely grateful for the mission teams dedication and love that they continually inquired us when we would be visiting them again, as if to secure our return. It had never occurred that multiple inquiries were made about when we would visit again, as this was the first, and so I gave glory to God and thanks to all our team members and those who are always laboring with us in prayer.

Furthermore, last July, thanks to Deacon Hye Ryeong Kang and 8 other members from Sao Paulo Yeonhap Church who accompanied us in our medical mission tour, we were able to distribute to the  natives Portuguese-language Bibles which they had brought, whom after hearing the Gospel, received Christ into their hearts. We were also overly delighted and grateful to see these brothers receive the Bibles with gladness. As we remember Deacon Hye Ryeong Kang and her church members, it is our hope that more Bibles would be distributed in this way. Please bless them as you remember them in your prayers.

CGN TV is a media company, which started through Pastor Young Jo Ha's passion for missions, that travels all around the world installing antennas for missionaries in remote areas so they can be spiritually edified through their Christian television programs. Despite Brazil being geographically as far as you can imagine from Korea (not to mention the Amazon), consequently requiring huge financial costs, it truly blessed me to see their labor to somehow encourage and edify missionaries through their broadcast.

Initially, we felt that CGN TV's effort to bring their network to the remote jungle of the Amazon to be a huge waste. However, as we reflected on the Lord's concern and effort in going after the one lost sheep, notwithstanding our own effort as frontier missionaries in reaching out to the many obscure indigenous tribes, we were able to realize God's providence, and rather gave Him thanks for CGN TV's precious work.

As we remembered Christ's words that “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”, we gave glory to God in gratitude and joy for hav ing met and shared our time with CGN TV's 3 crew members Seong Hwan Oh, Jae Kyeong Kim and Ahram Kang who continue to joyfully sacrifice themselves to the Lord's work even in their obscurity. For those of you who are reading this mission letter, we would like to ask you to bless CGN TV through your prayers and support.

3.      Elder Seong Jeon Kim's Well and the Water Tank of Love!

With the $20,000 Elder Seong Jeon Kim of Seoul Shincheon Church donated in March as a commemoration to his retirement, we were able to dig a well through a 60 meter aquifer. Remembering what Jesus said about new wine requiring new wineskin, out of his love for us, Elder Kim had been planning on installing a new water tank that would provide water for our seminary. We believe it was divine providence, because unexpectedly in April, the wooden platform that held up our 10 year-long 3,000-liter water tank collapsed and was completely destroyed. At first, we set up a temporary 1,500-liter water tank on a makeshift wooden platform as an emergency measure. However, the 1,500-liter water tank failed to satisfy our whole family in the seminary, as it also frequently occurred that the water would abruptly shut off while our students were in the shower.

After hearing our predicament, the generous parents of Evangelist Ji Soo Kim, who served here in the amazon as a short-term missionary, donated $100,000 so that we could purchase a 5,000-liter water tank to replace the old one. After drawing up the blueprint and estimate for the project, we concluded that to install the new water-tank we need to hoist a concrete platform 10 meter above the ground as a support costing us roughly about $4,100. But by the generous hands of Ji Soo Kim who upon her return to Korea sent us a $1,800 donation, Eun Hye Choi the director of Grace Prayer Center in Seoul Seo-ohreung who donated $500 donation, the 3 CGN TV crew members who donated $300, and Evangelist Nak Joon Kim who donated $1,000, our budget has been met and we are soon planning on starting the construction work. I ask that you would pray that the concrete platform and water tank would be safely and robustly constructed.

글쓴이 제목 최종 글
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