
고수분들에게 도움을 구하고자 글을 남김니다...


도움을 주신다면 정말 감사히 생각하겠습니다.


익스9 와 크롬에서는 정상작동을 하나 익스8 이하로는 작동이 되지 않아서 질문드립니다.


문제는 상단에 슬라이드 갤러리가 있고 하단에 아이프레임으로 컨텐츠를 불러옵니다.
(1개의 아이프레임에 버튼클릭에 따라 타겟으로 다른 문서 또는 게시판을 불러옵니다.)


아이프레임의 세로길이를 자동으로 조절하기 위하여 onload 를 사용하였습니다.
헌데 이 onload 함수가 출동을 일으켜 익스 8이하의 브라우져에서는 상단의 갤러리가 작동되지 않습니다.


어떠한 방향으로 해결하는것이 좋은 방법일지 조언 부탁드립니다.


아래는 염치불구하고 사용된 코드입니다.



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        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
        <meta name="description" content="Parallax Slider with jQuery" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />

<script type="text/javascript">

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function iframe_autoresize(arg)

    arg.height = 0;
    arg.height = eval(arg.name+".document.body.scrollHeight");


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function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
  var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
    var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
    if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
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function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
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 <div id="pxs_container" class="pxs_container">
         <div class="pxs_bg">
    <div class="pxs_bg1"></div>
    <div class="pxs_bg2"></div>
    <div class="pxs_bg3"></div>
   <!--<div class="pxs_loading">Loading...</div>-->
   <div class="pxs_slider_wrapper">
    <ul class="pxs_slider">
     <li><img src="logo_sample.png" /></li>
     <li><img src="logo_sample_02.png" /></li>
     <div><img src="logo_sample_03.png" /></div>
    <ul class="pxs_thumbnails">
                    <div style="float:left;"><a href="test.html" target="contents_01" onfocus="this.blur()" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image1','','mainmenu_01_over.png',1)"><img src="mainmenu_01.png" id="Image1" /></a></div>
                    <div style="float:left;"><a href="test_02.html" target="contents_01" onfocus="this.blur()" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image2','','mainmenu_02_over.png',2)"><img src="mainmenu_02.png" id="Image2" /></a></div>
                    <div style="float:left;"><a href="test_03.html" target="contents_01" onfocus="this.blur()" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image3','','mainmenu_03_over.png',3)"><img src="mainmenu_03.png" id="Image3" /></a></div>

  <div class="pxs_loading"><img src="logo.png" /></div>
        <div class="pxs_loading_02"><img src="contact.png" /></div>
        <div class="footer"><iframe name="contents_01" allowtransparency="true" id='myframe' src="test.html" style="width:100%" frameborder="0" framespacing="0" scrolling="no" onload="iframe_autoresize(this)"></iframe>
        <div style="background-image:url(bg_bottom.jpg); background-repeat:repeat-x; height:55px;"><img src="bottom.png" /></div>

  <!-- The JavaScript -->
  <script type="text/javascript" src="      //the elements in the slider
      $elems   = $pxs_slider.children(),
      //total number of elements
      total_elems  = $elems.length,
      //the navigation buttons
      $pxs_next  = $('.pxs_next',$pxs_container),
      $pxs_prev  = $('.pxs_prev',$pxs_container),
      //the bg images
      $pxs_bg1  = $('.pxs_bg1',$pxs_container),
      $pxs_bg2  = $('.pxs_bg2',$pxs_container),
      $pxs_bg3  = $('.pxs_bg3',$pxs_container),
      //current image
      current   = 0,
      //the thumbs container
      $pxs_thumbnails = $('.pxs_thumbnails',$pxs_container),
      //the thumbs
      $thumbs   = $pxs_thumbnails.children(),
      //the interval for the autoplay mode
      //the loading image
      $pxs_loading = $('.pxs_loading',$pxs_container),
      $pxs_slider_wrapper = $('.pxs_slider_wrapper',$pxs_container);
      //first preload all the images
      var loaded  = 0,
      $images  = $pxs_slider_wrapper.find('img');
       var $img = $(this);
        if(loaded == total_elems*2){
         //one images width (assuming all images have the same sizes)
         var one_image_w  = $pxs_slider.find('img:first').width();
         need to set width of the slider,
         of each one of its elements, and of the
         navigation buttons
          set the width of the thumbs
          and spread them evenly
          'width'   : one_image_w + 'px',
          'margin-left'  : -one_image_w/2 + 'px'
         var spaces = one_image_w/(total_elems+1);
          var $this  = $(this);
          var left = spaces*(i+1) - $this.width()/2;
          //hovering the thumbs animates them up and down
         //make the first thumb be selected
         //slide when clicking the navigation buttons
          if(current >= total_elems)
            current = 0;
           return false;
          if(current < 0)
            current = total_elems - 1;
           return false;
         clicking a thumb will slide to the respective image
          var $thumb = $(this);
          //if autoplay interrupt when user clicks
          current  = $thumb.index();
         activate the autoplay mode if
         that option was specified
         if(o.auto != 0){
          o.circular = true;
          slideshow = setInterval(function(){
         when resizing the window,
         we need to recalculate the widths of the
         slider elements, based on the new windows width.
         we need to slide again to the current one,
         since the left of the slider is no longer correct
          w_w = $(window).width();

    //the current windows width
    var w_w    = $(window).width();
    var slide   = function(current,
     var slide_to = parseInt(-w_w * current);
      left : slide_to + 'px'
     },speed, easing);
      left : slide_to/2 + 'px'
     },speed, easingBg);
      left : slide_to/4 + 'px'
     },speed, easingBg);
      left : slide_to/8 + 'px'
     },speed, easingBg);
    var highlight  = function($elem){
    var setWidths  = function($pxs_slider,
     the width of the slider is the windows width
     times the total number of elements in the slider
     var pxs_slider_w = w_w * total_elems;
     $pxs_slider.width(pxs_slider_w + 'px');
     //each element will have a width = windows width
     $elems.width(w_w + 'px');
     we also set the width of each bg image div.
     The value is the same calculated for the pxs_slider
     $pxs_bg1.width(pxs_slider_w + 'px');
     $pxs_bg2.width(pxs_slider_w + 'px');
     $pxs_bg3.width(pxs_slider_w + 'px');
     both the right and left of the
     navigation next and previous buttons will be:
     windowWidth/2 - imgWidth/2 + some margin (not to touch the image borders)
     var position_nav = w_w/2 - one_image_w/2 + 3;
     $pxs_next.css('right', position_nav + 'px');
     $pxs_prev.css('left', position_nav + 'px');
    $.fn.parallaxSlider.defaults = {
     auto   : 0, //how many seconds to periodically slide the content.
           //If set to 0 then autoplay is turned off.
     speed   : 2000,//speed of each slide animation
     easing   : 'jswing',//easing effect for the slide animation
     easingBg  : 'jswing',//easing effect for the background animation
     circular  : true,//circular slider
     thumbRotation : true//the thumbs will be randomly rotated

  <script type="text/javascript">
   $(function() {
    var $pxs_container = $('#pxs_container');

글쓴이 제목 최종 글
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