
길이를 초과해서 입력해서 가입 시도를 하면 단순 에러 메세지만 출력되고 가입창 초기로 돌아가기 때문에 방문자에게 안내를 해 줄 필요가 있을 것 같습니다.

현재 제가 사용하고 있는 멤버 스킨의 signup_form.html 의 코드 입니다. 닉네임 입력항목 옆에 안내문구를 넣어주고 싶습니다.


<load target="../../tpl/js/signup_check.js" />

<!--// datepicker javascript plugin load -->



<include target="./common_header.html" />

<div id="border" style="width: 90%">

    <h1 class="h1">{$lang->cmd_signup}</h1>




    <form ruleset="@insertMember" id="fo_insert_member" class="form" action="./" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

<input type="hidden" name="act" value="procMemberInsert" />

<div class="agreement" cond="$member_config->agreement">

<div class="text">



<div class="confirm">

<input type="checkbox" name="accept_agreement" value="Y" id="accept_agree" />

<label for="accept_agree">{$lang->about_accept_agreement}</label>





<th scope="row" id="signup_th">{$identifierForm->title} <em style="color:red">*</em></th>

<td id="signup">

<input type="text" name="{$identifierForm->name}" value="{$identifierForm->value}" />




<th scope="row" id="signup_th">{$lang->password} <em style="color:red">*</em></th>

<td id="signup"><input type="password" name="password" value=""/>

<span class="desc">{$lang->about_password}</span></td>



<th scope="row" id="signup_th">{$lang->password3} <em style="color:red">*</em></th>

<td id="signup">

<input type="password" name="password2" value=""/>



<tr loop="$formTags=>$formTag" cond="$formTag->name != 'signature'">

<th scope="row" id="signup_th">{$formTag->title}</th>

<td id="signup">{$formTag->inputTag}</td>



<th scope="row" id="signup_th">{$lang->allow_mailing}</th>

<td id="signup">

<input type="radio" name="allow_mailing" id="mailingYes" value="Y" checked="checked"|cond="$member_info->allow_mailing == 'Y'||!$member_info->allow_mailing"> <label for="mailingYes">{$lang->cmd_yes}</label>

<input type="radio" name="allow_mailing" id="mailingNo" value="N" checked="checked"|cond="$member_info->allow_mailing == 'N'" > <label for="mailingNo">{$lang->cmd_no}</label>




<th scope="row" id="signup_th">{$lang->allow_message}</th>

<td id="signup">

<block loop="$lang->allow_message_type=>$key,$val">

<input type="radio" name="allow_message" value="{$key}" checked="checked"|cond="$member_info->allow_message == $key || (!$member_info && $key == 'Y')" id="allow_{$key}" /> <label for="allow_{$key}">{$val}</label>





<div class="btnArea">

<span class="btn"><input type="submit" value="{$lang->cmd_registration}" /></span>

<span class="btn"><a href="{getUrl('act','','member_srl','')}">{$lang->cmd_cancel}</a></span>




<script type="text/javascript">



var option = { changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, gotoCurrent: false,yearRange:'-100:+10', dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd', onSelect:function(){





$(".dateRemover").click(function() {


return false;});




<include target="./common_footer.html" />


모바일 스킨

<load target="./../../../../common/js/jquery.min.js" usecdn="true" index="-1000000" />
<load target="./../../../../common/js/xe.min.js" usecdn="true" index="-1000000" />
<load target="css/msignup.css" usecdn="true" />
<load target="../../tpl/js/signup_check.js" />
<div class="bd">
<div class="hx h2">
<div cond="$XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE && $XE_VALIDATOR_ID == 'modules/member/m.skin/default/signup_form/1'" class="message {$XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE_TYPE}">
<form ruleset="@insertMember" id="fo_insert_member" class="ff" action="./" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="module" value="member" />
<input type="hidden" name="act" value="procMemberInsert" />
<input type="hidden" name="xe_validator_id" value="modules/member/m.skin/default/signup_form/1" />
<!--@if(!$is_logged && $member_config->agreement)-->
<div class="agreement">
<div class="text">
<div class="confirm">
<input type="checkbox" name="accept_agreement" value="Y" id="accept_agree" />
<label for="accept_agree">{$lang->about_accept_agreement}</label>
<label for="{$identifierForm->name}">{$identifierForm->title} <em style="color:red">*</em></label>
<input type="text"|cond="$identifierForm->name!='email_address'" type="email"|cond="$identifierForm->name=='email_address'" name="{$identifierForm->name}" id="{$identifierForm->name}" value="{$identifierForm->value}" />
<label for="password">{$lang->password} <em style="color:red">*</em></label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" value=""/>
<label for="password2">{$lang->password3} <em style="color:red">*</em></label>
<input type="password" name="password2" id="password2" value=""/>
<li loop="$formTags=>$formTag" cond="$formTag->name != 'signature'">
<label for="{$formTag->name}">{$formTag->title}</label>
<input type="radio" name="allow_mailing" id="mailingYes" value="Y" checked="checked"|cond="$member_info->allow_mailing == 'Y'" /> <label for="mailingYes">{$lang->cmd_yes}</label>
<input type="radio" name="allow_mailing" id="mailingNo" value="N" checked="checked"|cond="$member_info->allow_mailing != 'Y'" /> <label for="mailingNo">{$lang->cmd_no}</label>
<block loop="$lang->allow_message_type=>$key,$val">
<input type="radio" name="allow_message" value="{$key}" checked="checked"|cond="$member_info->allow_message == $key || (!$member_info && $key == 'Y')" id="allow_{$key}" /> <label for="allow_{$key}">{$val}</label>
<div class="bna">
<input type="submit" class="bn dark" value="{$lang->cmd_registration}" />

글쓴이 제목 최종 글
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나도한축 mysql 업데이트 관련해서요  
가나님 제로보드에서 로그인후 페이지 이동하는것..........  
김수진 쇼핑몰에서 물건구입할때요?  
Airif 간혹가다 PHP 오류가 납니다.  
이동희939 rss 표기와 제작 방법 문의  
제임쓰 위젯 사진스킨중에서 특정한것만 랜덤하게 출력하고 싶습니다.  
바사시 접속하면 게시판이처음부터 XE 기본스킨에있는 겔라리형으로 어떻하나요 [4] 2007.12.10 by leeple
yunpil.net 패치 오류..  
shopga 아이디 비밀번호 찾기 ㅠ  
류영우 회원가입폼 소스 변경 문의입니다. [1] 2007.12.10 by 익명
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조용기 설치시 db 선택후 xml 메세지  
유혹의 빛 회원 정보의 extra_vars를 가지고 오고 싶어요 [7] 2007.12.10 by 길치객
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이창훈785 게시판관련 질문입니다. [1] 2007.12.10 by 이창훈785
onam Rss 리더...  
정인철787 HTTP 403오류 해결 좀 해주세요!! [1] 2007.12.09 by ㄹㅔㄴㅏ
김지웅233 [폰트] 이 폰트 아시는 분 계세요? 급합니다,,  
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박진수693 답글시 에러가 납니다. You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''where no=''6275'''' at line 1  
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낭만홀리님 갤러리 팝업이 중복 됩니다.  
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호랑나비 DIV ? CSS? 하나의 블럭에 우선 순위를 줘서..맨위에 보이게 할수 있나요?... [1] 2020.03.14 by 호랑나비
이경훈297 외부페이지 너무 어렵습니다... 질문!!  
비나무 엮인글 발송 잘 되시나요?? [2] [1] 2007.12.09 by 비나무