
사정도 잘 모르면서 그동안 버젼을 다운 해가지고 설치해보자니 PHP에 새 버젼이 있으며 버젼을 제대로 작동하게 하려면 PHP 새버젼 에다 safe mode를 ON 해야 된다기데 제가 저의 호스팅기술자들에게 php 버젼을 최근 것으로 바꾸주시며 safe mode 를 On 해달라고 했더니 xe.1 4.5.10으로 유지된 모든 웹들이 다 깨지고 마네요.

그래서 다시 원상태로 복귀해달라고 했드니

 아래의 에러들이 뜹니다...  이것 하루에 거의 2-3000 드나드는 웹인데...  참 난처하네요...

해결책아시는 분 좀 도와주셨으면 하는 데... 제로보드프로그램이 호스팅서버에서는 모르는 프로그램이라 별로 도움 못받고 있읍니다.

웹을처음부터  새로 다시 설치해야 될 가요?

Strict Standards: Non-static method Context::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/youshi5/public_html/rokaf50.com/xe/index.php on line 47

Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/youshi5/public_html/rokaf50.com/xe/classes/context/Context.class.php on line 918

Strict Standards: Non-static method FileHandler::hasContent() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in/home/youshi5/public_html/rokaf50.com/xe/classes/context/Context.class.php on line 1250

Strict Standards: Non-static method FileHandler::hasContent() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in/home/youshi5/public_html/rokaf50.com/xe/classes/context/Context.class.php on line 1250

Strict Standards: Non-static method ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance() should not be called statically in/home/youshi5/public_html/rokaf50.com/xe/config/func.inc.php on line 84

Strict Standards: Non-static method ModuleHandler::getModulePath() should not be called statically in/home/youshi5/public_html/rokaf50.com/xe/classes/module/ModuleHandler.class.php on line 464

Strict Standards: Non-static method FileHandler::getRealPath() should not be called statically in/home/youshi5/public_html/rokaf50.com/xe/classes/module/ModuleHandler.class.php on line 465

Strict Standards: Non-static method FileHandler::getRealPath() should not be called statically in/home/youshi5/public_html/rokaf50.com/xe/classes/module/ModuleHandler.class.php on line 489

Strict Standards: Non-static method Context::getLang() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in/home/youshi5/public_html/rokaf50.com/xe/classes/object/Object.class.php on line 47

Strict Standards: Non-static method Context::getLang() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in/home/youshi5/public_html/rokaf50.com/xe/classes/object/Object.class.php on line 47

Strict Standards: Non-static method Context::loadLang() should not be called statically in/home/youshi5/public_html/rokaf50.com/xe/classes/module/ModuleHandler.class.php on line 502

Strict Standards: Non-static method Context::getInstance() should not be called statically in/home/youshi5/public_html/rokaf50.com/xe/classes/context/Context.class.php on line 431

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