
저는 xe 1.7.3 을 사용하고 있는데, 관리자 페이지 설정<일반 에서 언어선택이라던지, 모바일 체크를 하고 저장할 때 저장이 안되는데 이것은 config파일 경로에 문제가 있는 거라고 하는데 아직 초보라 무엇이 문제인지 잘 모르겠습니다. 고수님 좀 알려주세요.


config.php 소스입니다.



 * set the include of the class file and other environment configurations
 * @file   config/config.inc.php
 * @author NHN (developers@xpressengine.com)
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '<'))
 @error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED);
 @error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED ^ E_STRICT);


 * @deprecated __ZBXE__ will be removed. Use __XE__ instead.
define('__ZBXE__', __XE__);

 * Display XE's full version.
 * The version should be revised when releasing even if no change is made.

 * XE core's version name is designated development stage. Basically consist of 4 numbers. For example X.X.X.X.

 * First position number means 'major' update.
 * Second position number means 'minor' update.
 * Third position number '0, 1, 2, 3' means 'status' update.
 * Forth position number means 'patch' update.

 * Third position number for status display is consist of 0~3 numbers.
 * '0' means 'alpha' status.
 * '1' means 'beta' status.
 * '2' means 'release candidate' status.
 * '3' means 'final' status.
define('__XE_VERSION__', '');

 * @deprecated __ZBXE_VERSION__ will be removed. Use __XE_VERSION__ instead.
define('__ZBXE_VERSION__', __XE_VERSION__);

 * The base path to where you installed zbXE Wanted
define('_XE_PATH_', str_replace('config/config.inc.php', '', str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)));

// Set can use other method instead cookie to store session id(for file upload)
ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 0);

if(file_exists(_XE_PATH_ . 'config/package.inc.php'))
 require _XE_PATH_ . 'config/package.inc.php';
  * Package type
 define('_XE_PACKAGE_', 'XE');

  * Location
 define('_XE_LOCATION_', 'en');

  * Location site
 define('_XE_LOCATION_SITE_', 'http://www.xpressengine.org/');

  * Download server
 define('_XE_DOWNLOAD_SERVER_', 'http://en.download.xpressengine.org/');

 * user configuration files which override the default settings
 * save the following information into config/config.user.inc.php
 * <?php
 * define('__DEBUG__', 0);
 * define('__DEBUG_OUTPUT__', 0);
 * define('__DEBUG_PROTECT__', 1);
 * define('__DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__', '');
 * define('__DEBUG_DB_OUTPUT__', 0);
 * define('__LOG_SLOW_QUERY__', 0);
 * define('__OB_GZHANDLER_ENABLE__', 1);
 * define('__ENABLE_PHPUNIT_TEST__', 0);
 * define('__PROXY_SERVER__', 'http://domain:port/path');
 * define('__XE_CDN_PREFIX__', 'http://yourCdnDomain.com/path/');
 * define('__XE_CDN_VERSION__', 'yourCdnVersion');
if(file_exists(_XE_PATH_ . 'config/config.user.inc.php'))
 require _XE_PATH_ . 'config/config.user.inc.php';

  * output debug message(bit value)
  * <pre>
  * 0: generate debug messages/not display
  * 1: display messages through debugPrint() function
  * 2: output execute time, Request/Response info
  * 4: output DB query history
  * </pre>
 define('__DEBUG__', 0);

  * output location of debug message
  * <pre>
  * 0: connect to the files/_debug_message.php and output
  * 1: HTML output as a comment on the bottom (when response method is the HTML)
  * 2: Firebug console output (PHP 4 & 5. Firebug/FirePHP plug-in required)
  * </pre>
 define('__DEBUG_OUTPUT__', 0);

  * output comments of the firePHP console and browser
  * <pre>
  * 0: No limit (not recommended)
  * 1: Allow only specified IP addresses
  * </pre>
 define('__DEBUG_PROTECT__', 1);

  * Set a ip address to allow debug
 define('__DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__', '');

  * DB error message definition
  * <pre>
  * 0: No output
  * 1: files/_debug_db_query.php connected to the output
  * </pre>
 define('__DEBUG_DB_OUTPUT__', 0);

  * Query log for only timeout query among DB queries
  * <pre>
  * 0: Do not leave a log
  * = 0: leave a log when the slow query takes over specified seconds
  * Log file is saved as ./files/_db_slow_query.php file
  * </pre>
 define('__LOG_SLOW_QUERY__', 0);

  * Leave DB query information
  * <pre>
  * 0: Do not add information to the query
  * 1: Comment the XML Query ID
  * </pre>
 define('__DEBUG_QUERY__', 0);

  * option to enable/disable a compression feature using ob_gzhandler
  * <pre>
  * 0: Not used
  * 1: Enabled
  * Only particular servers may have a problem in IE browser when sending a compression
  * </pre>
 define('__OB_GZHANDLER_ENABLE__', 1);

  * decide to use/not use the php unit test (Path/tests/index.php)
  * <pre>
  * 0: Not used
  * 1: Enabled
  * </pre>
 define('__ENABLE_PHPUNIT_TEST__', 0);

  * __PROXY_SERVER__ has server information to request to the external through the target server
  * FileHandler:: getRemoteResource uses the constant
 define('__PROXY_SERVER__', NULL);

  * CDN prefix
 define('__XE_CDN_PREFIX__', 'http://static.xpressengine.com/core/');

  * CDN version
 define('__XE_CDN_VERSION__', 'treat');

// Require specific files when using Firebug console output
if((__DEBUG_OUTPUT__ == 2) && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '6.0.0') === -1)
 require _XE_PATH_ . 'libs/FirePHPCore/FirePHP.class.php';

// Set Timezone as server time
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0)

 // Require a function-defined-file for simple use
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'config/func.inc.php');

  define('__StartTime__', getMicroTime());

 // include the class files
 //TODO When _autoload() can be used for PHP5 based applications, it will be removed.
  define('__ClassLoadStartTime__', getMicroTime());
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/object/Object.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/extravar/Extravar.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/handler/Handler.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/xml/XmlParser.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/xml/XmlGenerator.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/xml/XmlJsFilter.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/xml/XmlLangParser.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/cache/CacheHandler.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/context/Context.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/db/DB.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/file/FileHandler.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/widget/WidgetHandler.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/editor/EditorHandler.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/module/ModuleObject.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/module/ModuleHandler.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/display/DisplayHandler.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/template/TemplateHandler.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/mail/Mail.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/page/PageHandler.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/mobile/Mobile.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/validator/Validator.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/frontendfile/FrontEndFileHandler.class.php');
 require(_XE_PATH_ . 'classes/security/Security.class.php');
  $GLOBALS['__elapsed_class_load__'] = getMicroTime() - __ClassLoadStartTime__;
/* End of file config.inc.php */
/* Location: ./config/config.inc.php */

글쓴이 제목 최종 글
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