다음 코드 중 무엇이 잘못된 걸까요?
2014.01.13 23:29
며칠쨰 끙끙대네요.
수동으로 호스팅 DB에 들어가서 레코드를 하나 만든 후에 update함수를 호출하면 update쿼리는 잘 먹는데요.
처음부터 인서트 하려고 하면 암만 해보 잘 안되네요. 뭐가 문제일까요? ㅜㅜ
참고로 채용모듈을 개조하고 있는 중입니다.
또한, 암만 생각해도, 쿼리구문은 제대로 만든것 같거든요.
ㅜㅜ 누가 좀 도와주세요.
* 불러오는 함수 중 일부
//if is a new comment_srl ,then insert the comment. Or update the comment
if($comment->comment_srl != $obj->comment_srl) {
$output = $oCommentController->insertComment($obj, $bAnonymous);
$comment_srl = $output->get('comment_srl');
$insert_extravars = $this->insertJudgeOpinion($comment_srl);
$msg = 'application_success_registed';
} else {
$obj->parent_srl = $comment->parent_srl;
$output = $oCommentController->updateComment($obj);
$comment_srl = $obj->comment_srl;
$update_extravars = $this->_updateApplicantExtraVars($comment_srl);
$msg = 'application_success_updated';
* Insert 함수
function insertJudgeOpinion($comment_srl) { $vars = Context::getRequestVars(); $args->comment_srl = $comment_srl; $args->module_srl = $this->module_srl; $args->applicant_name = '이동근'; //strval($vars->applicant_name); $args->result = strval($vars->result); $args->score1 = strval($vars->score1); $args->score2 = strval($vars->score2); $args->score3 = strval($vars->score3); $args->score4 = strval($vars->score4); $args->score5 = strval($vars->score5); $args->score6 = strval($vars->score6); $args->score7 = strval($vars->score7); $args->mention1 = $vars->mention1; $args->mention2 = $vars->mention2; $args->mention3 = strval($vars->mention3); $args->mention4 = strval($vars->mention4); $args->mention5 = strval($vars->mention5); $args->mention6 = strval($vars->mention6); $args->mention7 = strval($vars->mention7); $args->comprehensive = strval($vars->comprehensive); // $args->birth = date('YmdHis', strtotime($vars->birthday)); // $args->phone_no = $vars->phone_number; // $diff = abs(time()-strtotime($vars->birthday)); // $args->age = intval($diff / (365*60*60*24)); $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info'); if(!$logged_info) $args->member_srl = 0; else $args->member_srl = $logged_info->member_srl; $output = executeQuery('paper.insertJudgeOpinion', $args); return $output; if (!$output) { echo("Insert 성공"); } else { echo("Insert 실패"); } $connect = DB::getInstance(); $query = $connect->_query("INSERT INTO xe_paperrating (comment_srl, module_srl, member_srl, applicant_name, result, score1, score1) value ('123', '2333', '4', 'adsf', '10', $args->score1)"); $result = $connect->_fetch($query); return $result; /* // 직접 제어(XE 인서트 안먹으므로 직접 제어 // if (!$output) { require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/files/config/db.config.php"; // $conn = mysql_connect($db_info->master_db['db_hostname'],$db_info->master_db['db_userid'],$db_info->master_db['db_password'])or die(mysql_error()); // $selc = mysql_select_db($db_info->master_db['db_database'],$conn); $hostname = "localhost"; // $db_info->master_db['db_hostname']; $username = "kdfs2013"; // $db_info->master_db['db_userid']; $password = "daniel81"; // $db_info->master_db['db_password']; $dbname = "kdfs2013_godohosting_com"; // $db_info->master_db['db_database']; // $conn = mysqli_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die("MySQL Server 연결에 실패했습니다"); $connect = mysqli_connect($hostname, $username, $password, $dbname) or die("MySQL Server 연결에 실패했습니다"); mysqli_set_charset($connect, "utf8"); $q = "INSERT INTO xe_paperrating (comment_srl, module_srl, member_srl, applicant_name, result, score1, score1) value ('123', '2333', '4', 'adsf', '10', $args->score1)"; $r = mysqli_query($connect, $q); // mysql_close($connect); */ }
*update 함수
function _updateApplicantExtraVars($comment_srl) { if(!$comment_srl) return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request'); $vars = Context::getRequestVars(); $args->comment_srl = $comment_srl; $args->applicant_name = strval($vars->applicant_name); $args->result = strval($vars->result); $args->score1 = strval($vars->score1); $args->score2 = strval($vars->score2); $args->score3 = strval($vars->score3); $args->score4 = strval($vars->score4); $args->score5 = strval($vars->score5); $args->score6 = strval($vars->score6); $args->score7 = strval($vars->score7); $args->mention1 = strval($vars->mention1); $args->mention2 = strval($vars->mention2); $args->mention3 = strval($vars->mention3); $args->mention4 = strval($vars->mention4); $args->mention5 = strval($vars->mention5); $args->mention6 = strval($vars->mention6); $args->mention7 = strval($vars->mention7); $judgeoutput = executeQuery('paper.updateJudgeOpinion', $args); return $judgeoutput; }
아.. 그리고 혹시.. 권한 설정에 따라 insert문만 안 먹게 하는 경우가 가능한가요?
혹시 그런 문제가 있나요?