
Off Page SEO Techniques

2014.07.20 08:33


Off Page SEO techniques, so the webmaster and seo experts call. This technique is an integral part of On Page SEO techniques. The difference, if Techniques On Page SEO done on your body to build a website that is SEO Friendly website while Off Page SEO is an Jasa SEO Semarang technique that is done by planting links (backlinks) on various websites that aims to provide link juice. 

Generally, the most favored by the webmasters to embed backlinks consist of several types: 
Submit Articles to Social Bookmarks 
For this one we've provided some social bookmarking to promote our website, as most bloggers only knowledge of the outside makes social bookmarking a compulsory activity for them after doing an update post on their blog. Some of the popular social bookmarking including Digg, Pinterest, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Reddit and many others. 
Backlinks EDU & GOV 
You could say EDU & GOV Backlinks are the most popular embed backlinks. This is caused by the website with EDU and GOV domain is a good link providers Juice. 
Apart from being a place to promote a website, a forum is also the most effective place to get traffic, one way are we post comments on threads that people make and we leave the signature is given a link to our website, the thread should be in accordance with our blog and signature Niche given the keywords in the target to be optimized. 
linking Google+ 
G + is Google !!! Although this technique is still relatively new in the world of blogging but now Google Plus can you do to increase your blog visitors as well as the ranking of your blog. Google plus features like auto publish, vote +1, as well as blog comments associated with google plus benefits large enough for you. You can make Google Plus a media campaign, a source of visitors, as well as quality backlinks. 
Social Media 
Social media is no longer just a medium to share, discuss, and chat. Now we can make social media as a source of backlinks and traffic. Social media helps spread your posts to various places in the virtual world, and social media can help post indexed quickly. Social media is recommended google plus, twitter, pinterest, and facebook. 
And there are many more places to plant backlinks. 
In practice, some lay people who do backlinks in quite a difficulty with this technique so many of them are instilled with only 1 type of backlink anchor for example (Kos tembalang semarang). Keep in mind that the Goole really like natural backlinks that we need a keyword variations such as kos semarang murah, kos murah di semarang, kos murah daerah semarang, etc. to earned her natural backlinks from google.
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