묻고답하기에서 updateVotedCount 부분이며 
아래 빨간 포인트 부분에서 1로 되어 있는걸 3으로 바꿨는데요 추천하면 1포인트만 올라가는데요 
추천 시 3포인트를 받을 수 있는 방법이 없을까요??
아래글들의 내용은에서는 없네요.. 


function updateVotedCount($document_srl, $point = 3)
if($point > 0) $failed_voted = 'failed_voted';
else $failed_voted = 'failed_blamed';
// Return fail if session already has information about votes
return new Object(-1, $failed_voted);
// Get the original document
$oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
$oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl, false, false);
// Pass if the author's IP address is as same as visitor's.
if($oDocument->get('ipaddress') == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])
$_SESSION['voted_document'][$document_srl] = true;
return new Object(-1, $failed_voted);

// Create a member model object
$oMemberModel = getModel('member');
$member_srl = $oMemberModel->getLoggedMemberSrl();

// Check if document's author is a member.
// Pass after registering a session if author's information is same as the currently logged-in user's.
if($member_srl && $member_srl == $oDocument->get('member_srl'))
$_SESSION['voted_document'][$document_srl] = true;
return new Object(-1, $failed_voted);

// Use member_srl for logged-in members and IP address for non-members.
$args = new stdClass;
$args->member_srl = $member_srl;
$args->ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$args->document_srl = $document_srl;
$output = executeQuery('document.getDocumentVotedLogInfo', $args);
// Pass after registering a session if log information has vote-up logs
$_SESSION['voted_document'][$document_srl] = true;
return new Object(-1, $failed_voted);

// begin transaction
$oDB = DB::getInstance();

// Update the voted count
if($point < 0)
$args->blamed_count = $oDocument->get('blamed_count') + $point;
$output = executeQuery('document.updateBlamedCount', $args);
$args->voted_count = $oDocument->get('voted_count') + $point;
$output = executeQuery('document.updateVotedCount', $args);
if(!$output->toBool()) return $output;
// Leave logs
$args->point = $point;
$output = executeQuery('document.insertDocumentVotedLog', $args);
if(!$output->toBool()) return $output;

$obj = new stdClass;
$obj->member_srl = $oDocument->get('member_srl');
$obj->module_srl = $oDocument->get('module_srl');
$obj->document_srl = $oDocument->get('document_srl');
$obj->update_target = ($point < 0) ? 'blamed_count' : 'voted_count';
$obj->point = $point;
$obj->before_point = ($point < 0) ? $oDocument->get('blamed_count') : $oDocument->get('voted_count');
$obj->after_point = ($point < 0) ? $args->blamed_count : $args->voted_count;
$trigger_output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('document.updateVotedCount', 'after', $obj);
return $trigger_output;


$oCacheHandler = CacheHandler::getInstance('object');
//remove document item from cache
$cache_key = 'document_item:'. getNumberingPath($document_srl) . $document_srl;

// Leave in the session information
$_SESSION['voted_document'][$document_srl] = true;

// Return result
if($point > 0)
return new Object(0, 'success_voted');
return new Object(0, 'success_blamed');
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