
간단하게 워터마크를 찍을려고 하는대

회원정보를 받아서 찍을려고 합니다.그런대 DB에서 받으면 그냥은 보이지만 CTRl+C,CTRl+V할 경우 찍힌 원터마크가 안보이내요.

Program: watermark-text.php
Copyright (c) 2008 sonosini All rights reserved.
Do not remove this notice
- 사용법 -
<img src='maketext.php?photo=1.jpg'>



   $font_size_auto = true;                        
   $font_size ='40';                               
   $color = '#ffffff';                            
   $drop_shadow = true;                            
   $shadow_color = '#606060';                     
   $font = 'malgunbd.ttf';                           
   $transparency =90;                             
   $logo_location = 'center';                     
   $SourceImage = $_GET['photo'];
   $id = get_text($member[mb_id]);
   $WaterMarkText = $id;


   $img_name_right = sizeof($img_name) - 1;
   //$WaterMarkedImage =$img_name[0].'_marked.'.$img_name[1];//$this_skin.'/watermark_temp/'.$img_name[0].'_marked.'.$img_name[1];

   list($width, $height) = getimagesize($SourceImage);
   $image_ct = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
   if($img_name[1] == "gif")  $image = imagecreatefromgif($SourceImage);
   if($img_name[1] == "jpg" or $img_name[1] == "jpeg") $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($SourceImage); 
   if($img_name[1] == "png")  $image = imagecreatefrompng($SourceImage); 
   if (!$image) die();

   imagecopyresampled($image_ct, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width, $height);
   $color = sscanf($color, '#%2x%2x%2x');
   $color_r = $color[0];
   $color_g = $color[1];
   $color_b = $color[2];
   if ($font_size_auto) {
        if ($font_size == ''){
          if ($width <= '150px') $font_size = 0;
          elseif ($width <= '250px') $font_size = 9;
          elseif ($width <= '450px') $font_size = 10;
          elseif ($width <= '550px') $font_size = 11;
          elseif ($width <= '650px') $font_size = 12;
          elseif ($width <= '750px') $font_size = 14;
          elseif ($width <= '850px') $font_size = 15;
          elseif ($width <= '980px') $font_size = 16;
          else $font_size = 17;

   $WaterMarkText= iconv("EUC-KR","UTF-8" ,$WaterMarkText);
   $ttfsize = imagettfbbox($font_size, $angle, $font, $WaterMarkText);
   $ttfx = $offset_x + max($ttfsize[0],$ttfsize[2],$ttfsize[4],$ttfsize[6]);
   $ttfx1 = $offset_x1 + max($ttfsize[0],$ttfsize[2],$ttfsize[4],$ttfsize[6]);
   $ttfx2 = $offset_x2 + max($ttfsize[0],$ttfsize[2],$ttfsize[4],$ttfsize[6]);
   $ttfy = $offset_y + max($ttfsize[1],$ttfsize[3],$ttfsize[5],$ttfsize[7]);

   if ($logo_location == 'top_l') {$x=4; $y=$ttfy + 11; $s_x=5; $s_y=$ttfy + 12;}
   if ($logo_location == 'top_r') {$x=$width - $ttfx - 4; $y=$ttfy + 11; $s_x=$width - $ttfx - 5; $s_y=$ttfy + 12;}
   if ($logo_location == 'center') {$x=($width - $ttfx - 2)/2; $y=($height - $ttfy - 2)/2; $s_x=($width - $ttfx - 3)/2; $s_y=($height - $ttfy - 3)/2;}
   if ($logo_location == 'center') {$x1=($width - $ttfx1 - 2)/2; $y=($height - $ttfy - 2)/2; $s_x1=($width - $ttfx1 - 3)/2; $s_y=($height - $ttfy - 3)/2;}
   if ($logo_location == 'center') {$x2=($width - $ttfx2 - 2)/2; $y=($height - $ttfy - 2)/2; $s_x2=($width - $ttfx2 - 3)/2; $s_y=($height - $ttfy - 3)/2;}
   if ($logo_location == 'bottom_l') {$x= 2; $y=$height - $ttfy - 2; $s_x= 3; $s_y=$height - $ttfy - 3;}
   if ($logo_location == 'bottom_r') {$x=$width - $ttfx - 2; $y=$height - $ttfy - 2; $s_x=$width - $ttfx -3; $s_y=$height - $ttfy - 3;}

   if ($drop_shadow) {
      $scolor = sscanf($shadow_color, '#%2x%2x%2x');
      $scolor_r = $scolor[0];
      $scolor_g = $scolor[1];
      $scolor_b = $scolor[2];
   $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_ct, $scolor_r, $scolor_g, $scolor_b, $transparency);

  for($i=$font_size+280; $i<=$height-$font_size-50; $i+=$font_size+160) {
 $text_pos_y = $i;
  imagettftext($image_ct, $font_size,$angle,$x,$text_pos_y, $color, $font, $WaterMarkText);
  imagettftext($image_ct, $font_size,$angle,$x1,$text_pos_y, $color, $font, $WaterMarkText);
  imagettftext($image_ct, $font_size,$angle,$x2,$text_pos_y, $color, $font, $WaterMarkText);
   $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_ct, $color_r, $color_g, $color_b, $transparency);
   imagettftext($image_ct, $font_size,$angle,$s_x,$s_y, $color, $font, $WaterMarkText);

   if($img_name[1] == "gif") header("Content-Type: image/gif"); 
   if($img_name[1] == "jpg" or $img_name[1] == "jpeg") header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
   if($img_name[1] == "png") header("Content-Type: image/png");
   imagejpeg ($image_ct, null, $quality);




저기서 $WaterMarkText = $id;부분이 가지고오는것대

$WaterMarkText = 'test'라고 하면 또 보입니다.


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