
종교단체 홈페이지로 접속수도 많지 않은 홈페이지 입니다.

그런데 몇일전 접속이 차단당해서 연락을 취해보니 cpu과다 사용으로 차단을 당한것 같습니다.

문제파일이 xe/index.php 라고 하는것 같습니다.

차단은 일단 풀었는데 어떤 문제가 있는지 알길이 없어 도움을 청합니다.

아래는 호스팅업체에서 받은 메일을 내용과 몇일전 갑자기 증가한 접속 http 트레픽입니다.

이것이 혹시 디도스 공격같은것인가요? 아니면 정말 index.php에 문제가 있는것인가요?


그리고 xe 폴더안에 core 시작하는 파일이 접속량이 늘때부터 마구 생겨 나기 시작했습니다.

일단 cpu가 계속 100%를 찍고 있어서 XE를 xe_ 로 바꾸어 보았는데 지금은 10%만 사용하고 있는것 같습니다.




Thank you for contacting us. I have checked the problem and I could see that the following scripts caused extremely high processing in the server, which made the server unstable. You can find the details below:

thomasmp  866386 10.3  0.1 247052 24092 ?        RN   18:42   0:00 /usr/bin/php /home/thomasmp/public_html/xe/index.php
thomasmp  866394 12.0  0.1 245516 22432 ?        RN   18:42   0:00 /usr/bin/php /home/thomasmp/public_html/xe/index.php
thomasmp  866399 24.0  0.5 228848 69636 ?        RN   18:42   0:00 /usr/bin/php /home/thomasmp/public_html/xe/index.php
thomasmp  866422  0.0  0.1 238360 14028 ?        RN   18:42   0:00 /usr/bin/php /home/thomasmp/public_html/xe/index.php


To keep the server stable we were forced to suspend your account from the server.

Here are some recommendation to reduce the resource usage.

- Your scripts are not upgraded: you may have not upgraded your scripts yet, as older versions of the scripts can
have bugs in them that would cause high CPU and Memory usage.

- Your scripts are configured incorrectly: you might need to check your scripts` configuration for any tweaks
of settings available that might influence the usage, as a single wrong setting might do a whole lot of harm.

- Your add-ons are misbehaving: some add-ons might cause high load because they were badly written. You might consider
disabling them or finding alternatives for some add-ons. In the usage mitigation process you may want to disable
all your add-ons that do not affect the very basic functionality of your website.
After your account?s usage was stabilized we may begin enabling them one by one and identify the problematic one.

- You might need caching: a caching plugin will help in most cases as it will serve pre-generated html pages instead
of using the resource intensive PHP scripts to generate the same page over and over again for different visitors of the site.(for WP ? WP super cache).

- Robots are indexing your website, you may want o use a robots.txt file in order to manage this process. More information about it at:http://www.robotstxt.org/ .

- You should, also, audit your crons if any and optimize / (re)set them accordingly to reduce the usage

- Your account might be exploited: using a badly written extension / plug-in or an old / not recently
update CMS(Content Management System)(like Joomla, WP etc), the hackers or the script-kiddies can find their way to your
files(and system?s resources) endangering the entire shared environment.

please let us know what measures are you taking to avoid this in future before activating the account.

If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us, We are always happy to assist you.






글쓴이 제목 최종 글
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