
board.contraller.php에서 anymouse를 수정하면 된다고 해서 바꿨는데 안 되더라고요.....


--- 아래는 파일의 소스 코드입니다 ---


/* Copyright (C) NAVER <http://www.navercorp.com> */

 * @class  boardController
 * @author NAVER (developers@xpressengine.com)
 * @brief  board module Controller class

class boardController extends board

     * @brief initialization
    function init()

     * @brief insert document
    function procBoardInsertDocument()
        // check grant
        if($this->module_info->module != "board")
            return new Object(-1, "msg_invalid_request");
            return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
        $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');

        // setup variables
        $obj = Context::getRequestVars();
        $obj->module_srl = $this->module_srl;
        if($obj->is_notice!='Y'||!$this->grant->manager) $obj->is_notice = 'N';
        $obj->commentStatus = $obj->comment_status;

        settype($obj->title, "string");
        if($obj->title == '') $obj->title = cut_str(trim(strip_tags(nl2br($obj->content))),20,'...');
        //setup dpcument title tp 'Untitled'
        if($obj->title == '') $obj->title = 'Untitled';

        // unset document style if the user is not the document manager

        // generate document module model object
        $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');

        // generate document module의 controller object
        $oDocumentController = getController('document');

        // check if the document is existed
        $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($obj->document_srl, $this->grant->manager);

        // update the document if it is existed
        $is_update = false;
        if($oDocument->isExists() && $oDocument->document_srl == $obj->document_srl)
            $is_update = true;

        // if use anonymous is true
        if($this->module_info->use_anonymous == 'Y')
            $this->module_info->admin_mail = '';
            $obj->notify_message = 'N';
                $obj->member_srl = -1*$logged_info->member_srl;
            $obj->email_address = $obj->homepage = $obj->user_id = '';
            $obj->user_name = $obj->nick_name = '소녀';
            $bAnonymous = true;
                $oDocument->add('member_srl', $obj->member_srl);
            $bAnonymous = false;

        if($obj->is_secret == 'Y' || strtoupper($obj->status == 'SECRET'))
            $use_status = explode('|@|', $this->module_info->use_status);
            if(!is_array($use_status) || !in_array('SECRET', $use_status))
                $obj->status = 'PUBLIC';

        // update the document if it is existed
                return new Object(-1,'msg_not_permitted');

            if($this->module_info->protect_content=="Y" && $oDocument->get('comment_count')>0 && $this->grant->manager==false)
                return new Object(-1,'msg_protect_content');

                // notice & document style same as before if not manager
                $obj->is_notice = $oDocument->get('is_notice');
                $obj->title_color = $oDocument->get('title_color');
                $obj->title_bold = $oDocument->get('title_bold');
            // modify list_order if document status is temp
            if($oDocument->get('status') == 'TEMP')
                $obj->last_update = $obj->regdate = date('YmdHis');
                $obj->update_order = $obj->list_order = (getNextSequence() * -1);

            $output = $oDocumentController->updateDocument($oDocument, $obj);
            $msg_code = 'success_updated';

        // insert a new document otherwise
        } else {
            $output = $oDocumentController->insertDocument($obj, $bAnonymous);
            $msg_code = 'success_registed';
            $obj->document_srl = $output->get('document_srl');

            // send an email to admin user
            if($output->toBool() && $this->module_info->admin_mail)
                $oMail = new Mail();
                $oMail->setContent( sprintf("From : <a href=\"%s\">%s</a><br/>\r\n%s", getFullUrl('','document_srl',$obj->document_srl), getFullUrl('','document_srl',$obj->document_srl), $obj->content));
                $oMail->setSender($obj->user_name, $obj->email_address);

                $target_mail = explode(',',$this->module_info->admin_mail);
                    $email_address = trim($target_mail[$i]);
                    if(!$email_address) continue;
                    $oMail->setReceiptor($email_address, $email_address);

        // if there is an error
            return $output;

        // return the results
        $this->add('mid', Context::get('mid'));
        $this->add('document_srl', $output->get('document_srl'));

        // alert a message

     * @brief delete the document
    function procBoardDeleteDocument()
        // get the document_srl
        $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');

        // if the document is not existed
            return $this->doError('msg_invalid_document');

        $oDocumentModel = &getModel('document');
        $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl);
        // check protect content
        if($this->module_info->protect_content=="Y" && $oDocument->get('comment_count')>0 && $this->grant->manager==false)
            return new Object(-1, 'msg_protect_content');

        // generate document module controller object
        $oDocumentController = getController('document');

        // delete the document
        $output = $oDocumentController->deleteDocument($document_srl, $this->grant->manager);
            return $output;

        // alert an message
        $this->add('mid', Context::get('mid'));
        $this->add('page', $output->get('page'));

     * @brief vote
    function procBoardVoteDocument()
        // generate document module controller object
        $oDocumentController = getController('document');

        $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');
        return $oDocumentController->updateVotedCount($document_srl);

     * @brief insert comments
    function procBoardInsertComment()
        // check grant
            return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
        $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');

        // get the relevant data for inserting comment
        $obj = Context::getRequestVars();
        $obj->module_srl = $this->module_srl;

        if(!$this->module_info->use_status) $this->module_info->use_status = 'PUBLIC';
            $this->module_info->use_status = explode('|@|', $this->module_info->use_status);

        if(in_array('SECRET', $this->module_info->use_status))
            $this->module_info->secret = 'Y';
            $this->module_info->secret = 'N';

        // check if the doument is existed
        $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
        $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($obj->document_srl);
            return new Object(-1,'msg_not_founded');

        // For anonymous use, remove writer's information and notifying information
        if($this->module_info->use_anonymous == 'Y')
            $this->module_info->admin_mail = '';
            $obj->notify_message = 'N';
            $obj->member_srl = -1*$logged_info->member_srl;
            $obj->email_address = $obj->homepage = $obj->user_id = '';
            $obj->user_name = $obj->nick_name = '소녀';
            $bAnonymous = true;
            $bAnonymous = false;

        // generate comment  module model object
        $oCommentModel = getModel('comment');

        // generate comment module controller object
        $oCommentController = getController('comment');

        // check the comment is existed
        // if the comment is not existed, then generate a new sequence
            $obj->comment_srl = getNextSequence();
        } else {
            $comment = $oCommentModel->getComment($obj->comment_srl, $this->grant->manager);

        // if comment_srl is not existed, then insert the comment
        if($comment->comment_srl != $obj->comment_srl)

            // parent_srl is existed
                $parent_comment = $oCommentModel->getComment($obj->parent_srl);
                    return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');

                $output = $oCommentController->insertComment($obj, $bAnonymous);

            // parent_srl is not existed
            } else {
                $output = $oCommentController->insertComment($obj, $bAnonymous);
        // update the comment if it is not existed
        } else {
            // check the grant
                return new Object(-1,'msg_not_permitted');

            $obj->parent_srl = $comment->parent_srl;
            $output = $oCommentController->updateComment($obj, $this->grant->manager);
            $comment_srl = $obj->comment_srl;

            return $output;

        $this->add('mid', Context::get('mid'));
        $this->add('document_srl', $obj->document_srl);
        $this->add('comment_srl', $obj->comment_srl);

     * @brief delete the comment
    function procBoardDeleteComment()
        // get the comment_srl
        $comment_srl = Context::get('comment_srl');
            return $this->doError('msg_invalid_request');

        // generate comment  controller object
        $oCommentController = getController('comment');

        $output = $oCommentController->deleteComment($comment_srl, $this->grant->manager);
            return $output;

        $this->add('mid', Context::get('mid'));
        $this->add('page', Context::get('page'));
        $this->add('document_srl', $output->get('document_srl'));

     * @brief delete the tracjback
    function procBoardDeleteTrackback()
        $trackback_srl = Context::get('trackback_srl');

        // generate trackback module controller object
        $oTrackbackController = getController('trackback');

        if(!$oTrackbackController) return;

        $output = $oTrackbackController->deleteTrackback($trackback_srl, $this->grant->manager);
            return $output;

        $this->add('mid', Context::get('mid'));
        $this->add('page', Context::get('page'));
        $this->add('document_srl', $output->get('document_srl'));

     * @brief check the password for document and comment
    function procBoardVerificationPassword()
        // get the id number of the document and the comment
        $password = Context::get('password');
        $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');
        $comment_srl = Context::get('comment_srl');

        $oMemberModel = getModel('member');

        // if the comment exists
            // get the comment information
            $oCommentModel = getModel('comment');
            $oComment = $oCommentModel->getComment($comment_srl);
                return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');

            // compare the comment password and the user input password
                return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_password');

        } else {
             // get the document information
            $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
            $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl);
                return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');

            // compare the document password and the user input password
                return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_password');


     * @brief the trigger for displaying 'view document' link when click the user ID
    function triggerMemberMenu(&$obj)
        $member_srl = Context::get('target_srl');
        $mid = Context::get('cur_mid');

        if(!$member_srl || !$mid)
            return new Object();

        $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');

        // get the module information
        $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
        $columnList = array('module');
        $cur_module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByMid($mid, 0, $columnList);

        if($cur_module_info->module != 'board')
            return new Object();

        // get the member information
        if($member_srl == $logged_info->member_srl)
            $member_info = $logged_info;
        } else {
            $oMemberModel = getModel('member');
            $member_info = $oMemberModel->getMemberInfoByMemberSrl($member_srl);

            return new Object();

        $url = getUrl('','mid',$mid,'search_target','nick_name','search_keyword',$member_info->nick_name);
        $oMemberController = getController('member');
        $oMemberController->addMemberPopupMenu($url, 'cmd_view_own_document', '');

        return new Object();


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