
github : https://github.com/CodepadME/laravel-tricks


1. github에서 소스 다운로드

git clone https://github.com/CodepadME/laravel-tricks

2. 설치안내에 따라 설치


The Laravel-Tricks website requires a server with PHP 5.4+ that has the MCrypt extension installed.

The database engine that is used to store data for this application could be any of the engines supported by Laravel: MySQL, Postgres, SQLite and SQL Server.

Quick Start and Installation

To get started and start making something of your own using this repository as a base: download this repository, create an empty database that this application will use, configure a few settings in the app/config folder and enjoy!


  • Open up app/config/database.php and configure connection settings for your database.
  • Configure hostname in bootstrap/start.php file to match your machine's hostname:

    $env = $app->detectEnvironment(array(
        'local' => array('your-machine-name'), // Edit this line
  • If you want to use Github OAuth for login and registration, make sure to create a Github application first and provide its client ID and client secret to the config in app/config/social.php. Also make sure you're using http://<your-site.com>/login/github for Authorization callback URL

After this simple configuration you can populate the database by running a couple commands shown below.


CD into the directory of this project and run the following three commands:

  1. composer install
  2. php artisan migrate
  3. php artisan db:seed

This will install all Composer dependencies, create the database structure and populate the database with some sample data so that you could see this project in action.


3. 설치후 디버그 옵션주고 http://tricks.qnotes.co.kr 접속


4. .htaccess : ExpiresActive not allowed here 에러 발생으로 접속 안되어서 저부분 삭제

5. 사이트는 접속이 되었으나 디버그 옵션을 준 상태라 아주 예쁜 디자인의 친절한 에러페이지 표시

redis 관련 에러였습니다.



두 사이트의 설명대로 redis부분만 따라하니 에러제거 후 사이트 원활히 작동되었습니다.



설치후 composer의 위력을 느끼게 되더군요.

마치 온라인 주문해서 배송 받는 느낌? 그런 느낌이었습니다.



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