
아래 경로에서 확인가능합니다.





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    <h3><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i> Data Acquisition System with HPGe sensors for Atomic & High Energy physics </h3>
    <div class="box_left">
        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr1.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://www.caen.it/" target="_blank">www.caen.it</a></p>
            <li>Multi channel/High voltage power supply</li>
            <li>VME/VXI/NIM/CAMAC modules</li>
            <li>VME, NIM,VXI crate</li>
    <div class="box_left">
        <h4>BSI Instruments</h4>
        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr2.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://www.bsi.lv" target="_blank">www.bsi.lv</a></p>
        <p>Development and production of Si, HPGe, CdZnTe/CdTe semiconductor detectors and spectrometric devices on their basis</p>
            <li>XRF Analyzers</li>
            <li>Si Detectors & Spectrometers</li>
            <li>CdZnTe/CdTe Detectors & </li>
        <h5>associated Electronics</h5>
            <li>NaI spectrometer</li>
            <li>Infrared Detectors</li>
            <li>Neutron Search Detector </li>
            <li>Radiation Portal Monitors</li>
            <li>Cryostats & vacuum chambers</li>
            <li>Metal parts fabrication</li>
    <div class="box_left">
        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr3.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://www.caenels.com/">www.caenels.com</a></p>
        <p>CAENels products are specially developed in order to match the demanding requirements of the particle accelerator facilities community - i.e. synchrotron and FELs - in order to give to both beamline scientists and machine physicists or engineer the best solution to their needs.</p>
            <li>Power Supply System</li>
            <li>Precision Current Transducers</li>
            <li>Beamline Electronic </li>
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    <h3><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i>Modelling & Simulation Software </h3>
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        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr4.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://www.iabg.de/" target="_blank">www.iabg.de</a></p>
            <li>Army Combat Simulation(FIT/HORUS)</li>
            <li>Anti-ship Missile Defense Simulation(SPOT)</li>
            <li>Vulnerability Analysis</li>
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    <h3><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i>Measurement/Analysis for Under Water Acoustic/Magnetic Signature </h3>
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        <h4>High Tech Inc.</h4>
        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr5.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://home.att.net/~hightechinc" target="_blank">home.att.net</a></p>
            <li>Army Combat Simulation(FIT/HORUS)</li>
            <li>Anti-ship Missile Defense Simulation(SPOT)</li>
            <li>Vulnerability Analysis</li>
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        <h4>STL Squid Electronics</h4>
        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr6.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://www.stl-gmbh.de" target="_blank">www.stl-gmbh.de</a></p>
            <li>Digital Flux Gate Magnetometer(DFM)</li>
            <li>Electric/Magnetic field Measurement System in underwater (EMMS)</li>
            <li>Magnetic Field Simulator & Multi-channel Sensor System</li>
            <li>Automatic Magnetic field controller with HHC</li>

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    <h3><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i>RCS/ EMI/ EMC analysis and measurement </h3>
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        <h4>IDS-Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.P.A.</h4>
        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr7.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://www.idscorporation.com" target="_blank">www.idscorporation.com</a></p>
            <li> EMI/EMC/RCS/IR Signature Analysis for Naval Vessel(ship EDF) </li>
            <li> RCS Measurement using planner scanner(OSCAR) </li>
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        <h4>Fischer Costuem Communication</h4>
        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr8.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://www.fischercc.com/" target="_blank">www.fischercc.com</a></p>
            <li>EMP simulator</li>
            <li>Pulse Current Injection test equipment(PCI)</li>
    <div class="box_left">
        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr9.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://www.fiso.com/" target="_blank">www.fiso.com</a></p>
        <p>Development and manufacture of fiber optic sensors and signal conditioners</p>
        <p>Fiber optic catheter-tip pressure sensor
            Fiber optic temperature probe patient temperature monitoring in MRI (FISO's temperature sensor in FDA approved device)</p>
        <h5>Research laboratories:</h5>
            <li>induced current measurement for HERO/RADHAZ testing of EED devices</li>
            <li>temperature and pressure monitoring for remediation or bioremediation</li>
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        <h4>PPM Test</h4>
        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr10.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://ppmtest.com/" target="_blank">www.ppmtest.com</a></p>
        <p>PPM Test: Manufacture and distribution of specialist test equipment, including intelligent RF over fibre links and high voltage probes.</p>
            <li>EMC/EMP Test</li>
            <li>RF over fibre</li>
            <li>Signal generation</li>
            <li>Electric field (D-Dot) Sensors</li>
            <li>Magnetic Field (B-Dot) Sensors</li>
            <li>Passive Integrators</li>
            <li>Voltage probes</li>

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    <h3><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i>Motion Control Component & Electro Optic Tracking System</h3>
    <div class="box_left">
        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr11.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://www.pvpaeo.com/" target="_blank">www.pvpaeo.com</a></p>
            <li>Military specification light weight/high speed Pan&Tilt</li>
            <li>Environmental enclosed Camera</li>
            <li>Periscope for Stryker</li>
    <div class="box_left">
        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr12.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://www.calnetix.com/" target="_blank">www.calnetix.com</a></p>
            <li>Very High Speed Motor/Generator</li>
            <li>Magnetic Bearing</li>
    <p class="clearBoth"></p>
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        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr13.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://www.computerconversions.com/" target="_blank">www.computerconversions.com</a></p>
            <li>Position sensor with converter, SDC/RDC</li>
            <li>Position Indicator</li>
    <div class="box_left">
        <p><img src="/common/img/bnr14.gif" width="236" height="69" /></p>
        <p>Homepage : <a href="http://www.netzerprecision.com/" target="_blank">www.netzerprecision.com</a></p>
        <p>PPM Test: Manufacture and distribution of specialist test equipment, including intelligent RF over fibre links and high voltage probes.</p>
            <li>Position sensor</li>
            <li>absolute encoders</li>


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